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Whenever the police would come over to the house I would shake in my shoes,I had answers to some of their questions but I just could not bring myself to open my mouth and speak,inarticulate I would become. They dropped by the house two times for their investigation, they were not getting any leads but they were doing a great job harassing my demons.But Jacob was just so warm and would oust them everytime their questions seemed to take a toll on me. Santa was always such a darling,ever heard of a knight in shining armour?Yeah!! Man had charisma and would effortlessly demand attention so handling those police officers was a piece of cake for him,actually if I had met him under different circumstances I think I would have liked him.I would have made him my stepdad by getting him married to beautiful Geraldine,wait was I expected to call him dad?I mean was he my dad? After a week at Santa's house,Jacob I mean was very 'worried' he had never heard me talk since we met so he took to the hospital.Man how I hate hospitals,it smells like life and death ,the faint but unmistakable scent of blood and pus seeping through a veil of antiseptic.Doors sliding wide and shut,furnace,air exchanger,screams, cries moans ,gasps,hisses of pain ,people talking in low voices,intercoms calling out codes and directions ,squeaky wheelchairs ,the clack of the keyboard at the reception,a low volume tv,the slow but persistent beep beep beep of a patient's electrocardiogram monitor ,it's just an environment not for me. This was the last place I wanted to be at the moment. My place would would be nice, but they had already sold it away.We waited in line for what seemed like forever until we were called into the consultation room .As we walked in the floor smells just become more intense and diverse,antiseptic,a little bitter,with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners.A woman in scrubs sat in a maroon recycled wood table upon strong metal joint accross the room ,her eyes pinned on her cell phone across her reading glasses. I've never seen anybody give off such a fake smile not the point but what do elders think we are ,Mickey mouse stuffed toys from Amazon ?Anyways they had their talk that I was not really interested in until she said I may have traumatic mutism not that I understood the medical term just that it was too big of a word to be used on a minor condition and Jacob's face kinda gave it all away that Catlyn was in a fix.The doctor then referred some Emily Hudson, a therapist.By far I had only seen Piper Hart roll her eyes ,that was a first for me,perfectly executed because it went straight to the doctor's heart,one more and we would have had to use her stethoscope on her.I was not being a brat,I really just wanted to be left alone and that did not seem to be happening.Jacob took down the therapist's handle and we rode back home.I had my head out the window the entire ride there,all that blowing wind but I could not help but gasp for air.I would beat my chests periodically to check up on my lungs because they were just not doing what they were supposed to be doing.Thirty minutes upon arrival Jacob got a call,I used the opportunity to sneak up to my room because he just kept staring at me as though a puppet show was going on in my eyes.I was upstairs looking at the poster I had handwritten for dear Geraldine ,a few miles down memory lane when I heard a loud crash.I ran downstairs to see what was going on and saw Jacob storming towards his room.The ceramic container by the elevator door had turned into a giant spider web,it had shattered completely .I walked towards it and saw blood droplets, this let loose some really harrowing memories,more like malignant spirits.It felt like someone was tying me down to a chair and rubbing methylate spirit to the flesh wounds all over my body and round my heart. It burnt my soul.For a moment the world around me was spinning ,I placed my hands on my head in an attempt to snap out of it all but it was not helping.I staggered all the way upstairs and blacked out on the carpet in my room. I see a man wearing a black waistcoat ,eyeglasses and a navy blue fedora dragging a dead body across a white tile.The body left trails of blood along the way,I zoomed in to realise the blood dripping from her finger nails and chest.He legs were cuffed,the handcuffs had bit and dug her skin ,there was red everywhere from her legs to her bitten ,pale, chapped and swollen lips.But her brown curly hair was hiding her face so I could not figure out who she was until he flipped her over and yanked her hair bringing her close to his face .It was dear Geraldine!!Right then I woke, I was jerk-awake,I panicked and breathed hard for a second ,my whole body was tense ,in full fight-or-flight mode ,it took me a while to realise it was just a nightmare.To me it was like a casset with only one video which was playing on repeat ,I'm watching it the visuals get scary so I cover my eyes and then I hear creepy sounds I cover my ears but then my eyes are exposed so either way no matter how hard I try I have no choice but to watch the movie because it's right in my head but it does not make any sense.I tried to remember the face of the man I had seen in the nightmare but everytime I tried it was like 220 volts of electricity were sent to my central nervous system.It hurt. My t-shirt was soaked wet in perspiration,I could feel one trickling down my face and back even then, it felt like my entire body was going to collapse.I got a hold of myself some how and went on to take a shower and headed downstairs for breakfast ,for the first time Jacob was not waiting for me at the breakfast table.Obviously he was not there,I had woken up late that day and it was a week day he has work but why did he not wake me up?I had no time to think about that ,I was late and that was definitely a first.I was getting ready slowly even though I was already running late ,I stopped to listen but they was only dead silence like no one even lived there ,no one to nag me and push me to get ready hastily or bribe me with curd like my Geraldine would do.My breath echoed round the room,the cherry on top was the sound of birds chirping outside in the sun on the tall trees. They were colourful like my life a week ago. Time flies ey!!I walked to school like everyday ,it was not that far it was just a ten minutes walk but I think I walked only seven that day though.I found the principal at the gate and got my share of the corporal punishment,pain went straight to my heart.I ran to class and luckily Madam Claude was also running late that day so I entered the classroom and took my seat. My desk mate,Mia , a pain in the neck like girl quit trying to talk to me,but I guess she was just doing what other kids her age do.But I was her age and I liked meeting new people and making new friends you would think I'm trying to build a football team but at that time I just wanted to be left alone.When it was time to go home I rushed out of the class like I had an emergency meeting.I could not wait to be alone in my room with no one trying to be all up in my business. When I got home there was no one there again only white wallpaper and dull decorations,the house screamed out loneliness.

