something nasty going to happen

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Let's sit down, we have something important to talk about, " Kim whooshik said

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Let's sit down, we have something important to talk about, " Kim whooshik said.

The two of cousins exchanged  glances & gulped down.
The atmosphere was tense no one said  anything

The unknown guests at least to their mother was still standing.

As Mingyu faced at Wonwoo.
Wonwoo flinched softly when their eyes met and looked down, Mingyu Smirked & let out a breathy chuckle.

" I think we should take our leave. I don't want our friendship to be over whooshik "
There was a little warning in scoup tone as whooshik stiffed at his place.
All the women frowned at that

Scoup & mingyu went out of living room towards the exit door, followed with the considerbsl amount of guards. Before going scoup glance at jeonghan who glare back him with pure disguist & haterd, seeing  that scoup let out breathy chuckle. And mouthed  pleased to meet you again kitten.

Which made jeonghan blood boiled with rage.

Wonu, jeonghan, seokmin & woozi Seungkwan gulped
as they all sat there and waited for their grandpa to start,

" I am not going to beat around the bush..
Where did you meet him wonwoo?
Whooshik startled the poor wonwoo as he jerked his head up and looked at his grandpa with wide eyes.

" Who.. Who Grandpa? Wonwoo dared to ask and whooshik breathed out in......... Seemeid like rage.

" That True blood owner Alpha  prince Mingyu.. Where did you meet him? Whooshik asked again

Wonwoo gulped and looked at jeonghan who was equally wide eyed and scared like him.

" Answer me! Why is he suddenly at my home and asking for my middle grandson hand in marriage? Claiming that he has seen you numerous times and wants to mate you?
Huh? There were numerous gasps of shock from everyone.

Tears pooled up in wonu eyes.. I don't know grandpa.. I really don't. He shuttered out.

" Jeonghan! " , woozi! Whooshik nearly yelled as woozi & jeonghan flinched.

You both are always with him. Tell me.. When did they start dating? Whooshik asked jeonghan & woozi instead and once again almost everyone  except the older alpha's in the room gasped and a series of what? Could be heard.

Prince Mingyu is here to ask for wonwoo's hand  for marriage. He claimed to date you for three months now and now wants to marry you...

As soon as possible " Whooshik let out.

Wonwoo's eyes widened comically as he stared at his grandpa.

Wh.. What did you s.. Say? Wonu mother stuttered out. No one dares to say a word whenever whooshik was angry, " I accepted whooshik said calmly, and wonwoo felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on him. "Wh.. What No! I don't know him! He is lying! Wonwoo yelled out, aghast.. Whooshik frowned & sighed

" Look wonwoo. I might be strict but if you guys wanted to marry each other you should have let me know you even dated him for three months and never utterd a word '
Whooshik said calmly.

"Because I never! I never dated him. He is lying wonwoo tried to defend himself with his tears. almost to flow down

" You mean.. My  boss  is lying? 
Whooshik asked, a challenge heard in his voice. 

I want this to be over soon, we have accepted his hand in marriage for wonwoo and you will be getting married to him on next Friday ".

But wonwoo mother stood up

"No! I will not let that happen! My son already has said that he doesn't know your so called Boss! They never dated

" She never yelled or lost her temper, but now, it was getting out of hold.

Whooshik sighed and looked at wonu' father who stood stiffly on his place beside his own father seat.

' you have any objection joon Myun?

Whooshik asked his son. And he just shook his head.

Wonwoo and his mother looked at him like he had betrayed.
"It's settled then!
You will be married off to prince Mingyu at the end of this week.

Whooshik said & stood up.

" I will not let you do this to my son! Not at all!
Wonu mother yelled. As all nearly winced at the high pitched voice wonwoo cried hysterically and just sat there.
I will apologize to him!

Wonwoo yelled and that stopped grandpa footsteps.

" For what?

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