20 - let's call a cat a cat

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trying to get back on schedule
so here's a double update
(idk why this book got so horny)
(it's not my fault)

Lee did not seem impressed when I flaunted back into the restaurant with my cheeks cherry red and chugged the beer he'd retrieved for me, then apologized and left.

I should have felt bad, but I didn't. My legs weren't even moving, I was floating. I bundled up, said, "Happy New Year," to my manager who was already drunk, and didn't look back. Dallas was in the same spot that I left him waiting outside, a permanent twinkle in his eye when I approached.

"I thought you might have changed your mind already."

Though his words were a tad pointed, I just shook my head and smiled before grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me. Our lips met in a closed-lipped embrace and Dallas melted into me immediately. I pulled away and said, "Not this time, cowboy," making him laugh out into the streets.

"Where are we going?" he asked while we stood outside of my job.

"My place," I said and then a thought struck me. "Speaking of cowboys, do you remember at the beach house when you said you were a modern day Heath Ledger and I said, 'but you're not a gay cowboy,' and you said, 'well, I'm not a cowboy?' What the fuck was that?"

Dallas stared at me blankly. "I never said that."

"Yes, you fucking did," I said, laughter erupting from my chest as I recalled the conversation like it was yesterday. He followed me to my car, where he oh-so-conveniently parked right next to me. "You're such a weird flirter!"

"It's not like you made it easy!" Dallas exclaimed as he slid into the passenger's seat. "I literally could not figure out what you thought of me. I still can't."

Good point.

He played with my hand on the way to my apartment. I couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering all along my stomach. This was the first time in a long time that I felt so good about being with Dallas. Don't ask what changed. I do not fucking know.

We all but ran to my front door and I fumbled with the keys to unlock it, but we made it out of the cold eventually. I took off my coats and pullover until I was left in my disgusting work T-shirt, hanging them up for once even though I'd usually throw them in a heap on the couch.

The place was a mess since I wasn't expecting company. I thought about attempting to straighten up, but figured it wasn't worth it. I glanced at Dallas while he took off his shoes and coat, looking around the place with curious eyes. It wasn't a big place and I wasn't much of an interior decorator. Everything on my walls, I found discounted at Target or stole from my mom when she wasn't paying attention.

"So this is where Thomas hides when he doesn't want to face his feelings," Dallas whistled and I gave him an unimpressed look. "This is cute. Very you." Messy and from the clearance section? Checks out.

I excused myself to take a shower and told him to make himself at home. When I was under the water, a giddy feeling kept sending happy chills over my body. He was here, in my home, waiting for me to go back out there and surrender myself to him. I think I was ready to. This was the last time he'd have to come find me and beg me to love him back.

After all, I was tired of running. I was tired of hiding. I was tired of sweating the trivial decisions like who I should kiss at midnight because he was the one that I wanted. I was tired of him being the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the last before I went to sleep. And I  was tired of sitting in the shower overthinking what could be with the man that was sitting outside the door of my bathroom, just waiting for me to claim my man.

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