A Pond Full Of Pigs

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It was a sunny day when Jason and Michelle were at another planet, which was like a place made of blankets, patches and stitches, which happens to be the home planet of the Threads. Somewhere on the planet, the kids were at a pond, wearing swimsuits as they were gonna have a swim in it. Of course they weren't alone, for the Threads, along with Bob and Larry were with them, as they liked to have a little swim too. Patches the Pony was on the wooden diving board, ready to make a dive. Patches: "Okay... I think I'm ready." Rags: "You can do it, Patches." Lacy: "He is so brave." Jason: "Um... he's only taking a dive into a pond..." Michelle: "Yeah, but he's testing the water, see if the water is not too cold to swim it." Larry: "Yeah, nobody likes to be in cold water, at least not those who don't have anything to keep them warm while swimming." Bob: "Yeah, like the penguins..." Patches: "Speaking of which, where are they?" Larry: "I think they told us they're off to pick up something here... not sure what it is though..." Patches: "Alright then... here I go..." Bobbin: "Good luck Patches." so with that, Patches jumps off the diving board and goes into the water, before his head comes out. Patches: "Hey, it's not cold at all, come on you guys!" said Patches, before the others begin to take a dive of their own, until it was Rags' turn. Rags: "Alright, time for my special dive with a cinnamon twist." said Rags, before he jumps up, and then some loud noise of a horn was heard that surprised Rags a lot, and then he lands on a tree branch, which breaks and both Rags and the branch fell into the water. Lacy: "Rags!, are you alright?" Rags: "Yeah... but what was that noise?, it made me mess up my dive." Bobbin: "Not sure, I never heard it before." Larry: "It sounded like it's nearby." Jason: "Let's go check it out." Michelle: "Yeah." Bob: "I don't know..." Patches: "Come on Bob, it won't hurt if we check it out." said Patches, before he and the others went off to see what looked like a large machine with a big horn attached to it. Bobbin: "What is that?" Lacy: "Looks like some sort of machine..." Bob: "It is a machine, but what is it for?" said Bob, before the big horn let's out a really loud trumpet sound that forced everyone to shaken up and cover their eyes (those who had hands or ears, aka the kids and Threads of course). Rags: "Wow... what a set of pipes, no wonder I got my dive all messed up." Bob: "Hey, there's a sign." said Bob, before he looks at a sign that said 'Please treat this big horn the same way you wanted someone treated your own, in other words, don't break it, signed the Pig Captain'. Rags: "Pigs have captains?" Jason: "Strangely... that's the strangest thing I have heard since me and Michelle got here..." Michelle: "You could say that again... and we're on another planet, so anything's possible." Rags: "Well never mind about that, let's get this thing to tone down a little." Patches: "Be careful Rags, remember what that sign said." Rags: "Relax, I'm only gonna try making it less loud." said Rags, before the big horn lets out another loud trumpet sound. Lacy: "Ah!... I have to admit it... that horn is playing rather loud..." Jason: "No kidding, it's hurting my ears." Michelle: "Mine too." Larry: "My ears are ringing." Bob: "Um... Larry, you don't have any ears." Larry: "Oh..." said Larry, before the big horn sounds off again, which really ticked off Rags a lot. Rags: "Okay horn... that does it!" shouted Rags, before he pulls a piece off the horn, which caused it to stop working. Bob: "Rags!, you broke it!" Rags: "Sorry... but the horn was driving me crazy... but at least it's quiet again." said Rags, before a loud splash sound was heard, and a group of fish with little furniture came to the scene saying 'Pigs in the pond!, somebody messed with the big horn!', before running away. Bobbin: "That can't be a good sign..." Patches: "Come on, we better go see what's going on." said Patches, before he and the others went back to the pond, which was now full of pigs. Jason: "What the..." Patches: "Now that's what I call a pond full of pigs." Lacy: "No wonder those fish ran away, there's no room for anything else." Rags: "What are they doing in the pond in the first place?" Bob: "Well... it's just a guess... but I guess these pigs filled up the pond with themselves as payback for breaking the big horn." Larry: "Really?" Bob: "As I said before... it's only a guess... but it would make sense as the sign that we're not supposed to mess with it said it was from the Pig Captain." Michelle: "Oh dear... what are we gonna do?" Rags: "Well we gotta get those pigs out of the pond." Lacy: "How are we gonna do that?" Rags: "Hmm... good question... let me think..." Bobbin: "I think we should go look for the Pig Captain, he might know what to do." Larry: "No need... here he comes now." said Larry, before an alien pig, dressed like a train engineer/ captain, known as the Pig Captain (voiced by Mel Brooks), came to the scene. Pig Captain: "What in the world is going on here?!" Jason: "Uh oh..." Michelle: "Are you the Pig Captain by any chance?" Pig Captain: "Indeed I am, and you kids?" Jason: "I'm Jason, and this is my sister, Michelle, and these are our friends, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Bobbin, Lacy, Rags, and Patches." Pig Captain: "Well it's nice to meet you all, but what happened here?" Bobbin: "Well sir, your big horn was playing really loud." Lacy: "And Rags tried to tone it down." Patches: "But he couldn't find the switch." Rags: "And I might have... broke it a little..." Pig Captain: "Great... I went off to get a lunch break for only 10 minutes and look what has happened..." Bobbin: "We're really sorry about that." Pig Captain: "How would you feel if I took and broke something of yours?" Rags: "Um... like my ukulele?" Pig Captain: "Well sort of, like I broke one of the strings." Rags: "Oh not that!" Pig Captain: "That you make you feel bad, right?" Rags: "Yeah..." Pig Captain: "Well now you know how I feel about you breaking my big horn." Rags: "Gee... I'm really sorry sir, I won't do it again, I promise." Pig Captain: "Good to hear, you know in the Bible, there is a golden rule that says that you must treat others the same way you want to be treated, either be other people or the things they care about." Jason: "Wow... that is a very important rule." Pig Captain: "Yes... now then, that's enough talking, now let's get these pigs out of that pond... come on boys, these kids have learned their lesson, it's time to get out." said the Pig Captain, before all of the other pigs got out of the pond and went back the Pig Captain's place, and enjoying the mud in their enclosure. Larry: "Hey Bob, does the Golden Rule counts us veggies too?" Bob: "I believe so Larry, for the rule goes for everyone." said Bob, before he and Larry watch the pigs continued to play in the mud.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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