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I woke up in a strange room balanced against a pillar. Where am I? This isn't the hut... I tried to stand but I was tied down. I began to panic. What's going on.!? Where am I!? I frantically searched the room with my eyes looking for any sign of where I could possibly be, then I felt a rocking. Am I...on a ship..? I continued to look around the room. Then I finally turned my head backwards and saw,
a fire nation flag...

I gasped loudly and I began to thrash in the ropes I was tied in. Then I remembered that air holds water molecules. I began to attempt to bend the water in the air, eventually getting enough to try to slash the ropes. I began to slash the ropes with the water I acquired from the air when suddenly, I heard a soft and low voice from the corner of the room...

"I've never seen anyone who could "barely even bend water correctly" pull water straight from the air, you must be extremely skilled..."

The voice that spoke started to slowly walk towards me, I didn't even notice anyone else was in the room with me.

When the voice stepped closer I could begin to see who was speaking.

"Ponytail boy..?"
I said questioningly, squinting my eyes to make out who it was, there were no windows in the room, the only light source being a couple candles

I hear him groan and he kneels in front of me.

"My name is NOT "ponytail boy." It's Prince Zuko."
He spoke firmly, his face about a foot or so away from mine.

I blink, looking up at him with fear in my eyes.

"Untie me now!"
I yelled thrashing more in the ropes, seeing him startled me, making me drop the water I got from the air.

He just scoffed and tightened the ropes.

"You can't order me around! I'm NOT untying you!"
He huffed.

I looked back at him with an annoyed expression.

"Untie me."


"Untie me."


"Untie me."



He yelled, interrupting me.

He huffed loudly and sat in front of me, criss crossing his legs and crossing his arms.

For a prince, he's extremely unmannered.
I thought to myself before my thoughts got interrupted by his voice again.

"Now. Tell me how there's two avatars. And how you're somehow one of them.."
He asked in a demanding tone.

I shook my head.

"I'm pretty sure I've already told you that I'm not the Avatar."
I said as I began to thrash again.

"Stop that."
He ordered.

I replied as I continued to thrash

"Stop that."


"Stop it."


"I'm not going back and forth with you...again"
He said rubbing his temples.

"You KNOW you're an Avatar. You bent fire."
He spoke in an annoyed tone.

I'm going to do whatever it takes to annoy him enough to the point that he lets me go, that should work right?

"No I didn't. I'm not a fire bender"
I shrugged, looking at him.

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."

"How many times are you going to do this!?"
He lightly slapped his forehead with this palm

"Until I feel like it."
I remarked in a sarcastic tone.

He groaned at my response, standing and pacing around the room back and forth.

"Why won't you talk!!"
He yelled at me in frustration.

"Why won't you stop yelling?"
I bent the water that I dropped on the floor from before up to his mouth to shut him up.

He froze and stood there for a second, staring at me with an unamused expression.

I leaned back against the pillar and sighed.

"See? Much quieter"
I spoke with a cheeky grin

He blinked at me before he screamed into the water, fire coming from his mouth which evaporated the water.

He screamed.


I absolutely cannot present this girl to my father. He'd end up burning my other eye as well.

I glare at her, the silence in the room is deafening.

Does she even know how to properly fire bend? Maybe if I present her to my father, her fire bending will make up for her attitude...

"Do you even know how to fire bend?"
I ask, almost hesitantly.

"I told you, I don't know how"
She replied in a snarky tone, which in any other situation I maybe would've found amusing.

If I taught her, father would have to un-banish me..he'd have to be proud of me..

I sigh, reluctant to the words about to leave my mouth.

"I'm going to teach you."

"It was always you"   Zuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now