Chapter 16 - Trying to fix everything, for something worser.

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Dogday and Catnap enter the dog house.
"What exactly should we cook?" Dogday asks with a smile.

Catnap forces a smile to cheer up.
"Maybe something like..."
He gives it a good minute.
"Maybe a coconut pie...?" Catnap smiles.

"Ouuu you have a taste... I would have never guessed you liked coconuts, especially coconut pies!!!" Dogday wags his tail.
"There's just one issue... I may not be able to eat it..." Dogday winks.

"Wait why?!" Catnap is confused.

"Too high in calories, if I eat some, I could gain unwanted weight..." Dogday says.

"Just a tinyyyy piece? Plus all it is is just coconut shavings!!!" Catnap gives Dogday 'puppy eyes', even though he's a cat.

"I mean, it shouldnt be that bad then!" Dogday smiles.

"Catnap, you work on the crust and Ill work on the custard."

Oddly enough, the critters have every food and drink you can think of.

Catnap began working on the crust, baking it every now and then.

Dogday makes the custard.

He adds coconut shavings into the custard once he's done cooking the custard. (yes you cook custard 😭.)

The crust is ready and Dogday pours the custard into the crust.

"We we just refrigerate it for 2 hours and put toppings on it! Like whipped cream and some more coconut shavings!!" Dogday says with a smile, looking over at the feline.

"2 hours???" Catnap slumps in his standing position, pouting.

"Do you want a runny pie or a nice and stable pie?" Dogday asks.

"Fine..." Catnap rolls his eyes.

"In the meantime... should we try talking to everyone?" Dogday asks with a worried expression.

"Yeah... might as well as get it over with." Catnap sighs.

"You wait here, im gonna go gather everyone." Dogday gives Catnap a warm hug, and a little smooch.
He leaves the house.

——— cutely time skip cuz im lazy.

Dogday comes back with the other 6 smiling critters, all confused.

Catnap is hiding on the couch under a blanket.

Dogday instructs everyone to sit on the floor, he walks over to the couch and sits down.

"What is happening..?" Craftycorn asks. 💀

"Okay so Ive heard what happened.." Dogday goes on to explain.
"I want to clarify that Catnap is not a traitor, okay?" Dogday makes himself clear- "The children we see in these visions or flash back- we arent them."
"We were created off these kids' brains. We are built around who they are and what they are and what they like."
"They used their brains to create us- giving us their memories and their personalities."
"Richie and Theo died together, because Theo wanted to protect Richie. Whenever the scientists did the procedure of building us around their brains, Catnap gained all of Theodores interests and memories and personality traits. Same with me." Dogday says.

"When Catnap first woke up for the first time. All he remembered was Theo and Richie getting killed together, and his first thought was fairness and revenge."
"He hated how only Theodore and Richie had to suffer, and then their brains becoming.. mascots." Dogday didn't know how to word shit properly.

"Catnap thought it was the only way for there to be peace and mercy- for all the orphans to die before they slowly suffered." He continues.
"He went and killed all the orphans. Really, we don't know if he felt like it or was told to..." Dogday finishes off.

Everyone is kind of silent, Catnap hiding lmao.

Everyone looks down in regret and guilt.
"We didn't really see it like that, we didn't fully know how Richie and Theo died, so we thought it was just..." Bobby goes on.

"Yeah, we didn't realize or think about there being a real purpose as to why Catnap.. killed them..." Picky states.

"Its okay, I sightly reacted the same way..." Dogday casually lies- and of course Catnap took NO OFFENSE.

"We owe him an apology..." Bubba says.

"And an explanation!!" Kickin lowkey sobbing.

"And maybe we all give him a big hug..?" Bobby looks at Dogday.

"If he's okay- Nope we giving him a group hug!!" Dogday smiles.

Dogday looks at the blanket and rips it off.
Instantly picking up Catnap and giving him a hug.

Everyone was flabbergasted.
They joined the hug moments later.

Catnap squirms because he hates hug's unless its Dogdays hugs.

Everybody breaks from the hug.
Dogday still holding Catnap awkwardly.

"We're all sorry Catnap..." Hoppy says.

"Its okay, I kind of heard everything anyways.." Catnap softly smiles.

"Well... reconciliation?" Bobby says, looking at everyone.

Everyone nods and smiles.

"We should have a sleep over!!!" Picky says.

"Yes!!!" Bobby, crafty, and hoppy agree.

Dogday gave a surprised expression.
"Sure then...." Dogday says.

Everyone else jumps up happily, dancing.

Catnap and Dogday decide to join in the fun.


Ulich looks at a computer screen in disbelief.
"No way Dogday got Richies memories back."

How did Ulich find out? I guess someone spoke too loudly...?

"We are gonna get him when he's asleep. Put him in an incinerator... but of course torture him before we burn him...." Ulich laughs.

Smiling critters- "Starting to go beyond." (Fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now