a mistake

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His name is Kim Mingyu, jeonghan said as he flipped the I'd card of their host . All of the cousin were sitting around

Either on mobile phone or worried that they over stepped. Only calm & relaxed one was jeonghan who was checking the stuff from the jacket of said male.

A Gun ! Wonwoo claimed as he saw jeonghan taking out a gun from the inside pocket of Kim Mingyu

" Why does he have one ?

Their cousin seokmin asked with a little fear in the tone

" Obviously to stay safe from people like us " woozi snickered and it forced little chuckle and giggles from all.

" I didn't think We did good . Maybe he is someone dangerous?"

Wonwoo showed his worry. Seungkwan
shook his head & said jokingly. " When he wakes up, he is gonna tackle you down wonwoo hyung! Because you are the one who sprayed on him !

Wonwoo let out a whine

Jeonghan hyung was the master mind of this plan. I just acted on it. Cried out. Wonwoo

Wonwoo bit out his lips worriedly. As he saw slight twitch in Kim Mingyu hand .
Which were tied to chair's handles & his legs which were tied too

Guys ! He is waking up!

Wonwoo claimed and all of them gathered around the chair on which Kim Mingyu was tired . He slowly gained his conscious and opened his eyes .. and sharp ache welcomed Mingyu back in world as his vison got clearer the more he blinked & focused on the sight around him

Mingyu cursed when he felt his hands were tied and his first instinct was
To use his strength and bring his training of years in use. But he stopped his thoughts when his eyes ended on a familiar face

Too familiar, Mingyu squinted his eyes at the fidgeting figure . Wonwoo
Widened his eyes as a dear caught in light

"Hello! Gentleman! Eyes up here .

Jeonghan said and clapped in front of his face

Mingyu looked at jeonghan and somehow sat back down

Using his scenting ability he come to know above the sub gender the count of people around him beta & alphas were barely there, omega were high in count. In which it seemed
The blonde omega seemed to be much bolder than even alphas in the team

May I know why am I kidnapped? "Mingyu asked jeonghan smiled and bent down a little

Nothing much just wanted to have fun "
Jeonghan shrugged.

Mingyu licked his inner cheek" we should let him go now jeonghan hyung " wonwoo found himself whispering to jeonghan who shook his head " you are way to worried for
This wonu . Stay relax . Can't you see
He is tied and can't get up ? Calm down & relax jeonghan said snickering

Wonwoo & seokmin gulped at that and woozi & seungkwan Just sigh.

And other alpha & beta each of them laughed

Mingyu ticked at that and chuckled

"Oh you won't like to know about me little chick '

Jeonghan snickered: what did you call me ? Jeonghan growled despite being an omega which surely impressed Mingyu.

" How dare you call me that?
Jeonghan nearly yelled.

" We will not call a chick an eagle yeah right?

Alpha replied smugly. " Don't call me that !

Jeonghan spat.

Or what! What would you do baby chick? I can't believe that you all are Just little chickens and look what are you all doing
Now alpha snickered.

an dangerous alpha Where stories live. Discover now