The Orange Lady

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Draco walked back from Dumbledore's office grinning. Anna ran over to him and asked 'why are you smiling?' Draco just looked at her.

'Follow me, I will tell you everything!' said Draco. Anna waved to Sofie as Draco pulled her away. 'Where are you taking me!' chuckled Anna. Draco took her to a beach. The sunset looked unreal. she gasped at the beautiful sight. 'Why did you take me here?' She asked in her asmr voice. Draco pulled out his wand and went 'incendio!' lighting the candle on fire. In the corner of Anna's eyes she could see a girl who looked like Sofie and a boy who looked just like Harry. She thought she was imagining it. Draco leaned towards Anna, his eyes went all dreamy.

She looked into Draco's as they softly put their lips together and kissed. The sunset shining from the back of Anna's head made his eyes like a sunset. All of a sudden it poured with rain. Sofie screamed. Draco asked, 'what is she doing here?'

'I have no idea?' They both ran over to her and saw Harry laid on the floor not breathing. A massive cut ran down his throat, someone slit it. Anna laughed, 'Is he finally dead?'

Draco glared at him with force in his voice he said 'always knew you were a bit weak, Pottah!' Sofie was breathing heavily

'A-A-a woman, she was orange, came over with knife, sharp~ knife, she-she wanted to kill me... Potter jumped in the way."

'Why did she want to kill you?' said Draco, trying to calm her. Anna got jealous while watching. Sofie looked at him 'well how am i supposed to know, It's not like I know everything!' Draco looked over at sofie.

'Why were you here in the first place?'

Sofie looked him in the eye and said 'what do you mean? Harry told me to meet him here, I don't know why though,' Draco lost it. 'IT'S BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU, HE JUST CAN'T STOP STARING AND STALKING YOU! EVER SINCE YOU GOT HERE HE HAS BEEN TRYING TO STEAL YOU FROM MATTHEO.'

Sofie just looked at him confused. 'From Mattheo?, n-n-n-no, me and Mattheo were never a thing! He is just a cow. I saw what he did to you the night we were playing truth or dare.' Anna looked at Draco 'what happened? Spill the tea,' said Anna, confused. 'That's why you came back and wanted Anna to read you a bedtime story!' Sofie looked at Anna and giggled.

'A what? A bedtime story, for little baby Draco?' Sofie laughed.

'I actually sang him a lullaby thank you very much!' Anna said. Draco looked pretty embarrassed and began walking backwards.

'I think I'll be going to the common room now!' Draco slowly walked back whilst the two girls fought.

'No you read him a story!' Sofie shouted.


'I'm leaving!' Sofie stroppily walked away. Anna ran into the school and went up to the common room.

Dumbledor was out for his night stroll when he saw someone laying down. 'Sir, It's time to go to bed now!' no reply. He repeated it again, and again, until he had enough. 'HARRY JAMES POTTER!' He ran over to Harry's dead corpse. 'How are you dead? Oh there's a note!' He read the note allowed

Dear whoever is reading this,

I am the Orange Lady and I have killed Harry Potter! I was sent by a bald snake man who is as pale as my grandpa. If you wish to take revenge, come to a corn field on Harry's dead body lane!

The Orange Lady.

Dumbledore couldn't believe what he just read. He ran back into the castle and caused a lockdown, every room in Hogwarts was closed for two days. The only problem was, Sofie and Mattheo got stuck in a room together, so was Draco and Anna. 'Sofie,' Mattheo said. 'If we stay here for longer than two days, it's best if we re-populate the witch and wizard society!' Sofie exchanged disgusted and confused looks, but blushed the slightest.

'I'm not sure we have to do that right now Mattheo, let's worry about other things,' She wiped the juicy sweat off of her face. 'Phew' she muttered.

In Draco's room, Anna was calming him in her asmr voice, 'It's okay baby Draco,' She calmly said in her asmr voice, while stroking his head with gentle hands.

'Okay, I trust you,' He whispered. The problem was, Draco had no experience with women before, so he was very nervous.

Whenever he talked to her he would always stutter. 'Are you okay?' and asked in her asmr voice, 'You're stuttering,' Draco blushed and wished Anna could talk like that all the time to him and only him. 'Uh..' he realised how nervous he actually was, 'Y- yeah, I'm just a little scared,'

'It's okay Draco, you can have a nap if you want! I'll stay awake to protect you!'

'Okay ma- Anna!' He rested his head on Anna's legs, again, and slowly fell asleep, in his dreams he said, 'Mama, I'm so comfy, don't move!!' Anna didn't move although he was a bit too clingy. 'You're such a baby!' She whispered. 

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