Dobby And His Master

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'I smell feet!' Dobby, the wrinkly house elf, shouted.

'Okay, where are they?' Sohan asked.

'In this room! OoOh they're stinky!'

'Uhm, okay Dobby....' They both walked into the room, and flat on the floor was Harry Potter's cheesy feet. 'AAAAAAAAH!' He screamed,


'Dobby thinks Harry's toes smell like his, want to smell?' He shoved his foot upwards towards Harry's enormous nostrils.

'No thanks-'

-... Meanwhile ...-

Draco was still fast asleep on Anna's lap. He woke up to singing, he heard an old person's voice. 'Watch and you'll see! Dobby will be! King of the world!!' Dobby sang. Draco woke Anna up,

'Did you hear that?' He asked.

'Hear what-' she yawned. Sohan walked in in pointe shoes, in a voldemort costume and sang, 'Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldy, Voldy, Voldemort!'

Draco woke up sweating as much as he would if a woman kiss' him. 'Are you okay?' Anna asked,

'I'm fine,' He muttered.

'Awhh, did Dracy baby have a nightmare?' She giggled

'Yes- No I did not!'

'Awh poor baby!'

'I'm not a baby!' Draco shouted.

-... Back in Gryfindor's common room ...-

Harry was startled by the grotesque creature. Dobby's wrinkled light pink lips curled and crackled when he opened his mouth.

'You were one of the chosen ones!' Croaked froggy, Smelly Dobby.

'Were?' asked Harry's ghost.

'Yes, now it was Nevel but he's also dead so now looks like it's Dumbledore!' He smiled with joy. 'I'm going to see an old man!!' He sang. 

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