Eternal pain and happiness cause exchange

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" Arya what is happening here " draupadi asked while looking at Karn which is huge shock for everyone including karn
He was looking at her like he saw a ghost 👻 👽 💀
But the biggest shock is waiting for everyone when she come infront of karn and put her on his cheeks and ask
" why are you looking at me like this huh" she said with a beautiful smile. But for pandavs it's a heart attack and Bheem can't control himself and grab her hand and said
" panchali what are you doing to this sutpurt" he asked in fuming voice Duryodhan was about to say something when panchali jerk his hand and said
" Rajkumar Bheem do you forgot that how to behave with a married woman and even my Arya is a sutpurt but he is hundred times better that you all brothers. " She was fuming badly while saying this like she is ready to kill him.
" samraghi what are you saying, I am not your husband....did you hurt your head somewhere. " Karn asked in concerning voice.
" Radhey did I do something but whatever I do you only love me and pamper me then why now you behaving like this" she asked in trembling voice
" panchali we five pandavs are your husbands not Angaraj Karn" Yudishthir said
" yes putri Yudishthiris saying right" kunti said while everyone nod their head in agreement.
" Suyodhan bhaiya what they all saying and why are you, Aswa bhaiya and Arya are silent why are accusing me to married five men chi even think about it I feel disgusting and they are saying this why are you silent. " She asked to Duryodhan to giving another attack to everyone including Duryodhan most shocking think is she is calling him Suyodhan which name everyone forgot except Karn and Aswatthama.
" they are saying truth Sakhi" everyone looking at the direction of voice and found Krishn is standing there.
" what are you saying Govind my husband is behaving strangly, everyone accusing me to married five men and you are saying it truth how ." She asked While crying.
" But when did I said that you are wrong" krishn
" then what is all happening Madhav " Arjun asked desperately.
" yes Keshav why samraghi behaving strange " Karn ask
" Vrisha just wait and listen to me, come sakhi" With this krishn hold Draupadi's hand and help her sit on a chair
" as you all know their so many universe with so many earths but let me tell you in so many earths there are so many kuru vash, karn, and draupadi, so currently whom you looking is the draupadi common wife of five pandavs but the soul inside her is from another universe and she is wife of Samrat Karn and Samraghi of Aryavrat " krishn tell everyone which shook their soul but the one affect most is draupadi and karn
Because she can't imagine that is she divided in five men while karn is think the woman insult him infront of all kings of Aryavrat is married him another universe how.

" Govind why I am in that condition, these injury and all" draupadi ask and krishn explain her everything while everyone put their head and eyes down except karn because he stop this

" great very great so you all five are my husbands in this world but you all are not even able to protect your wife what great maharathi you are, but Suyodhan bhaiya and Sussasan bhaiya how can you do this in this world you guys are hate me that much that you insult me and break me like this" she said while crying.
"Don't cry sakhi" krishn said
" Madhav but how can panchali marry this sutpurt " Arjun said
"Rajkumar Arjun stay in your limits Don't forget might be my Arya ignore you but I will not forgive you" she said angrily

" sakhi go and change and then comeback so that I can show them How you marry Vrisha
Bhanu bhabhishree please help her" krishn said

" Sakha that chudamani doesn't belongs to me and what they all did after that even for sake of their draupadi I don't want to wear it ..... can I remove it" draupadi asked
" Sure sakhi" krishn said while everyone wants to stop her but they can't because of their great, historical deed

 can I remove it" draupadi asked " Sure sakhi" krishn said while everyone wants to stop her but they can't because of their great, historical deed

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