Where's God When I'm S-S-Scared?

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Somewhere in the countryside, there was a car driving through a dirt road, and it was on it's way to a cottage. The people in the car were the Conrad family, and the parents were taking their two children, Jason (voiced by young Mark Marten), and his twin sister, Michelle (voiced by young Melissa Peterson), to their grandmother's cottage. Jason was looking down at his feet, when Michelle was playing with her doll, and accidentally made the doll's shoe flip off and hits her twin brother's glasses. Jason: "Mom!, she did it again!" complained Jason, before Mrs Conrad (voiced by Pamela Thomas) spoke up. Mrs Conrad: "Michelle, what have I told you to be careful with playing with your dolls, apologize to your brother." Michelle: "Sorry Jason." said Michelle, before Mr Conrad (voiced by Ron Wells) spoke up. Mr Conrad: "Now kids, you two better behave while staying with your grandma in her cottage this summer." Michelle: "Yay!, grandma's cottage!" Jason: "What's so fun about that?, I mean it can't be as cool as space camp... which I was supposed to go..." Mrs Conrad: "We know, but we don't have the money to get you there." Mr Conrad: "Besides, your grandmother's cottage is way more fun, I mean I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of lessons there when I was young." Jason: "Like what?" Mr Conrad: "Can't say... I don't wanna spoil the surprise... but let's just say there's never, ever been a cottage like your grandmother's." Michelle: "Oh boy, I can't wait." a few moments later, the Conrad family arrived to their destination. Mr Conrad: "Hey, hey, hey, we're here!" said Mr Conrad, before Jason and Michelle's grandmother, the mother of Mr Conrad, who prefers to be called Grandmum (voiced by Pamela Thomas), came to the scene. Grandmum: "Hello sweeties!, I'm so happy to meet grandchildren at last!" Jason: "Hi grandma." Grandmum: "That's 'Grandmum' to you." Michelle: "There's a difference?" Mr Conrad: "Mum, this is Jason and Michelle, though you probably already knew that." Grandmum: "Of course, you told me a lot about them, and I'm looking forward to spend this summer with them." Michelle: "Me too, Grandmum." Jason: "Hmm..." Grandmum: "Is he alright?" Mrs Conrad: "He was looking forward to spend this summer at Space Camp, and he doesn't know if he'll have a good time here." Grandmum: "Well rest assured, you'll have a lot of fun here, and make lots of new friends too." Jason: "How, there's no one else here." Grandmum: "That's what you think... anyway, come on you two." Mr Conrad: "Thanks again for looking after the kids, mum, now kids, be good to her." Michelle: "We will, bye!" Jason: "Bye..." soon, the parents drove away from the scene, and the kids went off into the cottage. During their first day in the cottage, the kids were looking for something to do, when Jason and Michelle noticed something on the kitchen counter-top, which looked like a plastic tomato and cucumber with faces on them. Jason: "What are those?" Michelle: "They look like a tomato and cucumber... but with faces..." Grandmum: "That's Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber, they're a very fun pair to hang out with, your granddad made them years ago, those two and a few other plastic veggies and stuffed animals, they were always around when we needed help on something that involves the Bible... oh the good old days..." Jason: "How did they do that?, they're just made of plastic." Grandmum: "At the moment... but let's just say they become more than that when you needed help on something..." said Grandmum with a smile, before walking away. When night came, Michelle and Jason turned the old TV on, trying to find something to watch. Jason changes the channel to show what looked like a scary movie that showed the Frankenstein monster... as a celery with a face, and both Jason and Michelle was feeling a little bit scared and confused. Michelle: "Uh... Jason... maybe we should change the channel..." Jason: "Oh come on... it's not too scary..." Grandmum: "Kids, it's time for bed, also turn the TV off, that show you're watching is much too scary for you." Michelle: "Yeah..." Jason: "Hey... it didn't scare us..." said Jason, before seeing a photo of Grandmum and his dad when he was kid, started to move and glare at the two kids with Frankenstein bolts on their necks, which made both Jason and Michelle's eyes grew big and the sound of a horn was heard, before the pair ran upstairs and went into their room. A moment later, Jason and Michelle were in their pajamas and were hiding under their blankets. Michelle: "Jason... I hate to admit it... but I'm s-scared..." Jason: "Don't be... there's nothing here to be scared of... [gasped when seeing a shadow moving] what's that?" Michelle: "What's what?" Jason: "There was a shadow... it was moving..." Michelle: "What could it be?... a monster?" asked Michelle, before a voice that said 'Don't be afraid, I'm no monster', spoke up, which made both Jason and Michelle get up and looked around to find the source of the new voice. Jason: "Who's there?" said Jason, before he and Michelle noticed something small and round hopping towards Jason. It turns out that it was the plastic tomato named Bob (voiced by Phil Vischer), who was alive somehow, much to the twins' surprise. Michelle: "You're... the stuffed tomato... you're alive!" Bob: "That's right, my name is Bob the Tomato, and we are here to help you." Jason: "Wait... we?" that was when the toy chest across the room started to shake up, like as something was alive inside it. Michelle: "There's something in the toy chest!" Jason: "W-what?" Michelle: "A monster maybe... or a scary lizard... or a..." said Michelle, before the toy chest opened up, revealing a plastic cucumber with a baby hat on his head. It was Larry the Cucumber (voiced by Mike Nawrocki), and the sight of him made the kids feel confused than scared now. Jason: "Baby... pickle?" Michelle: "Huh... of all the things I imagined to be in there... that wasn't even on the list..." Bob: "Uh... actually it's a cucumber, and his name is Larry." Jason: "Oh..." Larry: "Where is everybody?, I can't see anything." Bob: "We're over here Larry, get that baby hat off of ya." Larry: "Oh right." said Larry, before the cucumber somehow managed to get the hat off and somehow carried it back to the toy chest, as if he had invisible hands or something. Jason: "How did you do that?" Larry: "Do what?" Jason: "Carried that hat... when you didn't had hands...?" Larry: "Um... to be honest... I have no idea, we've been trying to figure that out for many years." Bob: "Never mind that though, we couldn't help but noticed that you two were a little bit scared, so we thought to come up and help ya." Michelle: "Oh... that's very nice of ya... but how can you help us?" Bob: "Well... we were just gonna sing ya a little song of course." Jason: "That's it?" Bob: "Well that... and a little story... but first the song." Michelle: "Um... what's it about?" Larry: "Listen and find out." said Larry, before Bob begins to sing. Bob: "♪You were laying in your bed♫...♪ you were getting kinda sleepy♫... ♪but you couldn't close your eyes cause the room was getting creepy♫." Larry: "♪Were those eyeballs in the closet?♫, ♪was that Godzilla in the hall♫?" Bob: "♪There is something big and hairy casting shadows on the wall♫... ♪now your heart is beating like a drum♫, ♪your skin is getting clammy♫, ♪there's some tiny monsters jumping right into your jemmies♫!" sang Bob and Larry, as some tiny ball shaped monsters jumping into the cloths drawers. Bob: "What are you gonna do?" Michelle: "Uh... call the police?" Bob: "No, you don't have to do anything." Jason: "Why?" Bob: "Because... ♪God is bigger than the Boogie man♫, ♪he's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV♫, ♪oh God is bigger than the Boogie man, and he's watching out for you and me♫." sang Bob, before the song ended. Larry: "Get it now?" Jason: "Uh... not really..." Bob: "Well the point is that you don't have to be afraid because God is the biggest." Michelle: "Even bigger than King Kong or Godzilla?" Bob: "Compared to God, King Kong or Godzilla would look like a teeny tiny bug." Jason: "Really?" Larry: "Yeah, and God created the earth, the animals, and people too." Bob: "Which is why we don't have to be afraid, for God loves us very much, especially little children, and he always watches over us." Michelle: "Wow... that's amazing..." Bob: "Indeed, and not only that, God will protect us from us... like how he protect Daniel." Jason: "Who?" Bob: "Well maybe you'll understand better if we show ya, now close your eyes and don't open them until I say so." Jason: "Uh... okay..." Michelle: "If you say so..." said the twins before they closed their eyes, and while they were closed, their surroundings have changed from their bedroom, to the inside of some palace. Bob: "You can open them now." said Bob, before the kids opened up their eyes, and gasped by what they were seeing. Jason: "Wha... how did we get here?" Bob: "We're using our imagination." Michelle: "Really?, wow... our imagination never did this before..." Jason: "Where's Larry?" Bob: "He's playing the role of Daniel here." Michelle: "Who is Daniel?" Bob: "He was a man from the Bible, and the story about him said that Daniel once lived with his family, until he was taken to a city called Babylon, where he went to school... of course Daniel missed his home very much, and preyed to God in hopes that he will protect him and his friends and family... and as the years went by, God helped him become wise as he got older, till everyone in the city knew of his wisdom... then one night... while Babylon was sleeping... the king known