Chapter Seven: Family Meets

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Me: Can you, Robert, and Imogen meet me so I can pick you up?

Maryse: Who are we investigating that we need Inquisitor Herondale?

Me: The reason for exposure is currently top secret. I can meet with you all and discuss this in person.

Maryse: Fine, I can have Magus Portal us to where?

Me: I'll meet you at The Bay Mirror in San Francisco. There is a coffee cart outside the building with tables for conversation.

Maryse: We will be there in Five Minutes.

Me: Got it. ETA: Five Minutes.

Then I hung up and turned to see my Wife standing there with a look on her face. Sitting on the chair that she brought over for this private conversation.

Piper: What the hell was that?

Me: Something that I will talk about later, Piper.

Piper: Does it have to deal with whatever is happening with you?

Me: It Does, honey.

Piper: Are you going to tell me?

Me: I can't, babe. It's a top-secret thing till I get to them.

Piper: That's what you told this person on the phone.

Something seems off about our conversation. Then, I sensed Piper's emotions. She was jealous.

Me: Are you worried about something, Piper?

Piper: Why would I be worried?

Me: Maybe it made you think that something will happen at this little visit that I need to get to.

Piper: Are you going to see some woman?

Me: I'm meeting a couple of women, but nothing is happening with them feeling-wise.

Piper: Then I want to come with you.

I sighed. Pulling out my phone again, I texted the number I needed to save into my phone.


Can I bring someone along for the conversation?


Let me guess. Does the Wife want to come?


Yes. My Wife wants to come. She's a control freak to the highest degree.

I felt a hit on the arm. Piper was reading over my shoulder.

Piper: Why does this conversation look like a scamming way of meeting your secret lover?

Me: Remember, Piper, this conversation is top secret until we arrive. Of course, it will sound a little scammy once we have it.

Piper: I'm also not a control freak.

Me: You're right, honey. I'm sorry.

Piper kissed me on the lips.

My phone beeped again, indicating I had received a text message. Looking at the phone, I saw it was Maryse again.


She can come. I want to meet the woman. She must be critical of the situation.

I snorted.


Will do. We are on our way now.

Putting the phone back into my pocket. We got up and walked over to the rest of the group.

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