Lockdown In Hogwarts

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Sofie laid on her bed reading. Mattheo stared at her, not moving his eyes. 'Stop staring at me, It's creepy as hell' said Sofie, Mattheo snapped back to reality.

'Hm? What did you say?' He replied in a deep, calming voice.

'Stop trying to seduce me!' Sofie glared at him unimpressed.

Mattheo looked at her, smiled and winked. 'I would never, baby girl,'

'Mattheo don't call me that,' Sofie muttered looking down at her book, she felt slightly flustered. 'You are really pretty, you know that right?' Said Mattheo calmly. Sofie ignored him and read her book, 'I know your secret Mattheo, you don't need to hide it."

'W-what secret?' Mattheo panicked. She licked her finger and flicked the page of her book, still ignoring him. 'Riddle,' She said calmly.

'-what, how do you mow my last name?' Sofie showed him the book she was reading it had a picture of Tom Riddle ,voldemort,

'This is your dad, right?' Mattheo looked at the picture scarcely.

'y-yes , how do you know?' asked Mattheo.

'Oh Mattheo, I know everything.' She smirked, as she pulled him in for a kiss. Mattheo was shocked, he didn't know she would ever like him back, they didn't stop until her book fell off from Mattheo's bed. That's when Sofie realised she was on top of Mattheo. Her cheeks made her face look like a tomato, Mattheo was happy. Mattheo's face went red as well, they both pulled away to get some air in their lungs. Mattheo grabbed her face and pulled her back in, while rolling on top of her.

They Pulled away fast as they heard footsteps 'never knew voldemort could make someone this cute,' Sofie winked. Quickly, they got off each other and acted normal. Nevel Longbottom came running into the room screaming like a girl. 'AAAAAAAAA-' He fell down onto the floor, an Orange Lady stood there with a bow and arrow, the door slammed shut as they saw a long hairy beard, which was Dumbledores, come from the ceiling behind The Orange Lady. Mattheo tried opening the door but there was no luck. Everything went dark, blood spilled everywhere it came out Nevel's head as fast as a toddler peeing.

Mattheo and Sofie tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. The lock was broken. The Orange Lady cackled as she turned around and bumped into Dumbledore's long, silky beard. 'Watch it lady,' she croaked as he yelled,

'AVADA KEDAVRA!' The old orange prune dropped to the floor like a ballerina. Dumbledore ran as fast as he could to Nevel. He tried all the spells he knew but none could revive him he even tried CPR, it still didn't work. All his drool was left on Nevels broken face. As the Orange Lady was dead and the lockdown was over. Dumbledore commanded everyone to go to the grand hall. They all sat at their tables, Anna and Sofie sat together. They all saw Nevel, dead, at the front of the room 'we are all gathered here today to celebrate Nevels death, now you might be wondering why I said celebrate, It's because no one actually liked him!'

Everyone started to cheer as Hermione went up to Nevels dead body, she moved her head closer to his, flicked her tongue like a snake and whispered the words, 'Call me,' She puckered her lips and kissed him for 2 seconds, then ran back to her table.

'Bloody hell Hermione!' Ron shouted, 'Why do you kiss him and not me?'

'I know what you did in the corner!' She sang.

'It's actually, "I know what you did last summer" Hermione,' Sohan told her. Ron knew exactly what to say.

'Hermione, are you sure you're a mudblood? Because that booty is magical!' Hermione looked him up and down, blushed, and ran away. 'Did I do something wrong Harry?' Ron sobbed. 

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