as King Darius, who is played by our friend, Archibald, had a dream..." said Bob, before a trio of scallions came to the scene and rushed over to the big golden doors. It was then that King Darius, AKA Archibald (voiced by Phil Vischer), burst through the doors. King Darius: "I am King Darius... I had a dream, and now I'm feeling frightened and I want you to tell me what it means." ordered the king, before Scallion 1 (voiced by Phil Vischer) the tallest of the three, spoke up. Scallion 1: "We are your wise men, yes that is true, but even with our wisdom, we can't explain what it means..." said Scallion 1, before Scallion 2 (voiced by Mike Nawrocki) the second tallest of the trio spoke up. Scallion 2: "No clue... sorry..." King Darius: "What?!" said the king in frustration, before Scallion 3 (voiced by Phil Vischer), the shortest of the trio, spoke up. Scallion 3: "But there is one who is wiser still, and Daniel is his name, so before you go back to bed, perhaps he can explain." said Scallion 3, before Daniel, who was played by Larry the Cucumber, came through another set of golden doors and came up to the king. Daniel: "My name is Daniel, that much is true, but it is God who gives me wisdom and through me, he will explain your dream to you." said Daniel, before he comes over to the king, and tells him what the dream meant, and this made the king very happy. King Darius: "Daniel you have done well, I will give you a promotion, from now on, I want you to be my second in command." Daniel: "Really?, thank you." said Daniel, before he and the king left the room together. Bob: "Ah yes, this was very good news for Daniel... but very bad news for the wise men." Jason: "What do you mean?" Bob: "You see each one of them wanted to be second in command." Michelle: "Oh I get it... now that Daniel got the job, the wise men will have to do whatever he said, right?" Bob: "Yes, and it made the wise men very unhappy, and they quickly started thinking of ways to get rid of him." said Bob, before the Scallions started to make a circle and started singing. Scallions: "♪Oh no, what are we gonna do?♫,♪ the king likes Daniel more than me and you♫, ♪oh no, what are we gonna do?♫, ♪we gotta get him out of here!♫, ♪we could throw him in the dungeon♫, ♪we could let him rot in jail!♫, ♪we could drag him to the ocean, have him eaten by a whale!♫" Scallion 1: "♪We could use him as a footstool or a table to play scrabble, tie him up, beat him up and throw him out of Babylon!♫" Scallion 2: "Or..." said Scallion 2, before he and the other two scallions whispered something to each other about a plan that might work. Scallion 1: "I like it." Scallion 3: "It's sneaky." Scallion 1: "And it just..." Scallion 3: "Might..." Scallion 2: "Work!" said the scallions, before they ran off to a pair of golden doors and left the room. That was when the scene changed to show that it was morning. Bob: "When morning came, the Wise men went over to King Darius, and begin their scheme against Daniel." said Bob, as he and the kids watch King Darius talking to the wise men. King Darius: "You wanted to see me?" Scallion 1: "Yes, we fear that some of the people in Babylon don't think you're fit to be a ruler, they'd rather bow to other men." King Darius: "Is this true?" Scallion 2: "It's true." King Darius: "Oh dear... is there something we could do about it?" Scallion 1: "Yes, I suggest you make a new law, one that says that the people here must prey and bow before no one but you." King Darius: "I see... but uh... what if they don't obey?" Scallion 1: "Well... if they don't obey... anyone of course... will be thrown into the lions' den." King Darius: "Oh... yes?, well I guess that will do it... alright, good work men." said the king, before the wise men left the scene. Jason: "Oh no..." Bob: "Oh yes, the law was made, and it wasn't long before everyone heard about it, including Daniel... but Daniel remembered God's law, which is said that he must always prey only to God." Michelle: "That's a real pickle he's in... or cucumber in his case." Bob: "That's one way to put it... so the next morning, Daniel preyed to God just like every other morning, thanking him for the sunshine, and thanked him to give him the courage to do what was right, even when he knew that it could get him in trouble." Daniel: "Did you say... trouble?" asked Daniel, before the scallions burst through the door. Scallion 1: "Ah ha!" said the first scallion, before he and the other two scallions captured Daniel, and begin taking him to the lions' den, and throw him in. Scallion 2: "Hey Daniel, you're gonna have a lot of fun down there, we're not lion!" Scallion 3: "Oh good one, let me try... [yelling to Daniel] yeah, those lions are sure gonna lion you!" Scallion 2: "What?, mine was funny, but yours was goofy, the lions are gonna lion you?" Scallion 3: "I only had a few seconds to think of