chapter 7

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It was the end of 5th period and Adrain was already done with today she wanted to go home and cuddle Winnie

she was walking out if the classroom while thinking about her chubby puff ball of a cat, when she was stopped by a very angry Vanessa

Adrain didn't have the energy to deal with her today to she walked past her

but Vanessa wasn't going to let that slide

Vanessa grabbed Adrian's backpack to stop her from going any further

Vanessa "where do you think your going"

Adrian "to class where do you think"

Vanessa "you know I don't like you attitude"

Adrian " let go"

Vanessa "seems like You've forgotten your place" she scoffed.

Adrian stepped closer to Vanessa

Adrian " and what place would that be"

Vanessa "are seriously talking back to me"

Adrian "It's not talking back when your being harassed"

Vanessa "harassed?! what bullshit"

Adrian " bullshit huh, then what do you call this?"

Vanessa looked at the situation she was holding the bag that was on Adrian's back not letting go

Adrian pushed Vanessa's hand off and was about to walk away when Vanessa shoved her against the lockers

Vanessa stared at her with rage in her eyes

Venassa " you better watch yourself Foster"

Adrian "you too Carter "

Adrian shoved Vanessa off and walked to class

Vanessa stood there watching Adrain walk off and thinking how badly she wanted to give teach her she cant act like that

Later in 6th period Adrain leaned over towards Ace and whispered in his ear

Adrian "hey do you want to go to that cafe again after school"

Ace "why?"

Adrian " to get drink what else"

Ace "I don't know"

Adrian "I'll buy you a cinnamon roll"

Ace "...... ok fine"

Adrian "yay"

after class Ace and Adrian were packing up to leave when Emma and Vanessa entered the room

Adrian didn't realize that they were even there until Emma snatch Adrain's bag

Adrian " hey what the fuck, give it back"

Emma "make me"

Adrian "just give it back I'm not I'm the mood"

Vanessa "I don't really give shit if you are or not"

Adrian "what do you want" she said with a sigh

Vanessa "just to talk"

Adrian knew they wanted trouble, but she didn't want to do anything Infront of Ace, so she played along.

Adrian "about what"

Vanessa "you see we noticed that you got paired up with Vince King earlier in science"

Adrian "yea so what"

Vanessa "well you see I want you to set up a date for him and I"

Adrian "what if I say no?"

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