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Harry glared over at Draco as they both were blushing. 'She wasn't waving at you Pottah!' Draco shouted furiously. 'They waved at me!' Sofie started giggling which made Anna laugh too! Draco turned to them. 'How cute,' Anna softly said.

'I know right!!' Sofie squealed.

'Were they in love with me?' Draco thought. 'I'll win the bet, and I do love them of course,' He brushed his hand through his blonde hair and smiled. His gorgeous blue eyes twinkled from the huge chandeliers that hung onto the roof of the grand hall. Anna started to blush, Sofie realised and then also blushed. Their cheeks turned into a flamingo pink colour. Draco looked over at the girls again. They were hiding their faces from embarrassment. 'Malfoy!' Potter shouted. 'Stay away from them! You're a bad influence!'

Draco thought all hope was lost until. 'Stop Harry!' shouted Anna. 'You're mean!' shouted Sofie. 'You foul loathsome cockroach!' Harry stared in shock.

'Really?' Harry thought, 'Girls said that to me?' He ran out of the grand hall, nearly crying. 'What a baby!' laughed Anna, 'I thought he was the so called "chosen one"'

'He may be the chosen one but I'm not choosing him' Sofie said sweetly. Draco couldn't help but blush as hard as his diarrhoea comes out from his butt, he felt loved, for once. 'Baby!!' Pansy shouted going really close to him.

'Get off me!' Draco exclaimed.

'Why baby?'

'Stop calling me that!'

'Ooooh! I need popcorn,' Sofie squealed.

'No problem!' Anna said, passing the popcorn to Sofie.

-... A little while later ...-

Sofie and Anna walked into the common room. 'O.M.G!' Anna shouted. 'Mattheo?!' Mattheo turned around and started to cry.

'BESTIE!!!' He shouted at the top of his lungs even though he had pneumonia. Draco got a little jealous but let it slide.

'Hey gir-' Pansy began to say. Anna slapped her furiously.

'Don't come near me ever again.' She gave a cold tone and switched back to happy when Draco saw her. Pansy cried as loud as a baby. 'Nice one,' Sofie fist bumped Anna.

'Guys..' Mattheo said nervously.

'What is it?' Sofie asked.

'That's my ex-'

'Oh.' Anna laughed

-... In Gryfindor's common room ...-

Harry was sitting in the corner of the room. His heart felt like a soggy digestive biscuit that had been kept in tea for too long. 'Why do they like that Ferret?' he whispered to himself.

'Harry you look lonely, let me fix that!' Ron winked and soon enough they were making out in the corner of the room. Hermione walked in flabbergasted. The horror in her eyes grew deeper. 'Ron...?' She stood there upset, tears falling down her cheeks. 'You orange peanut looking swine!' She stormed off crying just like Pansy.

'Wait!' Ron cried. But it was too late... The damage has already been done.

'Ron, why did you stop?' Harry asked desperately.

'No reason at all- WAIT! I'M NOT GAY!' He screamed. His screams were heard through the whole of Hogwarts.


-... Back at Slytherin's common room ...-

Music played on Sofies alexa as they were talking. 'Malfoy's pretty cute, am I right?' Sofie said.

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