something." Scallion 1: "Never mind that, let's just get out of here." said the Scallions, before they blocked the entrance with a boulder, trapping Daniel inside. Daniel: "It's not so scary in here... a little dark, but not that... [hearing the sound of lions growling and seeing the eyes of the lions looking at him] oh no... what am I gonna do?, it's looks like I'm gonna end up as lion food..." said Daniel, before the light shines through the cave, and the sound of an angel was heard, telling Daniel that he should not be afraid as God will protect him. Bob: "Even though he still didn't know what to expect, Daniel felt better when he remembered that God was there to protect him, even in the lions' den." Jason: "Oh my..." Michelle: "What happened next?" Bob: "Well... elsewhere in the kingdom, the wise men were celebrating for their plan's success, while the king, believed that he lost a good friend, decided to try preying to God in hopes that he will protect Daniel... when morning came, the king and the wise ran over to the lions' den to see what was left of Daniel." said Bob, as the scene shows King Darius and the wise men arriving to the entrance of the lions' den. King Darius: "It's hopeless... no one could survive a night with those lions..." Daniel: "Hello?" King Darius: "Did you hear something?" Daniel: "Hello!" King Darius: "Daniel?, is that you?" Daniel: "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute, I just have to say goodbye to my new friends." King Darius: "But... this is impossible..." Scallion 1: "Yes... it is..." said the king and the first scallion, before Daniel comes out of the lions' den. Daniel: "Well hello everybody, [turning to the lions] see ya guys later, thanks for the pizza!" Scallion 1: "They had pizza?" Scallion 2: "Huh... who knew?" Scallion 3: "Not me..." King Darius: "Why... it's a miracle!, surely your God is above all men... now I understand that, for even at the bottom of the lions' den, you were in his hand." Daniel: "Yup, I sure were." King Darius: "I got it!, a new law, from this day forth, everyone will prey only to Daniel's God, no more of this silly preying to me business..." Daniel: "Now who's idea was that anyway?" King Darius: "Oh yes... these three..." said the king as he slowly looked at the scallions with a crossed look on his face. Scallion 1: "I heard that they're looking for wise men down at Egypt... been fun, gotta go now!" Scallion 2: "Yeah, see ya!" Scallion 3: "Bye bye!" said the Scallions, as they were making a run for it. King Darius: "Where do you think you're going?, come back here you scoundrels!" Daniel: "Hey come back here!" said the king and Daniel, as they started chasing the wise men. That was then Jason, Michelle, Bob and Larry were back in the bedroom. Jason: "What the... we're back..." Michelle: "Never mind that... the story was really amazing... but did the lions really had pizza?" Bob: "No, that was just something we added, after all, we were using our imagination, but God really did protected Daniel from the lions, and he became the king's second in command." Michelle: "Wow..." Larry: "I hope that story helped ya feel less scared." Michelle: "It did." Jason: "Yeah... I guess it did, thanks you guys." Bob: "You're very welcome... oh by the way, there's someone else who wants to meet you." said Bob, before the Frankenstein celery (voiced by Phil Vischer), from the TV the kids watched earlier came to the scene, and the kids freaked out. Jason and Michelle: "AHH!, it's the Frankenstein celery!" shouted the kids as they went to hide under their beds. Frankenstein Celery: "Um... well actually, I'm just Celery, and I'm an actor." Jason and Michelle: "What?" said the kids as they began to come out of hiding. Frankenstein Celery: "Yeah, I was only pretending to be scary in that TV show cause that was my job, but I'm really a nice guy, and I wouldn't really hurt anybody." Jason: "Really?" Michelle: "Oh... thank goodness..." Frankenstein Celery: "I'm sorry that I scared you when you saw me on TV." Jason: "That's okay, cause now we know that God is taking care of us." Michelle: "Yeah, it was nice meeting you." Frankenstein Celery: "Well it was nice meeting you too, I better be off now, bye!" said Frankenstein Celery, before he leaves the scene. Bob: "Larry and I will be off now too, have a good night's rest." Michelle: "Um... will we ever see you again?" Bob: "Whenever you need us kids, whenever you need us." said Bob, before he and Larry left the scene. Jason: "Huh... talking vegetables that tell bible stories... did not see that coming..." Michelle: "Yeah... well... goodnight Jason..." said Michelle before she went to bed. Jason: "Good night Michelle..." said Jason, as he too went to bed and soon both he and his sister were fast asleep.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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