Chapter 11

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Adrian "I can't live with you guys like that i would feel guilty"

Ace "guilty about what im the one who offered, come on what do you say"............

Adrian "........alright" she smiled
Ace returnd the smile

Adrian was playing with her cat while Ace was on his phone

Adrian "Winnie do you love me?"

Winnie "meow " Winnie snuggled into Adrian's neck

Adrian "aww i love you too my baby"

Winnie "meow"

Adrian "you wont ever leave me right?"

Winnie "meow"

Adrian's favorite person was Winnie she couldn't picture her life without her

After 15 minutes they started walking aimlessly just talking

When they got to Ace's place Adrian put Winnie down

Adrian "i have a question"

Ace "what is it"

Adrian "can i go to my house to grab my stuff"

Ace didn't like the idea but since its what she wanted to do

Ace "you know you don't have to ask permission right?"

Adrian "oh ok"

Ace "can i go with you just in case"

Adrian "sure"
They went to Adrian' s apartment luckily she still had her key

She walked in and called for her mother

Adrian "mom.....are you home "

She walked in to find her dad passed out on the couch with liqueur bottles next to him

She sighed angrily

Adrian walked to her room and put her things in a suit case Ace was still at the entrance of the apartment

When Adrian turned around her eyes met with her dad's

Adrians dad "what are you doing here huh, where's that lover boy of yours"

Adrian "d-d-dad w-when did you-"

Adrian's dad "why are you here"

Adrian "i-im getting my belongings"

Adrians dad "why, are you running away with him"

Adrian "no"

Adrians dad" LIAR"

Adrian "i-im not lying"


Adrian "that's not my fault, you cheated on her not me"

Her dad grabbed her by the hair

Adrian's dad "SAY THAT AGAIN"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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