Most Shameful Assembly- Dyut Sabha

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Its an most shameful and regretful day for Hastinapur. As theri kulvadhu's respect going to tarnish today Dussasan went to escort her from her chamber as per his elder brother order.
The pandavs knee down infront of Duryodhan and Shakuni while all elders and other members of sabha sitting on their respective place while their head and eyes are down toward of mother Prithvi.
When everyone listen a loud scream
"Ahh aaaaaa Dussasan leave me please aaaa leave"

Dussasan take her by her hairs, she is injured while some marks are also visible on her cheeks and forehead.
Dussasan push her infront of sabha when she look towards everyone.

She stands and asked everyone " Maharaj what is all happening will me and why, infront of you and elders your son disrespecting your own kulvadhu and you are silent why Maharaj why"

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She stands and asked everyone
" Maharaj what is all happening will me and why, infront of you and elders your son disrespecting your own kulvadhu and you are silent why Maharaj why"

" Pithamah why are you silent you blessed me with your protection they why are you silent
Guru Dron you said that I am a daughter for you then why are you silent on my disrespect
Kakashri (uncle) is this the way to behave with kulvadhu what is doing here is dharm (right) why are you silent
Just say something "

She was asking her questions with everyone when Duryodhan said

" silent Dasi (maid) its your first husband who stake you and loose you, now you are my dasi"
" I am not a dasi..
Tell me Dharmraj whom you lost first TELL ME" she asked screaming loudly

" panchali first I lost my brothers, then myself and then you" Yudishthir said her

"When you already lost yourself then who gave you right to bet on me
When you lost yourself then what's your right on me" she asked in trembling voice

But no one know how to answer her questions because everyone present here is her criminal then Duryodhan said

"Panchali I can free you just come and sit on my lap -" But Draupadi pust him.with her full force and said

" you are disrespecting a sait(pure woman) "

" you push me a lowly dasi how dare you
Dussasan disrobe her they way she snatch our weapons in Inderprasth"

I WILL KILL YOU ALL 100 KAURAVAS I PROMISE YOU " Bheem said angrily while other 3 brother are ready to kill Duryodhan and Dussasan while Yudishthir bow down his head when Shakuni said
" my dear child She is my nephew's maid he can do anything "
" Putra Duryodhan stop that you are doing wrong please "
" Duryodhan that will destroy you stop your revenge right now"
" Duryodhan it's adharma "
Bhishma, Dron and Vidur said him

" you all give me your words to not interfere and now she is not a samraghi (empress) but my maid and I can punish her for disrespecting her master " Duryodhan said and sing Dussasan to continue

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