Are You My Neighbor?

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It was evening when Jason and Michelle, along with Grandmum, returned to the cottage from their walk, and were having supper. Grandmum: "So tell me sweeties, what do you think of the neighbors around here?" Michelle: "Well... there aren't that many around here... and we don't really know them." Jason: "And they talked kinda funny..." Grandmum: "They don't talk funny, they just speak in another language as they were from another country, maybe if you give your neighbors a chance, you might like them and become friends with them as well." Michelle: "So you're saying that we should love our neighbors?" Grandmum: "Of course, that's what God wants us to do, anyway, you should go upstairs and have some in your room before bed, I'll be up when it's time to go to bed." said Grandmum, before Jason and Michelle went upstairs and put on their pajamas. Jason: "Love our neighbors?, what's so important about that?" Michelle: "Well... because... uh... gosh... I don't really know..." said Michelle, before Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber came to the scene. Bob: "Perhaps we can help ya with that." Michelle: "Oh!, Bob, Larry, you're back!" Larry: "Of course, we always come whenever someone needs help." Jason: "Uh... Larry... why is there a... shoe on your head?" asked Jason, as he just noticed that there was indeed a shoe on Larry's head like a hat. Bob: "Oh that's easy, cause I'm about to tell you the story of Flibber-O-Loo, and in that story, Larry has a shoe on his head." Larry: "Oh, it's all so clear now... hurry up and tell the story, my head's starting to sweat." Bob: "Okay, here goes." said Bob, before the group closed their eyes for a moment, and then opened them up to see that they were in the middle of some sort of desert that had some mountains that looked like big rocks that were on top of one another. One mountain had two tiny towns on top of it, and one of them was the town known as Flibber-O-Loo. Jason: "Is this Flibber-O-Loo?" Bob: "Yup, where the women and men were shoes on their heads." Michelle: "Um... what about that other town?" Bob: "That would be Jibber-De-Lot, the town where the women and men wear pots on their heads." Jason: "Pots?" Bob: "That's right... now the people of the two towns always argue who's headgear was best, and everyday they use catapults to fire shoes or pots at each other, from morning to night without rest." said Bob, as they see an asparagus using a catapult to launch a show at Jibber-De-Lot, who fired back with a pot that hits the asparagus on the side of the head, knocking him out. Michelle: "Oh dear... that's terrible..." Bob: "But not all of these folks in these town do this, a few would rather avoid fighting, like that certain cucumber over there, who would rather play with his wind up lobster." said Bob, before Larry came to the scene with a wind up toy lobster next to him. Larry: "Hey lobster, let's go for a walk, I'm tired of laying around like a squid, I wanna go out there." so that's what he did, and left Flibber-O-Loo with his toy and was walking in the rocky valley between the two towns. Michelle: "Looks like he's enjoying his walk." Bob: "Yes... but he and the toy had no idea about the incoming danger." said Bob, before the scene shows a big rock that had 3 scallion bandits watching the cucumber and the toy. Scallion 1: "Oh look what good fortune, here comes a poor fool with a shoe on his head." Scallion 2: "I'll bet he's got money." Scallion 3: "I'll bet he's got gold or maybe some jewelry he'd like us to hold." Scallion 1: "Whatever the booty, I think I can stand for it, why that's what I live for, that's why I'm a bandit." said the scallion leader, before he and the other two attacked Larry from under their rock, first they knocked off his shoe, then they knocked off his sock, but the thing they did next was really unfunny, why they shook him so hard that he dropped his milk money. Larry: "Hey!, you can't take that!, how will I grow strong if I don't drink my milk?!" protested Larry, but sees that the scallions didn't care as they accomplished their goal, and then they placed the cucumber down, made his head stuck in a hole, and then ran off with his money. Scallion 2: "See you around, silly pickle!" shouted the second scallion bandit, before he and the other bandits left the scene. Larry: "Um... I'm a cucumber... hello... anyone?... hello?!" cried out Larry, hoping that someone would hear him, but all he could hear was just the wind hissing, and he was all alone and his lobster was missing. Bob: "Things looked pretty bad for our cucumber friend, his head in a hole and his shoe bent and muddy..." Michelle: "Oh no..." Jason: "Hey look!, someone's coming!" called out Jason, as someone was indeed coming to the scene, who was in fact the Mayor of Flibber-O-Loo, played by Archibald. Larry: "Hello!, anyone there?, could you help me please?" Archibald: "Oh dear... a fellow in need, and he's from Flibber-O-Loo too... uh young man, I have noticed your situation, but I'm afraid that I'm too busy right now, sorry, ta ta." said the mayor of Flibber-O-Loo, before he leaves the scene, which made Larry upset, along with Jason and Michelle as well. Jason: "Hey!, he can't just leave him like that!, he should have helped him!" Michelle: "Yeah, it's wrong!" Bob: "Yes... it would seemed that there was no hope for the cucumber... or maybe not..." said Bob, before a group of living stuffed animals, which were from Jibber-De-Lot as they wore pots on their heads, played by the Threads gang, came to the scene, and Bobbin noticed the cucumber stuck in the hole. Bobbin: "Hey look... there's someone stuck over there." Rags: "Hold on Bobbin!, that guy is from Flibber-O-Loo!, I mean there's a shoe next to him, and they think we're garbage and throw shoes at us!" Patches: "Yeah... but we sort of throw pots at them... and those hurt more than shoes do..." Lacy: "He has a good point..." Rags: "Well even so... why should we care of that pickle is beaten and bruised?" Bobbin: "Actually, I think he's a cucumber... and uh... out here in the wild, his chances of survival is pretty thin..." Lacy: "That's right... we can't leave him like this..." Bobbin: "Plus... even though he's from Flibber-O-Loo, God made him special, just like how he made us." said Bobbin, before he goes over to Larry, getting him unstuck and put his shoe back on his head, and then he and the others helped Larry get back to Flibber-O-Loo. Some time after Larry got to the medical room, where he begins to make a recovery and then the Mayor of Flibber-O-Loo came in and was surprised. Archibald: "What in the world?!, children from Jibber-De-Lot here in Flibber-O-Loo?, and you helped this pickle?" Bobbin: "Of course, he needed help, but why didn't you helped him?" Lacy: "Yeah, he told us how you left him there when you should have helped." Rags: "Yeah, he's one of your people." Patches: "That's right." Archibald: "Well... I was busy on other things." Bobbin: "That's still no excuse of leaving him there when he needed help, and while we might be from another town, we still have to help those in need, even if we don't really feel like it." said Bobbin, before he gives the nurse some money from his piggy bank to pay the cucumber's bill, and the Mayor had his eyes moist and runny from the beautiful sight. Mayor: "I'm touched by the act of your good will... if you could take care of someone, even when you are from one town and he from the other... why can't we all start helping one another?, and love will spread around our hill." said the mayor, before the Threads and Larry cheered for this news. Bob: "Now whenever you visit the Mountains of Fibble, you won't see a flying shoe or a pot, instead they throw flowers and candy at one another, I'll bet that you'll like it a lot." said Bob, before the story ends and the scene changed back into the bedroom. Michelle: "Wow... that was a great story." Jason: "Yeah, it really was." Bob: "Well I'm glad that you liked it." suddenly, there were some lights shinning through the window, which opens up and then a small spaceship flies into the room. Once the ship makes a landing, which of course crashing into the closet door, a beam came out of the ship, and then four space like penguins came to the scene. The first one was Zidgel (voiced by Ron Wells), the captain, next was Midgel (voiced by Greg Mills) the pilot, then there's Fidgel (voiced by Page Hearn), the scientist, and finally, there's Kevin (voiced by Rom Smith) the goofball of the crew of the 3-2-1 Penguins. Zidgel: "Jason and Michelle Conrad, we need your help!" Jason: "Ah!, who are you?!" Zidgel: "Oh pardon me, forgot my manners, I'm Captain Zidgel, that little ship is mine, this is Midgel, the ship's engineer and pilot." Midgel: "Sup." Zidgel: "And here is Fidgel, our scientist." Fidgel: "How do you do?" Zidgel: "And um... the big fella is Kevin... the big fella." Kevin: "Hello." Larry: "Hi Kevin, what brings you down here?, we haven't seen you in years." Zidgel: "Well we got your letter about Grandmum's grandchildren being here and we thought we could come down to visit." Midgel: "Though that's not the only reason