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"sir let go of me this is Kidnapping"-M

Dazai still holds Mike's hand

Dazai tightened his grip so they wouldn't run away

"Ow it hurt let go of me"-m

"Right sorry but you need to go to the agency with me"-D

Mika is confused why agency

"Fine but you're not going to hurt me"-M

Dazai nodded his head and continued walking

Meanwhile with Chuuya

That asshole rap kids what kind of monster is he I'm sorry for the 32 kid he rape and now Mika

Chuuya opened the door to the port mafia

"Chuuya what are you doing here and why you look mad"-K

"Ane-san he raped Mika"-C

"He's dead"-K

Chuuya and Kouyou head to the bosses office

But they saw the black lizard on their way

"Hello koyou and Chuuya is there any problem- H

"Mori he rape Mika"-C

Another kid everyone thought

"We are going with you Mika is the sweetest kid I know"-Hi

They open the door to Moris Office

"Oh is something wrong"-Mo

"It is you rape another kid but this kid is dear to my so you going to pay"-C
Chuuya takes a bullet and makes it fly by his ability

"So you are going to betray all of you bc of one smart kid"-Mo

"Tell us what happened at your house"-K

"Fine when Mika comes to my house and I ask them if they wanna play a game and they said yes so I grab monopoly so me Elis and Mika sit at table and Mika keep winning so I was angry so I flipped the table and it fell on top of Mika so that's what happened"-Mo




"You were mad bc kid beat you in monopoly"-K

"Yes 😔"-Mori

With Dazai

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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