𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖥𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗌 𝖨𝗇 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 3 - 𝖭𝗂𝖼𝗄

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Welcome my loves, I give you the third and final part! Enjoy xx

Words: 1119

Recap from Part 2: 

"Matt?" Nick's voice was merely a whisper.

"Yeah?" a sleepy voice came through the phone.

"Come here," Nick spoke quietly but with an urgency clear in his tone.

♡ "Wha-" Mat was barely awake.

"Come to my room - please Matty, I-" Nick took in a sharp breath, " I need you."


Nick hung up the call and resumed laying there, feeling a pain rise in his stomach and chest. A wave of anxiety hit his system. He tried to flush out the feeling with a deep breath but the feeling wouldn't leave. Nick watched the way Chris' head moved on his chest when he started to take rapid inhales. He felt guilty knowing the younger would probably wake up, but he couldn't calm himself down. Tears pricked at his eyes, stinging when he tried to stop them.

The silence of their house allowed Nick to hear the second Matt's bedroom door opened downstairs. Nick followed the sound of foot steps on the stairs and before he knew it Matt's hand was on his door knob turning it. Nick's bedroom door creaked when Matt pushed it open.

"What's up Nick? What's going on?" Matt was standing in his doorway, wearing blue plaid pyjama pants and a matching blue hoodie.

"I -" Nick felt a lump gather in his throat, stopping his voice from projecting.

"Okay, okay," Matt recognized the relatable look in Nick's eyes.

The middle triplet walked up close to Nick's side of the bed, standing over him and analyzing his face. It didn't take long for the eye contact and empathetic look on Matt's face to allow Nick to finally let go.

Nick's body surged forward, a sharp inhale broke off from his lips. He sobbed out, finally breaking the seal that had been threatening to snap all night. Nick sobbed out, his face scrunched up in anguish as he let out heart-wrenching cries.

His statuesque demeanour crumbled in a matter of seconds. His body convulsed with his sobs, sending Chris rolling to the other side of the bed. He clutched at his chest, panicked at the lack of air reaching his lungs. He quickly moved on to desperately grabbing in Matt's direction. Frantically searching for his brother.

Matt gripped Nick's flailing hands in his own and immediately positioned himself on the bed. He pushed Nick over to make room and slid in beside him. He pulled the older into his body, wrapping his arms around him. He compressed Nick tightly into the embrace, letting the oldest feel the security of being held.

"Shhhh it's alright Nicky, you're okay buddy," Matt used his softest tone with his brother, "let it out I'm here, I'm right here," Matt let his brother cry into him, holding him through whatever was bothering him.

"I-I'm - I'm sorry," Nick cried to the room, all of his suppressed feelings coming out in blubbering words and whimpering cries.

"Nicky? What's wrong?" Chris had turned himself over in response to the commotion.

Nick didn't answer the younger, unsure of how to put it into words. He just sobbed brokenly into Matt's neck. The middle triplet didn't know either, unable to provide an explanation. Chris didn't wait for a response. He moved himself parallel to Nick and started to rub his back.


Nick haphazardly rubbed the back of his fists into his eyes, clearing some of the wetness from his tears. He huffed a long drawn out breath, preparing to explain himself to his brothers.

"I just- I," Nick was hit with the reality of his exhaustion, his sobbing had clearly taken a toll.

"No rush, take your time, we have time buddy," Matt's voice melted his heart, his brother could be incredibly sweet when he wanted to be.

Nick took Matt's advice, sending the room into a silence. Only the soft lull of the house air system could be heard, along with Nick's staggered breathing pattern.

"It's alright Nicky, just breath," Chris' voice came from his other side.

Nick zoned into the feeling of the youngest's hand still rubbing circles on his back. The motion was all encompassing and soothed his mind in ways words couldn't even describe. He basked in the consolation. Matt and Chris were alleviating his need to cry. Between Matt's gentle shushing in his ear and Chris' rhythmic circles on his back, he could've fallen asleep right there. But he needed to explain himself. He needed to let his brothers in.

"I was frustrated from my walk to the college. The students ruined what was supposed to be my time for myself, and-"

"The one who threw the football at you?" Chris interrupted.

"What?" Matt's voice changed tone, "someone threw a football at you?"

"No- no-" Nick stuttered, "well yes, no they weren't aiming it I don't think. They were drunk and just annoying and I was upset because I got really mad, I wanted to fight them,"

"I'm surprised you didn't," Matt giggled.

"Yeah, I wanted to but I didn't like that I wanted to," Nick was moved himself up on the bed, inspiring the two others to do the same. All three now sat against the headboard of Nick's bed.

"Okay, and?" Matt encouraged him to continue.

"I don't know how to explain it but I just get so stressed and overwhelmed sometimes and I feel bad bringing it onto you guys, I was so stressed tonight after the walk, I felt so angry and I hated feeling that way but I also hated having to be like -" Nick paused, gathering his thoughts, "like strong all the time, I hate how that sounds,"

"Nick you don't have to go through all that alone, you can come to Chris and I," Matt was confident in his words, "we want to be there for you Nick, we want you to come to us,"

Nick nodded his head, before turning to the youngest who cleared his throat.

"Yeah, we are here for you Nicky, always, you can talk to us," Chris added to Matt's statement.

"I know, it's just hard sometimes, ughh I'm sorry," Nick wiped at his face and blew his nose.

"You don't need to apologize for your emotions Nick, Chris and I are going to be right with you no matter what," Matt grabbed Nick's hand in his own and squeezed it tight.

"I'll say with you until I die," Chris chuckled lightly at his quoting of his brother.

My goodness that was way longer than expected but I really hope y'all enjoyed this one. Thank you again for the amazing request, I don't write a lot of Nick angst so this was a fun adventure for me <3333 xx

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