3 words - j.jh & k.dy

13 1 0

I hate you.

Years have passed and yet the anger I feel towards you still remains.


"Wait babe, I can explain..." Jaehyun spoke while standing up.

"Explain what? That you've been cheating on me with my bestfriend? You're unbelievable." I cried out loud, raging with anger.

"Fuck, I WAS DRUNK." He yelled back, defending himself.

"Sober enough to hide it from me, I suppose?"

Jaehyun was stunned. He couldn't reply anymore.

"Well I-"

"Fuck off, we're done."

Jaehyun was shook. He never intended for this to happen but he chose this path. He chose to cheat on me.

A Few Years After The Breakup.

I took a few sips from my morning coffee and was rushing when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Shit, my bad. Here let me help you." I offered to the person I bumped into but was ignored. Wow.

"Still into me? I mean who wouldn't. But to be honest, it's quite pathetic." He spoke with a smug look plastered on his face. Of course, Jung Jaehyun.

"In your fucking dreams."

"Getting defensive, are we now?" He smirked, while I only laughed, hysterically.

"3 words are what you deserve darling."

"I love you?" He looked so proud of himself but that soon stopped when I spoke.

"I hate you." I spoke, smiling. He was quite taken aback.

"Uhuh okay, why are you even here?"

"Waiting for my fiancé."

"Yeah Right... Waiting for your janitor fiancé? Pathetic much."

"Actually CEO." A cough was heard before someone spoke. It was doyoung, My Fiancé.

"Yo... Doyoung?"

"You were saying, Jae?"

"Nothing doy..."

Yeah sure

"But It sounded like you were badmouthing my girl a minute ago?"

"I swear, I said nothing."

"Better be, we'll go ahead."

Doyoung spoke as he took your hands and led you to his car. He opened the door for you before getting in himself. He then started the engine but before driving he suddenly spoke.

"Tell me, what'd he do this time?"

"Badmouthed me but nothing more. Don't worry, I don't care anymore. As long as you're not mad at me, fuck what everyone thinks."

He caressed your hands while placing a peck on them. He stared at you with such loving eyes.

"Right so how about we lighten the mood and go out on a date? My treat."

"It's always your treat. Why not let me treat you this time?"

"Because I want to spoil my girl with what she deserves. Now keep your money and just sit pretty for me, alright?"

"I fucking love you."

"Love you too, dear."

Kinda changed most of the scenarios from the first book but aye, I'm rewriting this anyways so fuck it 🫡

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Kinda changed most of the scenarios from the first book but aye, I'm rewriting this anyways so fuck it 🫡

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