Larry-Boy & The Space Fib

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It was about to get dark outside when Jason and Michelle went back into the cottage and went into their room, and they felt awful it seems as they looked really guilty. It wasn't long before Bob and Larry came to the scene. Bob: "Hey, what's the matter?" Jason: "Well... we were playing with Grandmum's dart board..." Michelle: "And we broke it..." Jason: "I don't know how we're gonna tell Grandmum... the dart board was something that she got from Granddad..." Michelle: "Jason said we should tell Grandmum that some bird took it and dropped it... but I don't know if we should..." Larry: "You mean thinking about telling a lie?" Bob: "Oh... a lie can be a dangerous thing." Jason: "It is?" Larry: "Yes, it got me in trouble once." Bob: "Really?, I don't recall of you telling a lie..." Larry: "No... but Larry-Boy did... anyway... get ready for the story of... Larry-Boy!, and the Fib from Outer Space!" said Larry, before he and the others closed their eyes and the scene changed to show what looked like some sort of city called Bumblyburg at night, where Jason and Michelle noticed that they were alone. Michelle: "Bob?, Larry?, where did they go?" Jason: "I don't know... but not only that... [looking up at the sky] what do you suppose that is...?" asked Jason, pointing at what looked like some sort of shiny dot that was falling from the night sky and landing somewhere in the city of Bumblyburg. Michelle: "Wait... didn't Larry said something about outer space?" Jason: "You think... it's an alien like them?" Michelle: "I don't know..." that was when Bob came over to them. Bob: "Follow me kids." Jason: "Where are we going now?" Bob: "To the mansion." said Bob, before he and the kids went off to a large mansion that was on top of a hill, which belongs to Larry, who was a rich cucumber and had a butler named Alfred (played by Archibald Asparagus), and he was looking really worried as he looks down to see a broken plate on the floor. Larry: "Oh man... Alfred's favorite plate... what am I gonna do?" asked Larry to himself, before a voice that said 'maybe I can help ya' was heard, and then some sort of creature that looked like a blue ball with warts and an antenna on top. The creature was called Fib (voiced by Tim Gregory), and he was actually an alien that fell to Bumblyburg last night. Larry: "Who are you?" Fib: "Me?, you can call me Fib." Larry: "Huh... never seen you before... you must be new around here." Fib: "You could say that, and if you want, I can help ya with your problem." Larry: "How?" Fib: "Well that's easy, all you need is a story." Larry: "A bedtime story?" Fib: "No, I mean a story about somebody else broke the plate." Larry: "You mean... you want me to lie?" Fib: "No, not really... just a little fib, and a little fib wouldn't hurt anybody." Larry: "Well... I don't know..." Fib: "Well it's up to you, kid." said Fib, before he went behind the coach as soon as Alfred came to the scene and gasped. Alfred: "My plate!, what happened to it?!" Larry: "Um... it was a... bird!, it flew in here and took the plate, I tried to stop it, but the bird dropped it and the plate got broke..." Alfred: "Oh my... well at least you didn't get hurt... I'll go clean this mess up." Larry: "You don't have to." Alfred: "Of course I must, after all, it's my job to keep this place nice and tidy for you, anyway, see you later, Master Larry." said Alfred, before he leaves the scene, and then Fib came back, but he got bigger somehow. Fib: "You did it!, that was a good story!" Larry: "Um... did you grew?" Fib: "What?, oh no, I've always been this size, but never mind that, you're free now." Larry: "Well... I guess so..." said Larry with an uncertain tone in his voice. It wasn't long before Larry and Fib left the mansion and goes off to see the city of Bumblyburg, while Bob, Jason and Michelle watched from a distance. Michelle: "Why do I get the feeling that Larry might be in trouble...?" Bob: "That's easy... it's because he is in trouble... he just doesn't know it yet..." Jason: "Uh oh..." a bit later, Larry and Fib were walking down the streets, when the pair saw something in the sky, which looked like the Batman signal, but instead of a bat, it was shaped like the head of Larry-Boy. Fib: "What's