Chapter 9

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Adrian was hesitant but mustered up the courage

She tightly held her cat and jumped ..............

She closed her her eyes and found herself in Ace's arms

Ace "i told you I'd catch you"

Adrian "whatever "

They stayed in that moment for a little bit until Adrian broke the silence

Adrian "you can put me down now" she said softly

Ace " oh yea, sorry" he chuckled

Ace put Adrian down

Adrian grabbed her bag from off the ground and they made their way to Ace's place

They walked into the apartment and Ace told Adrian to sit at the table and he walked to the bathroom

Adrian looked around to see how much different it looked from when she had first been here

Ace walked out of the bathroom with the first aid kit

Adrian "what's that for?"

Ace "you have some marks on your neck it could swell up if it doesn't get treated"

Adrian "oh"

Ace sat down beside her and she lifted her head looking up at the ceiling
Ace had a Dejavu moment he remember  the time when he put a patch on Adrian's shoulder at school

Ace "so that time when you had a shoulder injury...... was that because of him"

Adrian ".......yea"

Ace sighed as he hated that she has had to live with this her whole life

Winnie jumped up on Adrian's chair and began walking all around Adrian
Winnie then jumped on Adrian's back which made Adrian hiss in pain

Ace looked at her very concerned

Ace "does your back hurt?"

Adrian "a little"

Ace " i know this is going to sound weird but may i make sure these no serious wound......"

Adrian "uh....."

Ace "just lift the back of your shirt that's all"

Adrian "ok.......but don't freak out "

Ace was a little confused at the request
Adrian lifted the back of her shirt and what it revealed made Ace's heart drop

She had some minor scratches from being thrown against the wall earlier, but that's not what concerned him.
She has so many scars on her back, and one that was bigger than the others that went right across her back

He stayed silent as he treated the scrapes
And a tear fell from his eye, he couldn't even imagine what she has been through

Adrian her a sniffle and looked behind her to see Ace, his eyes filling up with tears and one that had already fallen

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