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I woke up but this isn't the place where I pass out and this isn't my clothes what's wrong

I'm on couch

I look at my leg weird my wound is stitched

I slowly sit 
"Shit my head is killing me" I said
After I look around I wanted to snad but my right leg go on holidays so I fell on the floor

I heard some one walk to this room

When the person open door to this room it's the same person before I pass out

"So you awake finally" he said and getting close to me

"What the fuck do you want from me are you like others beat the shit out of me"I yell at him still sitting on the floor

"No I don't wanna hurt you don't worry" he tried to pick me up so I smack his hand of me

"What the fuck I should thrust you and don't fucking touch me bitch" I tried to stand but I couldn't

"I give you new clothes and stitch your wound and now I will put you on the couch okay" he said with smile

"Did you call the number on the poster" I said with fear in eyes

"No I didn't thrust that shit don't worry now I'am gonna put you on the couch"

He put me on couch
Shit my head and leg hurts

"Do you fell any pain I could give you some pills if you want" he reached something on the shelf above TV

"No I don't thrust you what if it is poison and anyway why did you save me"

"You are similar to person I used to know and you seem pretty young how old are you anyway" he sit on the other side of couch

"Oh you used to know did he she died and btw I'am 14"I said

"No he isn't dead he just ..... Nevermind so what do you want to eat"

"I'am not much of pick eater I just don't eat tomatos Chees and yoghurt ew" I said

"Not a pick eater" he said while laughing

Maybe he isn't bad I thought

"So what if I make tofu will you eat that"

"I didn't have tofu in fourteen years"

"You didn't have tofu in your life" he said with shock

He stand up and go to the kitchen

After He done the food he picked me up and set me on chair at the dinner table with tofu Infront of me

I dig in the food

"Thats good" I said taking another bite of the tofu

"I'm glad you like it also Do you want the pain killers"


After he got me the pain killers

"You will probably stay here until your wound heals properly"

"Yeah but I don't know what to do after that I'm just gonna be on the street again with men from organisations after me" I said looking down on my legs

"Don't worry I will help you also you need to know who I am"

"Fine you will tell about yourself and I will tell you about myself" I said looking at him

"So my name is Chuuya Nakahara

Another chapter I hope you like it. I accept ideas for another chapter

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