"Where is Jacob " ,I wondered.

I went upstairs to my room to change ,bathe and do my homework. At around seven pm I came downstairs to eat but there was no food prepared, the kitchen looked untouched,no one had even come in there since I had left.I took an apple and yoghurt from the fridge and sat at the dining table to eat.When I was done I went to Jacob's bedroom,the door was cracked so I took a peek,there no one in sight but I could hear the shower running,

" Was he in here the whole the time ?"I whispered to myself.

I remembered I did not look for him in his room in the morning because I was in a hurry .When I turned to walk away I heard strange noises ,they were coming from the bathroom ,I went and placed my head on the bathroom door and they got louder and louder .It was Jacob's voice.

'Was he in any danger?'

I slowly opened the door ,I examined the room and there was no one there except Jacob who was still making weird sounds.I could only see back of his head from behind the shower curtain,he had his head up and would moan and gasp for air from time to time. I was curious so I continued to walk towards him but suddenly he stopped moaning put his head down and turned to look towards me. I froze,I was caught , my heart throbbing like I just completed a marathon, he was looking right at me there was no escape I was ready for a scolding or even a beating but instead he let off a smirk,a different kind of glow in his eyes.He told me it was okay since he was my father .He told me to go and grab the stool in the closet and come and sit in the same position where I was standing. I did so ,surprisingly he pulled the curtains to the side I immediately covered my eyes but he said I was not allowed to do that. I was supposed to fix my eyes only on him and only then will I get a proper dinner. My stomach growled in complaint so I removed my hands from my face .He asked me

"You have seen your mom bathe naked before right ?"

I had seen her numerous times so I answered honestly.I nodded.

"So if you could watch your mom bathe what's wrong with watching your father?,give me an answer and you can leave ",he concluded.

I was befuddled ,cat got my tounge indeed!!

He gave of a wide smile when he realised I had no answer to his question and started caressing his muscular body.He started by touching his pumped chests,while another hand moved up his head to the back of his neck his left hand moved down his abs and stopped at his groin.He started to touch it ,placed his hand around it and started to move his hand back and forth .His gaze still fixed deadly on me I started to notice a change in his breathing pattern he would bite his lips wildly and every time he opened his symmetrical 1:2 top to bottom lips ,soft,supple - not slimy or rough ,he would let off soft moans at one point his eyes were rolling ,when he increased the pace of his hand he got louder and louder ,he would groan and tilt his head to face the ceiling ,close his eyes for a long while and give the deadly stare as soon as his head fell. As he went on and on he then signalled me to come closer to him as soon as I stood before him a milky white liquid with a jelly-like texture shot right out of his penis onto my face.It smelled like bleach,more like chlorine,it felt warm on my face.When I gasped, a little bit collected in my mouth,salty.He pulled back the curtains and continued showering. Dumbfounded I ran upstairs to my bathroom to wash my face ,when it got on my hands it felt like I was playing with tapeworms, slimy and disgusting.I took out my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth vigorously,even the toothpaste tasted different then.It made my skin crawl followed by a physical sensation of discomfort and uneasiness. I had to brush my teeth twice and guggle with listerine to get the taste out of my mouth once and for all.I went to bed crying, I did not even know why I was.I opened my eyes suddenly in the middle of the night when I heard footseps.

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