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Chuuya pov

After we spoke I found out it's nice kid with horrible problems Theirs name is Mika it's not a girl it's just a person their favourite colour is blue and their favourite animal is racoon they are running from evil organisation named DOA I think I heard it somewhere but I can't remember also Mika isn't the only person whos running from them theirs friends and cousin have the same problem but now back to reality

"Do you want to watch film" I ask

"What's that is that game name or something" they replied

"I will show you" I walk to the living room

Where the CD are

Time skip after the film

"That's so cool I want watch another one please"

"Fine you can choose the film now here are the CD" I hand them full box of CDS

"I want this one" they hand me one cd

"A dog purpose" it's about dog it will be fun

And then we ended up with trauma

"Why the dogs whyyy (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)" I said

"Did all of the dog died while filming this" Mika ask me

"No of course not" I replied




"That's how we meet boss" I say standing Infront of boss desk with Mika next to me

3 person pov

Mori look at Mika with words

"Mika do you like to join the Port Mafia"

"Of course I will love to join" Mika stare at Mori

"Chuuya can you leave this room for few minutes" Mori said still don't breaking the eye contact with Mika
"Yes boss"with those words Chuuya left

"So Mika welcome to the Port Mafia  I will introduce everyone to you and also if some of subordinates mess with you just tell me" Mori said calmly

"Thank you boss" Mika replied with bow to show respect.

Then Elise walk to Mika
"Hi I'm Elis the stupid rintarou forgot to introduce me"

"Hi Elis nice to meet you " Mika go down so they see eye to eye

Elise grap Mika's hand and put on them bracelet
"Oooo thank you Elise that's pretty breclet" Mika said with smile

"Mika why you you have bandages on arms" Elise ask with curious look

"That's don't matter" Mika said and get up

"You can leave Mika Chuuya is waiting for you behind the door" Mori said

"Of course boss have great day " Mika said with smile

Mika walks to the door and they grab the handle but Mori stops them  

"And Mika I know how you actually are you or should I call you the experiment of the Doa 016"Mori said with smirk

Mika turn aroud shaking

"Don't worry you safe with the Port Mafia and also if you want keep the little secret between us you will visit me every Friday okay" Mori said still with smirk

"Yes boss pless don't tell anyone"

"Alright then on Friday you can leave now"Mori replied with smile

Hope you like it. Have a nice day byeee • v •

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