Chapter Three: Love

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The door opened. I knew that Viktor was Harry's soul mate. I saw the inheritance test and was shocked that it was him. Hell, I was shocked to find out that the Wiccan Magic was real.

He walked into the room. He spoke to me like he usually would.

Viktor: Have you heard from Astro?

Neville: I just sent a letter to him.

Viktor: I want him back here.

Neville: I do, too. Trust me, Viktor. We have to wait till the first task. Astro is protected from the Wizarding Magic of the Cup because he is the School's sole heir.

Viktor: I can't wait for the Headfucker's plan to fail because he wants the Dark Lord to return from the dead.

Neville: Well, that happens when you give a power-hungry fuck power. He wants more power.

Viktor: Astro will knock him down to size soon.

Neville: We will have a front-row seat at the event.

We heard something in the foyer, and we got up from the couch and walked into the entrance to see Astro with an older blonde man. Viktor was going to be jealous. I turned to him, and I looked at him. Yep, he was jealous.

Astro walked over to us and hugged me first. The Blonde laughed under his breath at Viktor's look of death.

Me: You might want to hug your soul mate before he kills the man who brought you here.

Astro: You might be right.

He let me go, went over to Viktor, and hugged him. Viktor didn't want to waste time, so he kissed Astro. My cousin/godbrother made a shocked noise, but he didn't seem to mind being kissed.

Viktor wrapped his arms around his waist when they broke the kiss and hugged him from behind. Then, Viktor spoke to the man.

Viktor: Who are you?

Blonde: I'm Wyatt.

I gasped. They turned to me.

Me: Vik, it's Astro's brother.

Viktor: Oh, sorry about that death glare then.

Wyatt: It's no problem. I thought it was funny.

Viktor: Why?

Wyatt: Nobody ever gave that look before, is all.

Astro: Neville, I got your letter. What's up?

Me: I looked into the Tri-Wizard while you were gone. Since you were entered, you have to do the first task to make the contract stick, but since you're going to be resistant to the effect of the Cup.

Astro: That's good. I have good news of my own. I'm now immune to wizarding magic. We all know the Headmaster will try something when I return after the first task.

Neville: Like, that's not a given in Astro.

We all laughed at that.

Astro: I'm also learning to control my Wiccan magic with my uncle, who has never used this type of magic before.

Viktor: What's your Wiccan Power?

Astro: I'm Telekinetic. That's not my only power. Since I'm a tribrid, I got the tribrid version of my Telekinetic Power. I'm also working on my Wiccan Teleportation. So that way, I can get here without my siblings or dad taking me.

We continued talking until Wyatt pointed his head to the roof and heard something. He turned to us.

Wyatt: We need to get going. Something is going on back home.

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