Chapter Five: Family Exposed

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Me: We followed you.

Draco: That shouldn't happen. Astro spelled the hall to make sure that this didn't happen.

Cedric came down from the second floor and walked over to Draco.

Cedric: They're still asleep.

Draco: Thank the Gods, they need it, as I said.

Cedric: Agreed. So how did they find us?

Draco: Followed me.

Cedric: That shouldn't happen because of the spells in the hallway.

Me: What spells?

Draco: Ones that stop spies and the headfucker from finding the place.

Cedric: Only one person found this place, and he was allowed to keep the secret. Do either of us have the power to make that happen?

Draco: No, we need to have Astro give us that power. For tonight, I can call one of them that does have that power. Tomorrow, we'll talk to Astro about showing us management so that people who find this place can choose.

Cedric: How about you keep them company? I'll call them to get them here. Then we can deal with this until tomorrow.

Draco: We can do that.

Draco waved us over to this futuristic standard room. Daphne saw Cedric walk into the floo room. We followed him into the room. He went over to the dresser, pulled out a game of exploding snaps, and set them on the coffee table. Not even five minutes later, Cedric entered the room with a handsome, tall, older blonde male. Draco spoke up.

Cedric: I thought you would've called Chris. I tried, but he didn't answer, so I called Wy.

Draco: What was Chris so busy with that you had to come in his place?

Wyatt: Our Uncle needed his help capturing a magical creature.

Draco: I see.

This blonde looked over and saw us. Blondey pointed at us.

Wy: Who are these people?

Cedric: These are Draco's friends that followed him here. We were just about to go to bed. The Alarm went off, and we saw them standing there.

Wy: Astro not awake?

Draco: No, Astro and Vik went to bed after the day they'd had today. Your mother and Aunt came here earlier to rip him a new one.

Wy: That's why mom was pissed when she found out what he did?

Cedric: Yep. Before she found out the truth, there was an attack. She was pissed that her sister was used as a ploy to get what the fucker wanted.

Tracy: Can we get back to the point of being here?

Draco: You're right. Wyatt, we need you to give them temporary access to the Dorm.

Wyatt: You know that I can't do that without the scan.

Draco: How long will that take you?

Wyatt: Not long.

He turned to us. His eyes glowed with power, and he looked at us for twenty minutes until the glow disappeared.

Wyatt: They passed. They can enter the Dorm temporarily. They need Astro or Vik to give them permanent access so they can move in.

Draco: Thank you, Wyatt.

Wyatt: You're welcome. I must return to the manor before Chris returns from helping our Uncle. I promised him I would get something for him.

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