we're here." Bob: "It's not?" Fidgel: "I'm afraid not, we have an emergency." Michelle: "What's wrong?" asked Michelle, before Fidgel takes out a device that shows a hologram of a ship that looked like the USS Enterprise from Star-Track, only that the disk part looked like a pie. Zidgel: "You see, this star ship, the USS Apple-Pies is in great danger." Fidget: "Indeed, in just 10 minutes, the ship and it's crew will be smashed to bits by a meteor!" Michelle: "Oh no!" Jason: "But uh... can't they just move the ship out of the way?" Midgel: "Well that's just it, for some reason, the ship has lost it's power, dead in space, she can't budge an inch!" Kevin: "Uh... the ship is stuck..." Jason: "Of gosh... but what can we do about it?" Zidgel: "Didn't you study space technology at school when you believed that you were going to Space Camp?" Jason: "Why yes, I did." Michelle: "Well I didn't really... but I still wanna help." Midgel: "Good to hear, then let's go and save the Apple-Pies!" Jason: "Uh... how?, we're too big." Zidgel: "Oh that's easy to fix, for we have a shrinking beam that shrinks people, I mean how else were we able to fly this little ship?" Michelle: "Oh... can Bob and Larry come too?" Bob: "Uh..." Larry: "Well it's not like we have anything else to do, and it's the right thing to do." Bob: "Oh alright, but we better put our space helmets on." Zidgel: "Got some in the ship, Fidgel, the shrinking beam." Fidgel: "Aye, aye, captain." said Fidgel, before he takes out another device and shoots a beam that shrinks the group and went into the ship, which flew through the window and into space. Jason: "I can't believe it... I'm really in space!, this is like a dream come true..." Zidgel: "First time in space?" Jason: "Yeah, so uh... how did you and Bob and Larry know each other?" Zidgel: "Oh that's easy, we and the tomato/cucumber pair came from the same galaxy that we're heading, and we became friends with your grandparents long ago, and we gave them and your dad some adventures sometimes back in the old days." Michelle: "Wow... so um... you along with Bob and Larry and the stuff animals are really aliens?" Midgel: "Well yes, we are, and sometimes we're figurines as a cover, and we come to life whenever there is someone in need of help." Jason: "Really?, like Bob and Larry" Fidgel: "Why yes, I suppose you could say that, but we focus more on things that involves space." Bob: "While Larry and I and the others focus our work more in the cottage." Larry: "But they come and visit once in a while." Jason: "Okay... so how soon are we gonna be at the USS Apple-Pies?" Michelle: "I hope it won't be too long, we got less than 10 minutes now." Zidgel: "Well luckily our ship can fly really fast in space." Midgel: "And the star ship is next to the moon, over there... and there she is..." said Midgel, before the USS Apple-Pies was scene, floating in space without power. Bob: "You're right, there it is... the USS Apple-Pies..." Zidgel: "When we get onboard, we'll go meet the ship's captain/engineer, Scooter, and help him restore the power." Jason: "Okay." Midgel: "Now then... buckle up for landing." Bob: "Oh no..." Larry: "Quick!, get to the seats!" said Bob and Larry, before they jumped on some buttons on the ground, and some air bag chairs came out and the pair were sitting on them, with seat belts to boot. Michelle and Jason tried out the buttons on the ground too, and they too got to the air bag chairs with seat belts. It wasn't long before the ship got to the landing docks of the USS Apple-Pies, and it crashed into the wall. Fidgel: "Well... that landing was better than the last one." Midgel: "Yeah, it sure was." Jason: "Uh..." Bob: "Yeah... this is why we don't travel with them often... they stink at landings..." Michelle: "Kinda figured that out when they first arrived in the bedroom..." Zidgel: "Now then... let's go meet Scooter, follow me." said Zidgel, before he and the group went out of the ship, walking through the USS Apple-Pies' landing docks, and went into an elevator, which played some music before they arrived to the control room. There they meet an old carrot with a mustache, who was Scooter (voiced by Jim Poole), the captain and engineer of the USS Apple-Pies himself. Scooter: "Ah, Captain Zidgel, you have come." Zidgel: "Yes we have Scooter, any luck?" Scooter: "I'm afraid not, the engines still got no power, and we only have 5 minutes before the meteor smashes us into bits." Michelle: "How many people are on the ship?" Scooter: "364." Jason: "And how many escape pods are there?" Scooter: "2..." Jason: "Wait... you have a big