Try Again - j.jh

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7 months had passed. The day where me and Jaehyun broke up over the stupidest misunderstanding ever.

It was a really big loss.

Flashback [7 months ago]

"Babe, I have to go. I need to take care of things."

"Text me..."

"Will do."

Jaehyun nodded and placed a peck on my forehead before I went out.

Actually the "thing" I had to do was to help my cousin, Sicheng move in here in Seoul. Because his Korean wasn't that good, My mother asked if I could assist him in the meantime. I, of course accepted the offer since I'm the best cousin to ever exist. But also because I love Sicheng. He's the best cousin too. And we haven't seen each other since I left china.

I went to the airport and waited for Sicheng's airplane to arrive. A few hours later, I saw Sicheng with his bags, so I immediately greeted and helped him.

"Oh my gosh, DONG SICHENG. Is that really you???"

I embraced him into a tight hug and people were literally staring at us. But honestly, I don't give a shit.

"Aww I missed you too."

Jaehyun's POV:

I went to the mall to buy my mother a gift. These days, she's always talking about how she wanted a Chanel purse. And so, as the good son that I am, I'll be treating my dear mother like she deserves.

While strolling around the mall, I suddenly saw a familiar face. What the fuck? Is that my girlfriend? Isn't she supposed to be busy?

I hid from them. Who was she kidding? Busy with what? Hanging out with some other boy?

What makes it more unacceptable is that I don't know the boy.

Sid's POV:

As we were strolling through the mall, Sicheng was checking out shoes. I suddenly saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"Oh, Jaehyun?" I ran towards him.

"Sid, Wait Up! Where are you going?" Sicheng caught up to me.

"Baby? Tsk."

I was confused. Why was he suddenly all grumpy- Oh, Sicheng.

"Ah... Jae, he's my-"

"Another boyfriend of yours?"

I was taken aback. What's with him? Is he trying to cause a scene in public?

"Sicheng, go check out your stuffs first. I'll be there."

Sicheng nodded and went off with his cart.

"Busy huh?"

"Don't make a fucking scene"

"Oh I will cause a fucking scene if I want to."

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