First Meeting

522 36 22

Another universe continue......

Soon after dinner everyone went to sleep in their respective chambers while Draupadi went to Krishna's chamber

" sakha help me how could I will sneek out help me" Draupadi said
" take this sakhi" krishn said and gave her some clothes
" what is this sakha" she asked
" normal clothes change in this and sneek out no one will stop you" he said
" Ok " And with that she take it and soon went out from palace
She was going inside of forest without realizing what danger is waiting for her, soon she reach in middle of forest where someone hold her hairs from behind when she turn her face she saw a ugly, dangerous and creepy monster (Asur)
" wahh kinte lambe samay paschat aesi sundar kanya dekhi Hai... ab tum meri Patni banogi " he said while tight his grip on her hairs
(After a long time I saw someone this beautiful now you are going to my wife)

" nhi nhi mujhe chod do dekho tum mujhe jante nhi ho mere bhrata, jiji aur sakha tumhe jivit nhi chodenge " she said while try to run but her bad he put her on his shoulder like a potato sack and start living

" help ...please somebody help me sakha help me " she scream as loud as she can
Soon they reach near a cave where he dump her and start coming toward her when a arrow precised his feet
When he turn he saw a heavenly handsome man with a normal bow But his arrows are not normal definitely
While Draupadi was lost in his beautiful face
" you should know that Nari(women), Narayani( Laxmi) and vinashni (end/ destroyer goddess) are belong to same zodiac sign
So it's better for you, if you leave that devi " that man said in his dominant voice But as usual he refused and that man killed him to save Draupadi
Slowly he went toward Draupadi and asked
" are you OK devi, did he hurt you"
" No mohody I am fine" she said

" so may I ask why are you here at that time" he asked
" sure but can I know who are you first" she asked
" sure I am Radhey a worrier " he said yes he is our hero karn
' Oh thank you Radhey I am Krishna maid of younger Panchal princess " she said
" Ok Krishna but why are you here at that time don't you know how unsafe it's for women to roam around at night " he asked softly
" yes I know but I want to see night blooming flower as they only found there and as they only bloom at night" she said sadly
" ohh okay so you wanna saw night blooming flower then come I will take you there " karn said while she nod cutely and start follow him.....soon they reach near a beautiful river
" see Krishna there is your flower" he said while indicating toward flower
She saw them excitedly, she was busy to admiring it while karn looking at her constantly but soon her face become dull
He asked worriedly
" what happen Krishna don't you like them"
" No Radhey I like them infact I love them but I can't grow it in my home as they attract insect and snakes " she said sadly
" ohh just this do one think grow some marigold beside it and put some neem smoke near it at evening.... insect and snake will not come" he said

Hi guys I just write it don't take it seriously

"Really Radhey " she asked like a curious kid while he just nod with a chuckled
She take some plants with her.

Soon he take her near palace
" Radhey when will we meet next " she asked with teary eyes
" ohh Krishna why are you crying dear.... don't cry okay I will meet you at every Ekadashi near that forest okay but at afternoon time not night as it's nor safe for you okay " he said with smile

" promise Radhey" she asked
" promise Krishna every Ekadashi okay" he said
And left from there.
Soon draupadi also reach to her room where she saw her dearest sakha sitting and smile mischievously
" so sakhi how is your forest trip did you find something interesting or someone interesting" he asked mischievously
" sakha you know na" draupadi whining
" I know what sakhi" he asked innocently
" Nothing  I am sleepy go back to your chamber and sleep or you will got dark circles " With this she shoo him. And come to her bed and sleep with Radhey's memory.

At present universe......

" Madhav how can you do this, you ask her to go there you know that this sutpurt is also there" Arjun asked angrily
Before draupadi or anyone else could say something krishn said in hard voice

" yes he is the same sutpurt who save your family dignity so show some respect or you are free to leave if bhrata duryodhan allow you as you all are still his slave "

" Vasudev how can you support this sutpurt I am dame sure he do this for his some evil purpose " Nakul said while sehdev just facepalmed

" Rajkumar Nakul just for once open your mouth to say this nonsense about my Arya infront of bhagwan Parashuram I am dame sure he will show you hell on earth " draupadi said angrily while bhanumati, duryodhan, Aswatthama and Gandhari just nod their head positively

" But Vasudev why you do this" Yudishthir asked While bheem also nod his head along with others including karn as he also want to know

" I suggest her even at that present time but she choose to consult with her family first
And it's draupadi who are different as at that time she showed her tough and ideal personality .....while at other time she show her soft, curious and real personality.
And for varnavrat at other timeline karn come to know about wax palace before you guys leave hence somehow he stop you......while at our time when he come to know about it you all already leave it hope you all clear" krishn said
While everyone nod . When karn asked

" But Keshav why all this happened I mean why everything is so different at both timeline.....any specific purpose "

" Arya did I hurt you this much that you can't even tolerate me" Draupadi asked with teary eyes....but before karn could say something bhanumati said
" yes samraghi you insult my jesht two times..... first in your swayamvar, infront of entire Aaryavrat
And then in rajsuiya yagna again infront of entire aaryavrat "

"What " draupadi said shockingly as she can't believe it

" yes panchali it's true you yourself show that sutpurt his original place" Bheem said proudly while she just crying while looking at downwards.

" sakhi you didn't do anything it's our draupadi who choose to follow useless society norms.
I know how much you love your Radhey calm down sakhi please " krishn said while she just nod silently
Karn also notice her all expression and he can say that she is so sad after knowing that. Well karn is not only one but all pandavs and kauravas also notice it.

" Ok let's continue now" krishn said and again resume

Another universe continue......

Hi guys after a long time but what I can do when I am not getting any good response.
Hence I decided that I will update next chapter only after 30 votes and 10 comments

Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗

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