that?" Larry: "That's the Larry-Boy signal!, they only put that up whenever the city needs it's hero!" Fib: "Who's that hero?" Larry: "I... Am... That... Hero!... I mean... friend, I am that hero's friend... [looking at the sky] he's called Larry-Boy... he first appeared a few weeks ago... stopping crooks from stealing others' milk money... eventually the mayor wanted to make a signal to call out that hero... one who wanted to make Bumblyburg a better place to be... pretty cool right Fib?... uh... Fib?" asked Larry as he turned around to see that Fib got bigger, looked like he has an oval shape body and has feet. Larry: "What the... Fib you are growing!" Fib: "Growing?, oh no... well okay maybe I did gained a few pounds, but Larry, I will always be your little fib." Larry: "Hey... you got feet." Fib: "Yes I do... is that a problem?" Larry: "No, I envy you actually, for I always wanted to have limbs... um... what's it like?" Fib: "Um... not sure really, just got them... but never mind that, that's quite a story, about this Larry-Boy fellow, I hope to meet him." Larry: "Well he normally comes when there's trouble." Fib: "Oh, what trouble is there?" Larry: "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out... you stay right here... I'll be right back." said Larry, before he goes off to to mansion and went pushed a button on the wall behind a grandfather clock, and a secret door was opened and Larry walks down a secret staircase that leads him to the secret Larry-Boy cave, the secret lair of Larry-Boy, who Larry happens to be. Once he gets his suit on, he goes off to his special vehicle, called the Larry-Boy Mobile, and drives out of the cave, which had a secret door door that was disguised as a rock, and drove off to who knows where. Alfred, who was calling to Larry-Boy through the vehicle's monitor, told him that the signal was made by two gourds at the Search for Alien Life Form station, or S.A.L.F for short, which was where Larry-Boy went. Once he got there, he meets the two gourds, Jimmy and Jerry, and they were freaking out. Jimmy: "Oh Larry-Boy, thank goodness you're here!" Jerry: "Yeah, really good." Larry-Boy: "What's the problem citizen?, did someone stole some equipment?" Jimmy: "No... nothing like that... you see... earlier tonight... we just discovered that something from outer space has landed somewhere in Bumblyburg... and we fear that it might be an alien!" Jerry: "Yeah... an alien..." Larry-Boy: "Are you sure?" Jimmy: "Well... no... but we know that something came down here and it was not from this world." Jerry: "Yeah... and we were hoping that you could find it." Larry: "Hmm... can you tell me what it looked like?" Jimmy: "Well... it was like a shooting star, but it fell down here instead of passing by in the sky..." Larry-Boy: "How big was it?" Jimmy: "Um... according to the scanners... it was actually kinda small..." Jerry: "Yeah, smaller than a grape." Larry-Boy: "Is it dangerous?" Jimmy: "Um... no idea, never seen anything like it before... but I would better if you go find it and figure out what it is and stuff." Jerry: "Yeah... me too." Larry-Boy: "Have no fear, if it's a space alien that plans to cause trouble, Larry-Boy here will take care of it." Jimmy: "Great!, I feel much safer already." Jerry: "Um... have you ever battled an alien before?" asked Jerry, who along with Jimmy and Larry-Boy, were not aware that Fib, who followed Larry-Boy the whole time, stood behind a tree and listened. Larry-Boy: "Um... of course I have!, I've dealt with aliens before, like last week I faced a group of space aliens that abducted some cows to switch brains with them!, in hopes to invade the city of Bumblyburg without anyone even noticing!" Jimmy: "Really?, that's funny, I saw something like that in a movie called 'Invasion of the Cow snatchers', right Jerry?, right?" Jerry: "Oh yeah, you're right, and it was good movie." Jimmy: "Wait... did you just made up a story of you facing those aliens?" Larry-Boy: "Um... no?" Jimmy: "Oh okay, it's just that it wouldn't be nice to lie, tricking nice people and all that." said Jimmy, which made Larry-Boy feel guilty, before the ground began to shake, like something big was coming. Jerry: "Hey!, what's going on?!" asked Jerry in shock, before he, Jimmy and Larry-Boy turned around to see