Chp 2: The Good and The Bad Trolls

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If been a day since Jim and I discovered about the amulet, Jim went to go find Toby while stayed behind at my home before my uncle comes back. I did try calling him but all I can do is just leave a voicemail. I really have a lot of questions about what's really happening to me and why's my uncle been acting different. But then I was interrupted by a door opening and I look to see it was my uncle.

YN: Unlce! Where have you been? I've been trying to call you ever since after school.

UN: I'm sorry. There was a few setback I needed to make sure its ready for you.

YN: What do you mean? Uncle, what exactly is going on?

UN: Don't worry, I promise I'll tell you everything. But right now, I need you to gather a few things.

YN: Why?

UN: Its time for you to learn what you can really do.

I was confused for a second but I went to grab and put my things in my duffle bag before joining him at the truck.

Time skip, 3rd POV

It didn't took long but when they got to the mountain and they had to walk on foot to the rest of the way. YN was having trouble with hiking since they both had to carry some backpacks which are heavy.

YN: Are we there yet?

UN: We'll get there when we get there- oh wait, we're here.

They stop at a open area in the middle of the forest.

They stop at a open area in the middle of the forest

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UN: You can drop the bags over there.

YN drop the backpack to the ground before he meets up with his uncle by the large rock that he's sitting on.

UN: Before we get started, there's something I need to tell you. What I'm about to tell you, will change your life but for a good reason.

YN: Okay.

UN: (Nods.) You and I, our family isn't just ordinary people. We have the ability to control the earth at our will.

YN: So that why there was a stone wall blocking the basement?

UN: Yes, but there's more that we can do than that. Watch.

UN stands up and takes off his shoes as well as his shirt before he walk towards the middle of the open area. After he took a deep breath, he immediately stomp on the ground with his feet only to have a huge stone emerging from the ground before he throws it like it wasn't heavy at all.

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Tales of Arcadia//Male reader (On Hold Until Next Month.)Where stories live. Discover now