𝖨𝗌 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖪𝖾𝗍𝖼𝗁𝗎𝗉 𝗈𝗋 𝖡𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽? 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 2 - 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍

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Thank you to all who read part 1 and requested part 2 ILYSM <33. I hope y'all have the best Tuesday ever xx

Part 1: Matt is in pain during a podcast and the pain is making him nauseous. The triplets go to a haunted house after the podcast, although Matt's pain and nausea is increasing. Once there he has an unfortunate run in with ketchup and becomes panicked and faints.

Part 2: Aftermath of events in part 1, Matt wakes up and can't move because he's in pain and his brothers get him to the hospital. Turns out he has kidney stones and has to get them removed. He does, and once home breaks down from holding in his emotions.

Words: 2428

TW/Author's Note: hospitals, pain, panic, anxiety. I want to note, because Matt has kidney stones here, the treatment for this is usually a ureteroscopy (as mentioned in this chapter) but I skipped over the actually procedure as I don't feel comfortable writing it nor is the actual details of it important to the hurt/comfort of the story. If you want to know more myhealth.ca has info.

♡ The last three hours had been a stop motion blur in Matt's mind. Him and his brother's had Ubered to the hospital. Due to the only licensed member of the triplets being unable to safety get them there in their own vehicle. The journey was long, Matt was hunched over in the backseat, his head in Chris' lap the whole time, he wasn't even sure he'd put on a seatbelt.

He wasn't sure of a lot from the trip from their house to the hospital, he wasn't fully there. The pain he was experiencing took over his focus. His body was going through the motions, he allowed his brothers to completely take charge of what was happening. He remembered Chris guiding him to the waiting room, then Nick walking away to check them in. He could recall his younger brother's hands rubbing his back and Chris' voice in his ear telling him it was okay. But Matt wasn't sure he believed him.

Now, Chris and Nick were gone, Matt was all alone. He hated being alone, mainly in situations where he was scared. This was an extreme version, he was terrified and his brothers weren't with him. It was a living nightmare and the pain was adding to it.

The Doctor Nick was talking to when they arrived had told the three of them that Matt had kidney stones and would need a certain procedure to remove them. A ureteroscopy he had called it. Matt listened as the man had explained what it would entail. It sounded like something out of a horror movie, he thought for a brief moment about faking it and convincing everyone he was actually fine. But the sharp pains in his abdomen were increasing and he couldn't hide the tears that gathered in his eyes as a response.

Nick was still speaking for his brother, until the Doctor directed a question to Matt.

"I'll let you decide if you would like them in the room or to wait in the waiting room, it is up to you, I'll be back in a few minutes," The Doctor was kind, Matt thought, but it really didn't ease any anxiety for him.

All of this led the middle triplet to his situation now, alone, on a cold, uncomfortable medical table in the middle of a fairly large exam room. He'd asked Nick and Chris to wait in the waiting room. He laid his head back on the medical table, there was a small pillow underneath him for his head. The paper underneath him crinkled with his movements, reminding him he was in a hospital. He hated hospitals. He was debating himself on his decision to not have Nick and Chris in the room. It felt like the right choice, he was sitting on a medical table, exposed from the waist down in a hospital gown. And this was about to be a very invasive procedure, he knew he realistically didn't want his brothers to witness it. But he was terrified and truthfully all he wanted was his brothers.


A nurse came around the corner of the waiting room and called Chris and my name. She led us back to the same exam room we were in before. She opened the door for us. The nurse had mentioned Matt did well and the procedure was successful in removing the kidney stones. She also said he might be sleepy due to the anti-anxiety medication they'd administered prior to the procedure.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬/𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now