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Warning ⚠️
Mention of rape

No one pov
At Chuuya's apartment
"Chuuya I need to visit boss" Mika said
"Mika listen if he does something to you just call me okay" Chuuya
"What he can do someting to me" Mika ask but they didn't know whats in Chuuya mind

In Chuuya mind
*That deam pedo if he tries something on this kid he's dead*

"Okay I will be going bye" Mika waves

What Iam gonna do Chuuya thought 

Chuuya decide he will look at some movie of course about puppy's

Chuuya sat on couch with his favourite wine watching movie about puppy's but

Is Mika back already Chuuya walk toward the door but when he open

"Hi Chuuya can I-I" the person

"The fuck are you doing here asshole you left 4 years ago and now you show up the fuck is wron- Chuuya stop talking when he saw the brunett crying Chuuya look down and saw bandages stain with blood

"Come in but don't give yourself credit I'm still mad at you" Chuuya let Dazai In his apartment

Both of them sit on couch but before that Chuuya grab new bandages

Chuuya unwrapped the old bandages

"You still doing it" Chuuya ask calmly

"I'm sorry" Dazai answer

"Don't be sorry okay and tell me what happened"

"So I was at the agency and I was on the couch and Kunikida walked to me and started yelling 'you lazy shit get up and do your work now' and I answered no and h-he 'your useless shit Dazai couldn't hold it back he broke into tears

"I'am sorry l-I did it again" Dazai said while crying Chuuya pull him into his arms

"Don't cry okay where is the Dazai I know" Chuuya smile at Dazai

"Okay and Chuuya I'm sorry for leaving"

"Iam still mad" Chuuya turn his head away from Dazai

"Chuuya don't be mad" Dazai poking Chuuya's cheek

"Stop or I will bite of your finger" Chuuya said slapping Dazais finger of
"Chuuya bad dog" "who you calling dog dumbass"

After few minutes bickering they end up playing some games

"That's not fair your cheating"-C

"Nu huh"-D

"Yu huh"-C

Chuuya stole Dazais controller

"Haha that's for the cheating" -C

Chuuya hide the controller behind his back

"Hey give it back"-D
he wanted to reach for the controller but Chuuya didn't let himself be defeated. Dazai grap Chuuya hand (in one of them is the controller) and pin him on the couch
"Will you give it back now"-D


"Chuuya you didn't realise what position we are now"-D

When Chuuya realised he was pined by Dazai on the couch his face turn the same colour as his hair
"Ooo is Chuuya blushing"-D

"N-" the front door open and Mika look at both of them

"Holly shit-M

Chuuya kick off Dazai
"It's not what you think"-C


"How was at the boss house"-C

"Bad he di-"-M

"Mika what he did to you"-C

"H-He said we will play game a-

"Shhh come here" Chuuya hug Mika

"Hey I'am still here and want hug too"-D

"Who is this"-M

"This ugly giraffe is Dazai"-C

"Nice to meet you I'm Mika"

"Nice to meet you too"-D

"Dazai I need something will you watch over Mika please I will pay you"-C

"Don't worry I will watch over Mika"-D

Chuuya grab his coat and few bullets

"The asshole he gonna pay rap another kid"

With Dazai and Mika

"What we gonna do" Dazai ask

"I don't know but my body hurt"

"Wait I know you from somewhere"

"I don't know you"

"Wait your one of the kids at the photo"

"What photo what's going on" Mika start freaking out

"You must go to the agency with me"
Dazai grap Mika and run to the agency

Hello little longer chapter

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