chapter 2

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Adrian waited a for the women to be done talking to the movers.

after about 5 minutes the movers left and Adrain walked over to say hi

Adrian " hello I'm Adrain Foster your new neighbor"

Felecia " oh hello my name is Felecia Booker, and this is my son Ace" she said in a southern accent.

Ace "hi"

Adrian "nice to meet you both"

Felicia "well it's nice to meet you too"

Adrian" is there anything I can help you with I have a lot of time on my hands and don't really know what to do with it" she lied

Felicia "why sure we have a few more boxes to move and would really appreciate the help"

Adrian grabbed a box and followed miss Booker and her son to their new home

as they were walking Adrian was thinking....

"Miss Foster has a really bubbly personality its odd I'm not used to that"

"Huh I wonder why miss Booker has and accent but Ace doesn't"

"He doesn't seem social really kinda like me but a little more lol"

they reached their destination and put the boxes down

Felecia " thank for helping us we really appreciate it"

Adrian " it was no problem Miss Booker I was happy to help!"

Felecia " oh please call me Felecia"

Adrian "oh ok"

Felecia "oh Have question for you"

Adrian "what?"

Felecia "do you go to the school that's just down the street"

Adian "Yes I do! why?"

Felecia "Thats wonderful Ace just enrolled there"

Adrian " oh really what grade are you in?"

Ace "12th"

Adrian "well so am I what are the odds, hey do you want to walk to school with me tomorrow we could go early so I can show you around to get familiar with the place"

Ace " what time should I meet you"

Adrian " well since school starts at 8:00 and it takes about 10 minutes to walk so....7:15 I'll meet you by that bench that's just outside"

Ace "ok"

Adrian bid them goodbye and headed to the door

Adrian " oh and Ace..."

Ace "yea"

Adrian " you better pack your own lunch bc the school lunch is...... well I don't even think you call it food"

Ace " ok" he said with a chuckle.

when Adrian got outside she took a deep breath it was time to do the thing she had been dreading

she open the door to her place and she took a couple steps in and took her shoes off

it was oddly quite

she took a couple more steps when all of a sudden someone grabbed her by her hair and threw her at the wall......

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