Fib, who now a giant with both feet and arms. Larry-Boy: "F-F-Fib?!, is that you?!" Fib: "Hi Larry-Boy..." said Fib, before he tries to grab Larry-Boy, but the cucumber jumps away from his hand, and the gourds ran inside the S.A.L.F. station. Larry-Boy: "What are you doing?!" Fib: "Don't worry Larry-Boy, a little fib couldn't hurt anybody... but a really big Fib can!" said Fib as he begins to chase Larry-Boy down the streets of Bumblyburg, stomping on cars and knocking down large building signs. Larry-Boy: "Stop!, you're wrecking the place!, why are you doing this?!, you were so small and nice before!" Fib: "That's the thing about Fibs, we grow!, now that I'm big, it's my turn to call the shots, and you belong to me!" Larry-Boy: "Not if I can help it!" shouted Larry-Boy, before he runs to the Larry-Boy mobile and drives away from Fib, who sees the Bumblyburg water tower and walks towards it. When Alfred appears on the Larry-Boy mobile's monitor, who was looking worried. Alfred: "Master Larry, what's happening?, I just saw the News on the TV, showing some sort of monster attacking Bumblyburg!" Larry-Boy: "It's a monster called Fib, and he might be the reason why the gourds of the S.A.L.F. station had called me, and now he's heading for the Bumblyburg water tower, Alfred, we must find a way to stop that monster before he destroys the city!" Alfred: "Right... can you get to the water tower?" Larry-Boy: "Maybe on foot, but I need the Larry-Boy mobile to take on Fib." Alfred: "Well it's a good thing I tinkered it to have some new features." Larry-Boy: "You have?" Alfred: "Yeah, I tinker with it in my spare time." Larry-Boy: "Is that what these buttons are for?" asked Larry-Boy, looking at a few buttons, one in yellow, one in red, one in blue, and one in green. Alfred: "Yes, unfortunately I didn't had enough time to label them yet..." Larry-Boy: "Oh dear... can you at least remember what features you added it?" Alfred: "Let's see... one for windshield wipers, one for honking... one for driving, and one for flying." Larry-Boy: "Wait... the Larry-Boy mobile can fly?" Alfred: "That's right, but as I said before, I didn't had time to label the features, nor remembering which button was... but I'm sure you'll figure it out." Larry-Boy: "Okay... here goes..." said Larry-Boy, before he drives the Larry-Boy mobile forward towards the water tower where Fib was, and awaits for Alfred's instructions. Alfred: "Alright, once you get to speed, press the red button... no wait... blue button... um..." Larry-Boy: "Alfred!, I'm going to run out of road any moment now!, which button is it?!" Alfred: "The blue button!, press it!" called out Alfred, before Larry-Boy pressed the blue button, and then some windshield wipers came out and starts wiping the vehicle's windshields. Larry-Boy: "Wipers!" Alfred: "The green one!, hit the green one!" called out Alfred, before Larry-Boy pressed the green button, which made the Larry-Boy mobile to honk. Larry-Boy: "Horn!" Alfred: "Oh man!" Larry-Boy: "Alfred!, if I don't press the right button, I'm gonna crash into the water tower!" cried out Larry-Boy, as the Larry-Boy mobile was driving fast towards the water tower, which the Fib was now standing on top of. Alfred: "Don't yell!, I'm thinking!, so don't yell!... wait... yellow!, hit the yellow button!" shouted Alfred, before Larry-Boy pressed the yellow button, and then the Larry-boy mobile loses it's wheels but gained wings, and then the vehicle begins to fly off the road and into the sky, much to Fib's surprise. Larry-Boy: "Whoa... I'm actually flying..." Alfred: "Oh thank goodness... I'm really glad that I added that feature..." Larry-Boy: "Maybe make the flying a main feature besides driving." Alfred: "I'll make a note on that." Larry-Boy: "So then... what kind of weapons do I have?" Alfred: "Um... I'm afraid that I haven't added any..." Larry-Boy: "What?!" Alfred: "I didn't had enough time, plus it's not everyday where the city gets attacked by a giant alien monster." Larry-Boy: "Fair enough..." suddenly, because of not seeing where he was going, Larry-Boy and his vehicle were both caught by Fib in his hand, and then the Fib breaks the Larry-Boy mobile in two, forcing Larry-Boy to fall out and then the alien grabs him. Fib: "So much for your little car, Larry-Boy, now then... prepare