The Cheating Scales Of Bullamanka

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It Grandmum's cottage, Jason and Michelle were playing a game called Squid-Tac-Toad, which was a game with a little toad called the Road-Roller, that has a punching glove popping out of it's mouth, and a squid called the Squid-Hopper, that also has a ball that pops out of it's mouth, to knock down either the eels or the dodos. The game originally came from Austrilia, which Grandmum got from her husband a long time ago, and now the kids were playing it, until their Grandmum came to the scene. Grandmum: "Ah there you are sweeties, I see you're playing Squid-Tac-Toad, the very game that your granddad got for us on our 5th anniversary... oh the happy memories..." Michelle: "I'm gonna win this." Jason: "Not if I beat you first." Michelle: "As if." Grandmum: "Just remember, you'll only be a true winner if you play fairly, a cheater never wins and never gets the feeling of a true winner." said Grandmum, before she leaves the scene. The kids went back to their game, and Jason was getting close to winning, until Michelle tricks him to turn around by saying that the penguins were behind him, and then turns the spinner to the end where she can make her finishing move, which made her believed that she won the game. Michelle: "See... I win." Jason: "Oh man..." Bob: "Did you really win Michelle?" asked Bob, who along with Larry, came to the scene. Michelle: "Oh hi Bob, hi Larry, as for your question, of course I won." Larry: "But then why did you changed the arrows when Jason had his back turned?" Jason: "What?!" Michelle: "Uh..." Bob: "Michelle, didn't Grandmum tell you that a cheater never wins?" Michelle: "Well yeah... but... it's not like I hurt anyone." Bob: "That's not the point, it's not fair to your brother." Larry: "Um... Bob... duck!" Bob: "There are no ducks here." Larry: "No, duck!" called out Larry, before the spaceship of the 3-2-1 Penguins came to the scene and hovers in front of the kids. Zidgel: "Jason and Michelle Conrad, we need your help!" Jason: "Alright!" said Jason, before he and Michelle got shrunk and got into the spaceship. As for Bob and Larry, they jumped into the spaceship as well, as they want to make sure the kids will get back to the cottage safely after the mission is done. Once the ship got into space, Zidgel tells the group about the situation. Larry: "What's the emergency?" Zidgel: "It would seemed that we got a call from the Bandicoot king, saying that there is a problem at the Colossal Aussie Colosseum, which is located at Space Base Bullamanka." Bob: "What kind of problem?" Zidgel: "No idea... guess we'll find out when we get there." Midgel: "We should be there soon." Michelle: "But isn't space supposed to be big?" Midgel: "We have a Hyper Drive." Michelle: "Oh... right." soon, they arrived to their destination, and once they got to the Colosseum, they see an alien lizard with a cowboy hat called the Lizard King (voiced by Ron Smith), and he was surprised to see the penguins, the veggies and the kids. Lizard King: "Oi!, what are you blokes doing here?, can't you see I'm winning here?!" said the Lizard King, before a voice that said 'you dirty cheater!', was heard. Jason: "Who said that?" Kevin: "Wasn't me..." Fidgel: "Not me..." Midgel: "Nor me." Larry: "Look!, in that cage!" called out Larry, who sees an alien Bandicoot, known as the Bandicoot King (voiced by Keith Lango), trapped in a cage. Bandicoot King: "Thank goodness you're here!, you gotta do something about that cheating lizard over there!" Lizard King: "Oi!, I'm no cheater!, I'm a champ, and if you blokes got a problem with it... let's have a game... of Squid-Tac-Toad... if you win, the Bandicoot King is free... but if I win... you will all serve me for as long as you live." said the Lizard King, which made both Bob and Larry gulped in fear as they didn't like the idea of being servants. Michelle: "We accept your challenge!, we're gonna beat ya!" Lizard: "We shall see about that." said the Lizard King, before the game gets to restart. Due to some of the dodo pieces being missing (due to the Lizard King and his Koala henchmen stealing them so he could win easy), Michelle had to use the penguins, Bob and Larry, and Jason, to play the role of the pieces. During the game, the Lizard King continues to cheat, like using the same trick Michelle used on Jason earlier to get his Toad Roller have a turn to make it's move, knocking down the Penguins and the others, who then get trapped in the cage with the Bandicoot king. Michelle: "Hey!, you cheated!" Lizard King: "Sore loser." Michelle: "No, I'm not!, what you're doing is not only unfair to others, but to yourself too!" Bob: "Kinda like how you cheated on Jason." said Bob, which made Michelle realize what he meant and felt guilty. Michelle: "Yeah... you're right... I shouldn't have cheated... cause I didn't really felt like a real champion..." Lizard King: "What do you mean?" Michelle: "Well... earlier today, I was playing Squid-Tac-Toad with my brother earlier... but I cheated to win... and when I did... I didn't feel like a winner, I felt like a loser..." Bob: "That's right, God wants us to play fairly, for you can only be a real winner and feel like one when you do things fair and square." said Bob, which made the Lizard King do some thinking, realizing that the girl and the tomato were right, as even after winning the game, he didn't felt like a winner because he did it by cheating. Lizard King: "You know... you're both right... I haven't really felt like a winner as I hoped I would... being a cheater and all... I just didn't like losing... but now I see that cheating is something only a bad loser would do... can you forgive me?" Michelle: "I forgive you, but it's the Bandicoot King you should apologize to." said Michelle, before the Lizard King lets out the kids' friends, including the Bandicoot King, who was standing in front of him. Lizard King: "Um... sorry about cheating mate, I hope you can forgive me..." Bandicoot King: "Sure thing mate, next time though, let's again, but fairly." Lizard King: "Deal." said the two kings, before they shook their hands. Zidgel: "Well... it looks like our work here is done." Midgel: "Funny, it felt like we didn't do much..." Fidgel: "I agree with Midgel on this one..." Kevin: "Same here." Zidgel: "Oh whatever." said Zidgel, before Michelle goes over to her brother. Michelle: "Jason... I'm sorry about cheating in our game earlier, I hope you can forgive me..." Jason: "Sure thing, but of course this means you owe me a rematch." Michelle: "Deal." said Michelle, before she and Jason went to shake hands, and then later, the twins, the penguins and the veggies went back to the ship and flew off from the Colosseum and got back to the cottage on Earth. Once the ship went back into space, Bob and Larry looks at the kids. Bob: "Well I'm glad that you two have learned a lesson about playing fair." Jason: "We sure did." Michelle: "Especially me." Larry: "That's great." Bob: "Well we better be off now, see ya next time." said Bob, before he and Larry left the scene, and the kids went back to play their game, and this time, they play it fair and square.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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