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OK guys so some of my readers request me to write in English hence I will write in English mixed with some English words
Hope everyone is OK with it.

Another universe......

Everyone shocked to know that karn is younger suryaputra.
"So tell me Draupad is this your Dharma attack your soon to be son in law because he is your daughter's choice not yours " Suryadev asked angrily

" No Dev I don't know that he is your son i am sorry dev " Draupad said while trembling

"Oh so just because now you know that karn is my son so you are apologise. But remember Draupad I am not someone to forgive the person who hurt my children hence...
I SURYADEV THE KING OF NAVGRAHS CURSED YOU THAT YOU WILL FORGOT ALL KNOWLEDGE OF MY AND MY CHILDREN ASTRA " Suryadev said and cursed him angrily but his angry still not clam down because of constant humiliation and taunts his child tolerate.

He was trembling badly when karn come to him hug while murmuring
"Calm down pitashree....look I am fine ....nothing is happen with me."

"Yes Suryadev Vrisha is right please calm down and come meet with your daughter in law and blessed her" krishn said and signal draupadi to come near Suryadev.

She come and touch his feet while saying
" bless me pitashree "
"My blessings is always with you putri. I promise you whenever you need my help or my protection I will come to help you and protect you and always remember suryalok is your home whenever you want come to your family dear " Suryadev said in his gentle and smooth voice
Soon after blessing his son and daughter in law Suryadev left .....while everyone looking at karn while fear because they humiliate a suryaputra someone who is much superior then them all everyone want to alliance with him as it will be a golden opportunity in future.

"I think we should prepare for marriage" krishn said while looking at draupadi who is blushing badly and want to hide her face from him so that he can't tease her.

"Marriage what marriage she is not my daughter today just because of her I got cursed plus I want her to married with Arjun hence I disowned her from today she is not my daughter or princess of Dakshin Panchal " Draupad retorted in angre but now it's to much for karn till Draupad insult him he was Ok but know he is humiliating his wife. So he answer him back
" don't forget Maharaj Draupad that I am Parashuram shisy karn I am alone enough to make all Aryavrat my territory and today as the first wedding gift to make soon to be Wife I promise her with the name of my gurudev Bhagwan Parashuram that I will make her Samraghi of full Aryavrat "

"Let's see if that's happen then I will give my entire Rajya to draupadi as wedding gift " Draupad said in over confidence while other kings shooking their head on his stupidity because everyone in Aryavrat know about Parashuram shisy's capability, strength and power.
While krishn smile at karn decision because know Aryavrat is going to have its best ruler. While Arjun said furiously
"Just because you are suryaputra that doesn't mean that you will win all Aryavrat don't be so overconfident.....don't give her false hope"

"Rajkumar Arjun it's Radhey's concern how he will do it you don't have to worried about" Aswatthama said because it's enough for Aswatthama and Suyodhan to tolerate all humiliations to his friend.

With this Karn hold Draupadi's hand and take her to exit but not before taking Vasudev's blessings and best wishes.

At night they all karn, draupadi, Suyodhan and Aswatthama reach to Aangadesh where radha, Adhirath waiting for them along with bhanumati as she use to live in Aanga during Suyodhan's absence.
Karn introduce draupadi With his parents and bhanumati when someone said
"Putr can we also meet our daughter in law "
When karn and everyone turn they saw a divine couple standing on entrance, yes they are no one else but Bhagwan Parashuram and Mata dharni

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