to be my snack." Larry-Boy: "What?!" Fib: "Even a little lie can get really big, really fast, and a big lie would swallow you up, and Larry-Boy, you made a really big lie!" said the Fib, before he begins to laugh in an evil way, and then Alfred calls Larry-Boy through the radio on his belt. Alfred: "Larry-Boy!, get out of there!" Larry-Boy: "I can't!, I'm stuck!" Fib: "And you're about to be eaten!" Larry-Boy: "No!... please!, I didn't get to tell Alfred I'm sorry!" Alfred: "Sorry for what?" Larry: "I did it!... I broke your plate!" shouted Larry-Boy, which made Fib to widen his eyes as he begins to shrink. Larry-Boy: "I said a bird broke it and that was a lie!, I told Fib that I was a friend of Larry-Boy's, which was also a lie as I'm Larry-Boy!, and I told the gourds that I faced aliens before and that was all a lie too!, I'm so sorry!" called out Larry-Boy, before Fib shrinks back to his original size, and Larry-Boy and the city of Bumblyburg was safe again. Fib: "No, no, no, no!, I was so close!, I... uh... uh oh..." said Fib as he noticed that Larry-Boy was glaring at him. Larry-Boy: "Fib... you've been a very bad alien..." said Larry-Boy, while Fib just let out a very nervous chuckle. Later, the police came and arrested Fib, who was gonna be taken to Bumblyburg prison as punishment for attacking the city, while Larry-Boy went over to his butler. Alfred: "Master Larry, are you alright?" Larry-Boy: "Yeah... I'm okay... but I'm really sorry about breaking your plate..." Alfred: "Oh master Larry, I'm sure it was just an accident, I just wished you told me right away." Larry-Boy: "I kinda thought you'd be mad at me..." Alfred: "Don't be silly, a life is worth far more than any old plate." Larry-Boy: "Um... I guess I'm in trouble now... huh?" Alfred: "Not really, I think what you've been through tonight was punishment enough, just promise me this, next time if something breaks, tell me the true story the first time." Larry-Boy: "Deal... from now on, it's nothing but the truth." Alfred: "Good to hear... now then, let's go home." said Alfred, before he and Larry-Boy went off to the mansion and have a good night's sleep. It wasn't long before the scene changed back into the kids' bedroom, where Jason, Michelle, Bob and Larry have returned to. Bob: "Wow, that was some story." Jason: "Yeah, it sure was." Michelle: "No kidding." Larry: "I hope you got the message." Jason: "Which is?" Bob: "Well the point was that telling a lie can get you into more trouble than getting out of it, and the lie would grow and grow until you get trapped." Larry: "Yeah, I was only able to free myself once I finally told the truth." Bob: "Yes, for it's the truth that sets you free." Jason: "Gosh... I guess it really does..." Michelle: "Then we should tell Grandmum the truth about the dart board." Jason: "Yeah... even if she'll get mad at us..." Bob: "Maybe... but it would be a lot better than getting stuck with a big lie." that was when the group hears Grandmum's voice behind the door, asking if she could come in, which was at the moment that Larry and Bob left the room while Grandmum came in. Michelle: "Hi Grandmum..." Jason: "Hi..." Grandmum: "What's the matter?" Jason: "Well... we were playing with the dart board earlier today... and it got broke... we're really sorry..." Michelle: "Yeah... we know how much it meant to you... as you got it from granddad..." Jason: "And at first we want to make up a story... but that would be a lie and... we learned that it's important to always tell the truth..." said the kids sadly, before Grandmum just patted their heads and smiled. Grandmum: "It's alright little ones, it's only a dart board, and it can be fixed, and I'm proud of you two telling the truth, for in the Bible, the truth will always set you free." Michelle: "Thanks Grandmum... that means a lot." Grandmum: "Of course... and besides, it's not the first time that dart board got broke, and it can be fixed." Jason: "Could we help you on fixing it?" Grandmum: "Of course my dear, but let's save that work for tomorrow, as it's getting late right now." Michelle/ Jason: "Yes Grandmum." said the kids, feeling much better now that they know that the truth is what helps them.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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