You're dreaming honey

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Another smut warning. Someone pass me the holy water, I'm in too deep.

I bolt upright in my bed.

That dream was not okay.

I wipe sweat off my forehead, as I look to the side, in search of my alarm clock.

3:27 AM.

Why am I having sexual dreams about Luke at 3:27 in the morning.

As I lay back down in my bed, I began to think about the dream.

I was everything I wasn't.

I swore, I got into someones pants and acted like it was casual, and most oddly of all

Apparently I was good at it.

That's everything I want to be though. I want to be seen as that girl in skin tight, ripped denim jeans, beautiful crop tops, scene hair, piercings and has a face that girls would kill for.

But I'm not that girl

Im just boring old me, shorts, band merch, plain hair, ink less skin.

And I hate it.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone light going off.

I reach for my phone and no surprises, its Luke.

From: Lucas
Cant sleep:/ You awake?

To: Lucas
Yeah, I can't sleep either:|

From: Lucas
Can I come over?._.

My heart drops at the thought of him coming over. My eyes drift over to the clock again.

3:32 Am

To: Lucas
I swear to god, if you get caught at my house, I will pretend that you're trying to rape me.

From Lucas
Trust me, I won't get caught babe

My heart swoons as I re read the message over and over.

Does anyone know that feeling in the pit of your stomach where butterflies erupt everywhere but you cant do anything about it?

Yeah. I feel like that.

I lock my phone and don't even reply, knowing he'll be on his way.

But thats when the thought hit me.

Im in my stupid Mickey Mouse pyjamas.

I dash out of my bed, just to get to the wardrobe.

My hands race through all the clothes racks in search of some decent clothes that don't make me look like I tried to hard.

I finally decide on just a My chemical romance hoodie and some track pants, featuring a black beanie.

Moments later, I hear soft thuds on my window, almost startling me to death.

I open up my curtains to be welcomed to Luke throwing gummy life savers at my window.

This Hemmings kid jeez.

I open up the window for him, and help him inside.

He stuffs a few lollies into his mouth, and points the box towards me.

"Want any?" He asks as I take his offer by eating a couple.

"May I ask why you decided to throw lollies at my window Luke?" I curiously ask.

"Because rocks will break the damn window and i'm not prepared to pay any bills" He says, casually welcoming himself to my bed.

I walk towards the light switch and instantly regret it later.

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