Chapter Eight: Return to Hogwarts

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I smirked, and I spoke up.

Astro: We don't need to summon them.
Mom: Why do you say that, Astro?

Astro: Look in the Foyer right now.

They turned to the Foyer and saw my Aunt with a pregnant belly. Then again, the Test said that she was pregnant with twins. They also saw Uncle Andy standing next to her. She gasped and ran to her older sister. Hugging her, crying about seeing her sister standing there alive.

Mom: How?

Aunt Prue: The Angels of Destiny finally allowed this to happen.

Mom: Thank you, Desinties.

Then she went up in blue orbs mixed with screaming pain. They were taking her away from us, not this time. We orbed up to the Heavens.


Meeting Room

We landed, and they were about to strip her of everything.

Other whitelighters were holding down Uncle Andy. I shot an energy ball at them. He was dropped, and they turned to see us standing there.

Mom was ready to blow them all to the Underworld.

Elder: Who dares interfere with our ruling?

Me: I do, asswipes.

They were shocked to see me standing there. The Elders glared at me. Since I was part demon, I shouldn't have been able to enter the heavens.

Unknown Elder: How Dare you enter our realm?

Me: I'm more angel than demon, so you don't have to worry about me destroying you all. Although you might right now if you don't remove my Aunt from your grasp. The first energy ball was a warning shot. The next one won't miss.

Unknown Elder #2: Prue Halliwell has broken the rules placed on her when she became a Whitelighter.

Aunt Prue glared at the Elder talking to me. She flung them into the wall. They were shocked to see her use her Wiccan Power.

Aunt Prue: Did you forget that I'm a witchlighter?

They shot a lightning bolt at her, bouncing off her hand. My anger skyrocketed, and I shifted into my Woogyman form. The energy ball formed in my hand. Mom blew the Energy Ball up.

Mom: Astro, turn back now. We don't need this right now.

She turned to them.

Mom: We hadn't even started his training on that. Since then, everyone has pissed him off, making him go to his demonic side to enact his revenge.

I shifted back to normal. Aunt Prue came over to us.

Me: Go for it. I can still use my Demonic Powers in my Human Form. If you stop being all high and mighty, you might get an answer for the rule that she broke dumbasses.

Aunt Prue: Go, Astro.

Elder Sandra: What caused her to break the rule placed on her when she became a witchlighter?

Me: The Angels of Destinies changed the rule and made it so we can have her back in our lives, including my Uncle Andy. Now back before I end, you for pissing me off since I have no control over my demonic side yet.

The Room glowed with white light and power. The Angels of Destiny were standing there. They were pissed.

Angel of Destiny: Every Elder who has obstructed the Charmed Ones will be punished to the fullest extent of the Powers That Be.

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