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Mihrimah is a young woman with long, black hair and striking grey eyes. She appears compassionate, self-assertive, and brave to people around her and is gentle-hearted. She is sometimes called the Benevolent Sultana. She has strong willpower, doesn't let anyone reprimand her, and stands tall with grace and dignity. She can be very strict and reprimand others for their behavior if she thinks they are out of line.

She is very stubborn and an intelligent woman, which has been noticeable since she was a little girl. She is very talented in swordsmanship and archery, thus being a skilled fighter, and is very good at horse-riding.

She generally has a problem with authority, as she thinks it can be done other ways and often ends up in trouble because of this. Otherwise, Mihrimah can act childish from time to time if opportunity calls for it and can be very mischievous. As a child, she would prank people.

Mihrimah sees herself as a strong and independent woman but doesn't let it go over her head. She never chooses a fight she can't win.

She is a lost cause when it comes to weaving rugs, but is good at sewing and embroidery, as well as cooking. She loves to experiment with different herbs when cooking.

Ertuğrul Ghazi

Mihrimah loved her paternal grandfather more than anybody else and looked up to him. He would often take her hunting with her grandfather Bamsi Bey or her uncles. He too, like his sons, wished to protect his oldest son's legacy. Apart from Osman, Ertuğrul thinks that she will be able to protect herself if she knows how to fight.

When he returned from Konya, she almost forgot to kiss his hand in respect before hugging him, as it had been a long time since she had seen him. During this time, while her uncles fought for the position of Bey, she took care of her sick grandfather. She often reprimanded her uncles for acting like their father was dead and instead let greed corrupt them. Ertuğrul even encouraged her to use her title as a Sultana before people who didn't know their place or when someone with a higher title of a Bey tried to take over the Kayi Tribe. He warned her, though, not to succumb to the temptations of the power of the title and misuse it. He was also the only person Mihrimah listened to and never disobeyed.

She was heartbroken when Ertuğrul died, feeling like the only person who could understand had left her.

Halime Sultan/Hatun

Mihrimah has never met her maternal grandmother, but respects her a lot. She was loyal and always ready to do anything for her husband. Like her grandmother, Mihrimah was well-educated.

Bamsi Bey

Bamsi Bey was Mihrimah's maternal grandfather. She also loved him very much and always called him 'Benim Bamsi' (Mine Bamsi) and continues to do so, even after he was martyred. People would often say that she was good-hearted like her grandfather. Mihrimah loved listening to his storytelling, and he would often take her hunting along with Ertuğrul. She has always been skeptical of her grandfather adopting people who were once enemies. Therefore, she looked out for him so he wouldn't get hurt by the same people again. She was a little skeptical of him adopting Cerkutay but eventually accepted him after witnessing how he was tormented by his previous actions under the Mongols. She was very sad, when Bamsi was martyred but held her head high as it was his wish to die as a martyr and join his bey, Ertu<0xC7>rul, in the afterlife.

Ayça and Hafsa Hatun

She has never known her maternal grandmother Ayça, as she left when her son-in-law died and her daughter's body wasn't found, leaving her husband heartbroken.

On the other hand, she had experienced the love of a grandmother by Hafsa Hatun, whom she always called her grandmother.

Aybars Bey

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