Chapter Nine: The Truth Exposed

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She pointed to my son with his glowing white eyes.

Billie: Didn't we say before our nephew and her son are part demon? The demon side just got activated. He doesn't have control of that side yet. I'm shocked he didn't destroy your ass when you pointed the wand at his mother.

She turned to my son, and he smirked and smiled.

Umbridge: This is the son of the supposed Charmed Ones.

Astro: That's right, Umbridge.

Umbridge: What's this son's name?

I saw the smirk and mentally laughed at my siblings.

Astro: My name is Nonea.

Umbridge: Nonea who?

Astro: Nonea of your Business. I'm never going to tell you my name. I will be watching the school since I own the place.

Umbridge: This was never going to happen, mortal. You will give up the school to the Ministry since you have no magic. This Ministry rule has been around since the founders were alive.

Astro: I can tell that your fucking lying out of your mouth bitch.

Minster: How dare you speak to my Under Secretary like that.

Astro: I can do whatever the hell I want, asshole.

Minister: I'm the Minister of the British Magical World.

Astro: I'm Harry Potter.

Minister: Yeah, right.

Astro: My Patronus is a Stag.

Minister: Everyone knows that.

Astro: Watch This.

He did the spell. The ghostly Stag shot out of his wandering, and it stood beside him.

Astro: You were saying?

Minister: Your actual Patronus has been enchanted with a lovely glamour spell. Remove it so we can see what it is.

Astro: When will it get through your small-assed mind that I'm Harry Potter?

Minister: When you have proof.

Astro: Which Proof would you like to see?

Minister: Inheritance Test.

Me: Out of the Question. That information is classified.

Minister: I don't care who you are, but you're not intervening in this mortal.

I sighed and turned to my sisters and brother. I wanted to blow this man up. I was about to put my hands up to freeze him. Wyatt orbed into the room, shocking the assholes that were trying to get their hands on the school.

Wyatt: Mom, we got an issue.

Me: What now, Wyatt?

Wyatt: Alec has been taken by a Wiccan Demon and will be used in a Wiccan Ritual to turn him evil.

Me: That couldn't work, Wyatt. He's not a Wiccan Guide.

Wyatt: I think the Demons will give him Wiccan Blood to make it that way.

The two were thinking about this.

Me: You're not getting any Wiccan Blood.

Minister: You can't stop me.

Me: You want to bet, asshole. We're going to be getting rid of the asshole in the cage. What makes you think I wouldn't do it to you two as well? I vanquish demons for a lot less than this.

Astro Aydan Halliwell and Exposed Dark SideWhere stories live. Discover now