late nights - l.dh

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I was fidgeting with my hands to sleep. I knew I should've just gotten milk instead of coffee earlier.

I faced the other way, seeing a haechan sleeping peacefully. I envy heavy sleepers so much.

Since I didn't want to interrupt his sleep, I decided to face the other way again and tried to fall asleep again.

For heaven's sake, why can't I sleep? I'm never drinking coffee at night ever again.

"This is so annoying and irritating." I mumbled.

I was about to get off the bed when I felt a hand stop me. Haechan woke up, poor bb.

"Dear, where are you going? Why aren't you asleep?"

He grabs me by the waist as he places me on his lap.

"I should've listened to you. That darn coffee. Now I'm having trouble sleeping"

"My poor baby, do you wanna go out?"

"But it's late?"

"I know you're hungry"

"Aw, I love you."

"Love you too, now go get a jacket or something. I don't want my princess to get sick."

After a while, we went to the city. Despite it being late, the city is still pretty busy. We then stopped at a convenience store.

"What do you want, dear?"

"Banana milk and onigiri."

"Alright, one banana milk and onigiri coming right up, for my girl."

We walked to the counter to buy the items we picked out. While doing so, the cashier was looking at haechan in a flirty manner. I was holding back but I wanted to bite her ankles.

"What a nice brother you are for treating your sister.." the cashier suddenly comments which made me mad.


"Sorry miss, but he's actually my BOYFRIEND." I replied, emphasizing "boyfriend". I had this irritated look on my face.

"Oh um, my bad." The cashier looked down, avoiding eye contact.

We both then went to a seat. While haechan was preparing our food, I was glaring at the cashier, nonstop. Haechan seemed to notice and softly chuckled.

"Dear, if you keep staring at her like that, she'll disappear." Haechan teased while I rolled my eyes.

"Then go on, date her"

"Bitter much? Babi, you know I only have my eyes on you."

I took a deep breath and sighed. I then smiled at haechan.

"I'm sorry dear, it's just mood swings. Kinda weird though cause I don't have my period."

"Anger issues perhaps?" Haechan joked.

"Not funny."

"I'm sorry, babyyyy"

"Yeah right..."

"I sweaaarrr"


"I love you."

"I love you more, my man."


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