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"psst jay-ah, why are you acting so flustered lately?" niki asked me, I just yelped as he suddenly whispered in my ear, I just chuckled nervously "it's nothing much, haha" I smiled a little hoping he would stop snooping with my thoughts. 

niki just let out a hum as he went back to snuggling on sunghoon's arm, "are you guys dating?" I asked, but sunghoon immediately started choking on his water while niki was patting his back, 

oh so they are- 


"not yet" sunghoon said as he smirked and looked at niki who just snuggled his head into sunghoon's arm to hide his flustered face that was now red.  


"oh look jay-ah jungwon is here!" I heard jake shout out, but I dared not to look back after what he had done to me yesterday, "jay-ah why are you not facing me?" I heard jungwon whisper in my ear, his hot breathe fanning over my ears which caused them to tingle. 

"why would I want to face you when the person I hate the most literally kis-msudfhiH" I felt two fingers get shoved into my mouth, 

jungwon's sudden turned me around which caught me off guard. he then removed his fingers from my mouth as he just smirked and licked his fingers that was in my mouth. 


then his other hand gentle yet firm lifted my chin up, directing my gaze to meet his. I could feel the weight of his intense stare bearing down on me, causing a nervous lump to form in my throat. 

I could now clearly see his state, messy hair with beads of sweat on his forehead, chest kind of showing with some buttons untied, I diverted my gaze as I looked away immediately, turning my head. 

what did he do to be in such a state? what a nasty guy, I bet he just hooks up with people, tsk. 

I heard jungwon scoff as he let go of my chin and sat down on the cafeteria bench, I just disregarded it and went back to my seat as well. 

I heard a whistle and saw sunghoon wiggling his eyebrows at me while I just scrunched my face up, ew no way he thinks like that.  

"heeddeungie hyung~!" I heard sunoo's chirpy voice as he walked towards heeseung, "the fuck is heeddeungie?" I heard jake question as everyone just turned towards him because he was not one to swear that much, which is what he says. 

"you should get this sorted out, really," I said as concern laced in my voice, jake just shrugged as he tried his best to ignore the couple that gave him misery, 

"jakey..." I said as a cute little frown appeared on my face unintentionally. 

jake then looked at me and giggled, "kiyowaaa~!" he said before pinching my cheeks, I just furrowed my eyebrows at him which looked funny I guess as he started cackling at this point, 

I heard a snicker and looked at everyone who was laughing at me, oh god why does this happen everytime, "ok stop!" he didn't listen as he kept on pinching on my cheeks, "S-STOP!" I said as I slapped his hand away, 

"bro first you get all depressed and then u suddenly start abusing my cheeks," I said as I huffed, 

"which cheeks?" niki asked as he wiggled his eyebrows, I just gave him a FAT disgusted look as I said "my cheeks on my face duh I literally have no ass what you on about,"    

"I know for sure you got some ass jay" I heard sunoo say which made me hide my face to cover my embarrassment. 

"okay but you can't talk! you, jake and heeseung need to solve your issue right now!" I shouted as I pointed at all of them while jake just raised his hands as an act of surrender. 

heeseung let out a sigh as he revealed something that made us all fall off the cafeteria benches, "I have been trying to say this but, i'm sorry sunoo I don't think it's working out, plus I already see you hanging around a lot with huening kai, I just don't feel anything anymore..." 

sunoo just sat there shocked, but it quickly got replaced with a smile, "it's okay, I understand, but let's just stay as friends for now," sunoo said as both heeseung and sunoo hugged eachother, I swear I heard jake grit his teeth. 

"OKAY WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS THE MOST CALMEST BREAK UP I HAVE SEEN!" sunghoon shouted out loud, the shock on his face was evident as he full on stood up after he fell off his bench.

"eh we shouldn't hold a grudge anyways, it's going to ruin everything," sunoo voiced as he just shrugged. 

"jay hyung I love you so much!" I heard jake say as he threw himself onto me,


"eehhhh?" I heard everyone say, but I felt two people glaring at me and jake. 

it was heeseung and jungwon who was glaring at both of us as both of their jaws clenched, "w-what do you mean love?" I asked jake nervously with the two people literally burning their eyes on us. 

"like a brother!" he said as he giggled innocently, I sighed in relief but I still felt two pairs of eyes piercing into my soul, I looked at heeseung and then wiggled my eyebrows as I smirked, "heeseung are you jealous?" I asked, but heeseung just coughed and acted like he didn't hear me. 

I just grinned at this and whispered something to jake, "mate I think heeseung is jealous of you hugging me...wait I got a plan what if you ******" I said while jake just showed me a cheeky smile as he gave me a thumbs up. 

now time for the plan to be acted upon! wait that didn't make sense did it? never mind. 

"is hyung jealous?" jake asked cutely as he stared into heeseung with his sweet, innocent doe eyes as he jutted his bottom lip out forming a pout. 

heeseung immediately tensed up as he choked on...air? now jungwon was busy patting his back as he was struggling to hold in his laugh. 

"don't worry jakey will give you a hug too," he said as he ran towards heeseung and gave him a hug while giggling, 

"that's wild, dude just broke up as well" I heard niki say while I just scoffed, "says the one that immediately fell in love with park sunghoon when you breathed the same air as him," I said but my mouth was immediately shut my niki slapping his hand over my mouth while sunghoon was slowly turning his head towards niki with a smug smile. 

but then I changed my focus onto sunoo who was busy cooing at heeseung and jake who were now cuddling?! 

click click

oh so now sunoo is taking pictures, you know what i'm going to join in too. 

click click

"you guys better send them to me." heeseung spoke while jake was now laying his head on heeseung's shoulder. 

guys im having writer's block what should the plot be after PLEASE SUGGEST.

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