Chapter 6

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Adrian "what do you mean"

Ace " what I mean is I want to be your friend"

Adrian didn't know what to think of that

she had never had a friend before

Adrian "can I have time to think about it"

Ace " Of Course"

Adrian "thanks" she smiled

Ace " I think some of these books are still salvageable, if you just let them dry"

Adrain "that's the problem....where can I dry them I cant do it at my house bc my dad will just get more upset"

Ace "well they could dry at my place"

Adrain "no I don't want to trouble you with that"

Ace " its no trouble really"

Adrain " ok thank you"

Adrain and Ace grabbed the books and headed to his apartment

when Ace opened the door they were happily greeted by his mom

they went to his room to lay all the books out

Adrain " wow the books take up a lot of room are you sure your ok with this?"

Ace "Adrian I'm sure, they should be dry by the time we get home from school tomorrow"

Adrain " I better get going I need to cook dinner"

Ace "ok let me walk you out"

the two of them walked to the door where they said goodbye and Adrain left

Adrian walked into her house to her parents yelling and screaming at each other so she just went to her room

when she entered her room she wasn't greeted by her cat she started looking everywhere around her room

she was now scared if something had happened

just then her cat came in through her window

Adrian "Winnie you scared meeee"

Winnie "meow?"

Adrian "I thought something happened to you"

Winnie "meow"

Adrain " are you hungry?"

Winnie "meow" the cat ran over to her bowl

Adrian " your so cute!"

as she fed Winnie she noticed that her parents had stopped fighting

she walked to the kitchen and the house was dead silent

Adrain " they must have left"

every time Adrain's parents had fought like that they would leave the house separately and stay out all night

Adrain "finally some peace and quite"

she decided to relax and watch her favorite movie

Adrian fell asleep on the couch during the movie and Winnie came and joined her

the two slept soundly, maybe A little too soundly

Adrain didn't hear her alarm go off

Ace was outside waiting for her to come out and go to school but she didn't show

he would go knock on her door but he didn't know which apartment was hers and he didn't have her number so he couldn't call her either

but he did remember which window was hers from the other day

he went as close to her window as he could without getting in the water

Ace "Adrian!"

but there was no response so he yelled louder

Ace "Adrian!!"

but still no response to be fair Ace didn't really yell that loud he was uncomfortable it would get attention

but he knew if he didn't yell loud enough Adrian would miss school

so he counted down from five so he could get the courage to yell

Ace "5, 4, 3....2,1 Ad-- nope no"

he was discouraged that he didn't do it so he tried again

Ace "5, 4.....3, 2....1 ADRIAN!!!!!!!"

there was no response

Ace "maybe she's already at school"

he turned around to leave thinking that had been a waste of time

Adrian "ACE?"

Ace turned around to see Adrian leaning out her window

Adrain "hold on wait for me just give me a sec"

Ace "ok I'll wait" he smiled

Adrain rushed to get ready

she threw on jeans and a dark green oversized hoodie on

Adrian " is this still clean?... whatever I don't have time"

she grabbed her backpack and her cat and ran out the door

she met Ace out of breath from running

Adrian "lets go!"

Ace "why'd you bring the cat?"

Adrian "huh?"

she looked at her cat she forgot to put him down

Adrian "oh he's not allowed to be home during the day"

she put the chubby ginger down and began walking with Ace to school

she turned to look at her cat who was still sitting there

Adrian "goodbye my baby see you later!"

Ace "pfff your baby"

Adrian "yea my baby what's wrong with that!?"

Ace "nothing its just funny"

Adrian looked at her phone


Ace "yea bc SOMEONE didn't get up in time"

Adrian "come on we have to hurry" she said then ran with Ace not to far behind

they finally made it to school two minutes before class started

Adrian spotted Emma, Vanessa, and Trissie looking at her as if she did something wrong

Adrain "looks like this is gonna be a long day" she sighed......

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