ship that can carry over 300 people... but can't carry more than 2 escape pods?" Scooter: "We didn't think we needed to have a lot due to the ship not normally have these sort of power problems..." Michelle: "Okay... so how much do you know about this meteor?" Scooter: "Funny when you mention it... our sensors have just determined that the meteor is made of... you might find it silly but..." Bob: "What, it's made of what?" Scooter: "...Popcorn!" All: "HUH?!" Jason: "Wait... a meteor made of popcorn?" Bob: "Ooh... the worst kind..." Michelle: "How?" Bob: "Well you see, they're rare, but dangerous just the same." Larry: "Um, would it be caramel or cheese?" Scooter: "It makes little difference when it hits us at 5,000 miles an hour!" Larry: "Ah... good point..." Michelle: "Well what can we do?" asked Michelle, before she and the others hear someone singing, and turned around to see a pair of gourds sitting on some chairs, listing and singing to a song with headphones on. The first gourd was shorter and orange, named Jimmy Gourd (voiced by Phil Vischer), and the second was a taller and yellow gourd named Jerry Gourd (voiced by Mike Nawrocki), and they were members of Scooter's crew. Jason: "Who are those two?" Scooter: "Oh never mind them, they're the new guys." Jason: "Maybe they might have some ideas." Scooter: "What?!, not the new guys, they don't know anything, all they do is either sing or eat... between you and me... I think they're crazy..." Jason: "Oh..." Michelle: "Well it wouldn't hurt to try talking to them." said Michelle, before she and Jason walk over to the gourds, who stopped singing and sees the twin brother and sister pair. Jason: "Hi, I'm Jason." Michelle: "And I'm Michelle." Jimmy: "Well hi there, I'm Jimmy Gourd." Jerry: "And I'm Jerry Gourd." Jimmy: "We're the new guys here." Jason: "So... why do you sing all the time?" Jimmy: "Cause it's fun, why don't you?" Jason: "Cause it's weird... I mean different." Jimmy: "You know sometimes being different can be good, if we give them time to know each other." Michelle: "Yeah, and the songs you sing, are they good?" Jimmy: "Of course, they're fun for the whole family, otherwise we wouldn't be singing them." Jason: "Okay, but why do you eat so much?" Jimmy: "We're really hungry, I guess... you know sometimes I feel like that I could eat a whole bus." Jerry: "Oh yeah?, well sometimes I think I could eat a whole spaceship." Jimmy: "Oh yeah, well sometimes I think I could eat a whole planet!" called out Jimmy, which echoed throughout the whole room, which left everyone gasped in shock and silence. Jason: "Wait... Scooter, how many escaped pods did you say there were?" Scooter: "2." Michelle: "And did you say that the meteor is made of popcorn?" Scooter: "Yes, but why do you ask?" asked Scooter, before the kids turned back to the gourds. Jason: "Jimmy, did you really mean what you said about you could eat a whole planet?" Jimmy: "Well sure... but why do you ask?" Jason: "Well... I think I have an idea on how to save the ship... and you two are the ones who's gonna save it." Jerry: "Really?, how?" Jason: "Scooter, take us to the Escape Pods!, quick!" said Jason, before he and the others went to the escape pod docking room, where they put Jimmy and Jerry into the two escape pods, and Jason told Scooter to program them to fly into the meteor, which the old carrot did and soon the gourds were flying off in space, while the others went back to the control room. Scooter: "I don't understand, young man... why did you send them to the meteor?" Jason: "Well... it might sound a little crazy... but my plan is for the gourds to land on the meteor and eat it all up before it hits." Zidgel: "Wait... that's your plan?, sending two crazy gourds to a meteor made of popcorn so they could eat it?" Fidgel: "Well popcorn is snack food, and popcorn meteors are in fact one of the best space snacks in the galaxy... when they're not crashing into ships or planets of course." Midgel: "But even so, eating a large ball of popcorn in just 2 minutes?" Larry: "Well it's not like there's enough time for anything else." Bob: "I just hope this works..." said Bob, before the scene changes to space, where the gourds were singing the 'Muffin Man' song. Jerry: "I'll bet I could eat all his muffins." Jimmy: "Oh yeah?, I'll bet that I could eat all his muffins and his house." said the gourds, before they see something coming towards them. Jerry: "Hey look, that must be the meteor we've been hearing about... hey do you think we'll see the Muffin Man there?" Jimmy: "Um no Jerry, he lives on Drury Lane." Jerry: "Oh yeah..." said