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Woozi pov

Woozi in his room

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Woozi in his room

Woozi remembring that wispher

We meet again .. Ji..

I never thought that  I  ever meet him again

After 8 years.

Oh! Moon goodness why are you making thing complicated.
  Moreover why we have to got mess with them

Please Moon goodness help your childs to get away from this mess

I am already guilty enough &hated myself for my past mistake. Please not let my family &brother's involve in  this

Suddenly Seungkwan enter

Sk:woozi hyung are you all right?

Woozi : Yeah why?

Sk: No, you look stressed there. Are you sure you are fine?
  Woozi: no there is nothing Seungkwan, you are just overthinking

Sk:But.. Woozi cutt off
Now drop this topic Seungkwan

I think you should go to your room & take  some rest today night was very hectic ok..

Sk: if you say so.. Iam going but 

Seungkwan take woozi both hand in his hand and said

Hyung remember this always we all are one hyung.
We cannot hide anything from each other.
I know something is bothering you & you did not want to tell us so we don't get
According to you stressed over it.

But its not truth

Yes sometimes you do behave like headstoned & stubborn person but 
There nothing can change that you
Are our lovely & cutess which you think you are not which totally false
You are our protective older hyung.

So, never think that because of you or yours anything thing can never gives us
Stressed, burdened or any harm
So , please trust us hyung.

Now I should go  with teasing
As you said

But please always remember this what
I said hyung

As Seungkwan was going suddenly he got stopped &froze as woozi hugged him

Who doesn't like skinship much

Suddenly woozi said

I trust you all with my life Seungkwan & I promise I will not let happen anything to you, hannie hyung,  wonu & seokminee.

You all are my reasons to live.

I will always with four of you till my last breath. I swear with my blood to moon goddess

Sk: hyung..... Me to.

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