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Chuuya pov
After Mika meet everyone we decided we are gonna go shopping

"Mika welcome to my favourite shop" I open door to the shop

Mika look around

"Wow that's clothes are expensive I don't have enough money for that Chuuya"

"Don't worry I will pay now let's go" I grab Mika's hand and walk toward the peoples who work here

"Hello Chuuya what do you need" the lady ask me

"I look for some clothes for them" I said looking at Mika

"Okay I will fine some for them"
"Mika you will go with that lady she will get you new clothes"
Mika nod as yes and walk with Laura the lady

I look for something new for me

Mika pov

"So what fashion are you" the lady names Laura ask me

"I was homeless for 5 months and rest of my life I was forced to wear tights so I don't know" I replied

"Oh maybe we can find what you like" Laura said with big smile on her face


Laura was explaining things to me about fashion and stuff

She hand me baggy jeans and baggy clothes

Next some dresses I said to her that I hate dresss

After some hour

I come back to Chuuya

"So what did you get Mika" smile at me

"A socks"


"I didn't wanted you to spend money on me so I get sock for me"

"Don't worry about money okay"


Chuuya pov

Me and Mika pick some clothes what they want

They pick

Black baggy shirt and some baggy jeans

Black long skirt and blue hoodie

Black coat and black tie

And some suit for party's and stuff like that

After I pay for everything Mika gives me a big hug I know Mika doesn't like when someone touches them so I was happy that I was expedition.

Mika and I walk around the city

"So Mika how do you like this day" I ask but when I look next to me Mika  is looking at some shop with kimonos and in the shop window was black and blue kimono with blue spider lilies on the bottom

"So do you want kimono" I ask

Mika turn around whit blush on theirs face


"You bad at lying" I grab Mika's hand and walk to the shop

"Hello sir what would you like" the employe ask

"I would like the kimono in the shop window" I point at the blue and black kimono

"Okay for this little miss"


The employer put the kimono in bag 
"It will be 50,000 yen" (kimonos in Japan are around 30,000 and 100,000 yen)

"Here it is" I give the employer

Me and Mika walk around the shops again but I noticed someone watching us

"Mika someone watching us"

"You are pretty slow I know they been following us from the first shop"
Is the kid smart than me

"We can shake them off or we can go to allay and beat them up" I give Mika choises

"I want beat them up" Mika said with evil smirk

"Did I tell you that you sometimes scary"
Mika start laughing

We head to random alley with two peoples behind

We hide around the corner and wait for them

"Hey where did they go" person number 1 said

"Idk you are the smart one" person number 2 replied

I look behind me expecting Mika but Mika was gone I turned back to the persons but they were on the ground one was dead and the other was pin on the ground by Mika and knife on his neck

"Mika what the fuck that was fast how" I walk to Mika

"It's not my first time but thanks for the compliment and you little guy why do you were following us" Mika still sitting on the persons back

"Me and my friend were kicked out of the Guild and we wanted some money and we saw you. You were the kid on the poster with big bounty" person 1 answered

"Mika can you let go of him" I said looking in the scary kid eyes

"Okay" Mika smile and slit his neck

"Let's get out of here" I said

"Yay continue to shopping" Mika walk out of the alley with little jumps while walking

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