Chapter One: Inheritance Test

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Gryffindor Tower

Common Room


Harry's POV

I was walking into the common room when I heard my friends talking.

Ginny: I can't wait till The Headmaster gets rid of Sirius.

Ron: Well, we have to make it through this year first. The Tri-Wizard is set, The Dark Lord will be resurrected, and his plans will come true.

Hermione: I can't wait for that. It means we no longer have to pretend to like Potter this year.

I looked behind me and saw Neville standing there, and he was shocked to hear that come out of my best friend's mouth. I gave him a look, and he nodded. We silently walked back up the stairs.

He entered the spare room on the right side of the men's/boy's side of the dorm, shut the door, and cast a ward chain before finally speaking up.

Neville: Go to Gringotts this weekend. I will keep them busy. It would help if you got an inheritance test done. It will tell you everything.

Me: Thank you, Neville.

He nodded. I was walking out of the room. We went to do our routines. I must act like I know nothing about their plans to control me. Going down the stairs, I returned to the common area and spoke up.

Me: What're we talking about?

Weasel: We're talking about the chances of Fred and George getting into the Tri-Wizard.

Me: What's the bet?

Weasel: 20 Galleons for getting into the Tri-Wizard, 40 Galleons for them not making it.

Me: Make it 80 Galleons for me on them not making it in. The Headmaster made the age line for a reason.

Weasel: Are you sure, Harry?

Me: I'm sure. Also, I'm betting 20 galleons I'll get in because something will happen this year that will get me out of the stupid thing, no matter how much I don't want it to. 

I could see the spark of anger about my money being wasted on some bet that was going to be happening. They think all of that money should be going to them. We'll see what happens this weekend when I get to Gringotts.

Weaselette: I will tell the twins what you want into the bet.

Me: I can do it. I'm heading that way now. I told Sirius I would write to him in his last letter.

Getting up, I could hear Bookworm trying to speak up about my godfather. I ignored her and went back up the stairs into the Twins' dorm room; I saw their betting book was out and about to grab it to put away. I heard the cough from Fred. 

Fred: What're you doing with that, Harry?

I turned to them.

Me: I saw it sitting out, and I was going to put it away so no one can steal it and use it against you in the future.

George: Thank you, Harry.

Me: You're welcome, George. Also, I want to put in a bet.

Fred: What's the bet?

Me: 80 Galleons against you for not getting into the Tri-Wizard due to Dumblefuck's age line. 20 Galleons for me getting put into the Tri-Wizard due to meddling, even though I want a quiet year.

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