Cheater - l.ty

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It's been years since you and Taeyong got married and now you had this feeling that he doesn't love you like he used to.

Today, you decided to visit him in secret. You entered the building of his company and inquired with the receptionist.

"Good morning ma'am, is Mr. Lee in his office?"

"Why are you looking for him? Also I'm not a receptionist. I'm just pretending to be one. My husband is cheating on me and I wanted to see it myself."

The lady whispered while I just nodded.

"I'd love you help you..." I replied as we both went to his office.

"Why are you helping me?" She questions.

"Let's just say, I've been there before."

After a while, you both finally arrived at his office. It was familiar.

"Miss, why are we here?"

"Mr. Lee is my husband." The lady spoke, making you silent.

"Wow. So the rumors were true. He is indeed cheating on me. Hide miss." She whisper-yelled while pulling me down. I stared at her, confused.

"NOW SHE'S TRYING TO KISS HIM AND HE'S OKAY WITH IT? ugh I'm so gonna kill him later." She whispered, angrily.

"Well miss, I'll leave you now. Thanks for the help..." She exclaimed before leaving.

Wow, not only did taeyong cheat on me but he married one of his chicks. The audacity of that man.

I slammed the door open, catching the couples' attention.

"Wow, look what we have here. Such cute love birds !" I spat, sarcastically.

I've never seen Tayong this shook my whole life.

"H- hun... You never said anything about coming here..." Taeyong stuttered as I scoffed.

"Who the fuck are you? His maid?" The girl rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah okay, so people call their maids "hun" now? Dumbass."

"The fuck did you just call me?"

"Dang, you do have a type, Yong... You have a kink with dating people with disabilities fr. Considering I used to be blind."

"Oh wait is that why you decided to date someone deaf instead?"


"uh uh, you have the audacity to call me a cunt when you're the homewrecker here? You're unbelievable"

"Babe, please- she's just a secretary."
Taeyong exclaimed, grabbing my hands.

"Fuck you. Secretary? haha you must think I'm dumb if you say such an excuse. What the fuck would the kids think if I brought them here with me? "Oh my god mommy, daddy is slurping another woman's face !" Is that what you want?"

"You know what, I ain't giving you any shit anymore. We're done, I'm taking the kids. Break up with that whore and go to your wife. She's waiting for you at home."

"How'd you-"

"I have my ways. Now fuck off."

"Also woman, you knew he had a wife and yet? Wow. Go suck a dick, milf."


When the girl was about to pull my hair, Taeyong stopped her and let me leave in peace. Good riddance.

 Good riddance

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