The Beginning

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As the new students for Hogwarts arrived, Draco was laughing 'They will be so ugly!!' he laughed until they walked in. 'Damn their fine,' Draco whispered over to his friends at the slytherin table saying 'How much do you wanna bet I can get one of those girls,or even both, and Pottah gets jealous?' He smirked at them as they started to put money down on the table. 'Slytherin!' Cried the hat for one of the girls. 'Slytherin!' It shouted for the other. Draco smiled while watching them both chatting from the other side of the table. 'Jealous much, Pottah?' He cackled. Harry glared over at Draco, his eyes like a demon. Harry muttered to himself 'Just wait and see,' Draco looked over to him,

'You say something Pottah?' Harry just glared back he then turned around to Hermione saying
'Harry, Harry, harry! Are you listening?'
'Sorry Hermione, I zoned out,' Harry lied.

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