the gourds, before the landed into the meteor, and they were looking at the surface. Jimmy: "Hey... what is this stuff?..." asked Jimmy, before Jerry smells the surface and taste it a little. Jerry: "It's... popcorn..." said Jerry, before he and Jimmy looked at each other for a moment, before getting a huge smile on their faces. Jimmy/Jerry: "Let's eat it!" called out the gourds, before they start munching on the meteor, which was getting closer and closer to the USS Apple-Pies. Bob: "Oh man... only 10 seconds left... I sure hope those gourds were hungry..." Kevin: "Uh oh..." Zidgel: "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Bob: "Incoming!" shouted Bob, before he and the others began to run around in panic, only to see that the meteor did not arrived, but the two gourds, who got slammed into the window. Jimmy: "No more for Jerry or for me thanks... we're full [burp loudly] excuse me..." Jerry: "Yeah... you're excuse..." Zidgel: "Get them in here!" called out Zidgel, before the scene changed to show that everyone was cheering for the gourds, who became heroes. Bob: "You two saved the ship!" Jimmy: "Oh, it was nothing really." Scooter: "Nothing?, you're telling me that saving over 300 lives by eating a meteor sized ball of popcorn is nothing?!" Jimmy: "Well... I guess maybe it's a little something..." Scooter: "And to think... I didn't wanted to be your friend just because you two were different... but if you weren't different, noun of us would be here alive now." said Scooter, which made Jimmy feel happy and proud. Jerry: "Hey guys, look at this, I got a little hungry, so I tried to have a snack on this table... when I saw this [looking at some plug that was unplugged from the outlet under the table] it's some kind of plug or something." Jason: "Plug it in." said Jason, before Jerry did just that, and the power of the USS Apple-Pies was restored, which made everyone cheered even more than ever. Scooter: "Now why didn't I think of that?, you guys are really something else!" Jimmy: "You know... it kinda reminds me of a song... hit it boys!" said Jimmy, before the song starts. Jimmy: "♪Have you ever seen a boy with funny clothes♫, ♪a girl with braces on her teeth or freckles on her nose?♫, ♪some kids call them oddballs, some kids call them weird♫." Jerry: "♪Is it my imagination, or does Aunt Ruth have a beard♫?!" Jimmy: "♪God has made us all in different colors, shapes and sizes♫, ♪he loves us very much and wants us to realize that calling people weird because they're different is wrong♫, ♪instead he wants us to look them with love and sing this song♫!" Jerry and Jimmy: "♪I can be your friend!♫, ♪I can be your friend!♫, ♪any day and any weather, we can be friends and play together♫!" Bob: "♪Yeah, we're all different♫." Zidgel: "♪Some are skinny and some are stout♫." Larry: "♪But it's the inside that we're supposed to care about♫." Kevin: "Uh huh." Midgel: "You got it." Fidgel: "Indeed." Scooter: "♪Aye, we all got feelings that are very much to same♫." Jason: "♪And so instead of weirdo♫." Michelle: "♪We all think friend's a better name♫!" All: "♪I can be your friend♫!" Jimmy and Jerry: "♪La, la, la♫!" All: "♪I can be your friend♫!" Jimmy and Jerry: "♪La, la, la♫!" All: "♪If your hair is red or yellow, we can have lunch♫." Jason and Michelle: "♪We'll share our jello♫!" All: "♪I can be your friend♫!" Jimmy and Jerry: "♪La, la, la♫!" All: "♪I can be your friend♫!" Jimmy and Jerry: "♪La, la, la♫!" All: "♪It's okay if we are different, we can still play, cause I can be your friend♫!" once the song was over, the 3-2-1 Penguins took Jason, Michelle, Bob and Larry back to Grandmum's cottage, and flew off back into space. Bob: "Well kids, I hope that you two learned something from that space adventure." Michelle: "Yeah, we learned that we can be friends with everybody, even with others who are really different from us." Jason: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing." Bob: "Well... then I guess we'll be off now." Larry: "Until the next time." said the talking tomato and cucumber, before they left the scene, and a moment later, Grandmum came to the scene. Grandmum: "Hello children, it's time for bed." Jason: "Okay Grandmum... say uh... do you think that maybe if we get the chance, we could hang out with the neighbors here?" Grandmum: "Of course, but what changed your mind?" Jason: "Um... you wouldn't believe me or Michelle if we told ya..." Grandmum: "Try me." said Grandmum, with made Jason and Michelle laugh a little.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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