Chapter 2: Lucie

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A/N: The Song used in the beginning is Good Life by OneRepublic.

Paris was beautiful, but not even the sunny weather and lovely people could stop me from thinking about home. Hmm...home. That word used to make me happy and comfortable, but now the word brought me nothing but emptiness to my heart. The three years of being seperated from Cordelia and Jem were the worst years of my life. The empty halls of our house was always filled with music, laughter, explosions made by Henry or Christopher, poetry being read to us by dad of Jaime and voices filled with happiness and energie. Now there was no trace of those sounds and it was so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat beating. Since they were banished by Alastair and the rest of their family. The rest of us has been trying not to show what we felt about the situation.

Matthew has been partying more then he should. Drinking, dancing, being with multiple ladies and being unstable. He felt guilty and he wasn't the only one. Anna was being cold and distant and she gave Jamie and Grace a piece of her mind before pushing us all away. She went with her girlfriend Maria on a trip around Europe and even went to the Paris Fashion Week, where she saw Cordelia and Jem modeling with some of Maria's friends. Christopher was more intersted in his studies then in Grace or the parties. Together with Thomas, they went to France and went to the same school as Jem, who seemed popular among the students. They didn't stay long, because Alastair was watching them and so were Grace and James.

Jesse  was the only one who stayed in Londen with me, but even he was careful. He was trying to get away from his sister, who seemed to not want him to hang out with a little, flat bodied girl, whose opinions doesn't matter to anyone, especially to The Crowd. Jesse came to me every night to comfort me and to figure out how my mind, body and soul were  ghosting in his mind. He brought me the happiness that I have lost, even if the happiness only came in the night.Grace was happier then usual and that creeped me out. She lived her life like a queen. Partying with The Crowd at night and sleeping with my brother (and i think even Alastair) during the day. Alastair was happy with the power he had over the rest of us. He was in the Carstairs family mansion with his parents. Colette was trying to make amends with Cordelia, but Cordelia never responded to her texts, Phone calls, letters or video chats. Cordelia even removed her parents, Alastair, Grace, James and The Crowd from her Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And James...he seems to do well. He pretends to be glad they're gone, but in the end he keeps track of a stalker. James was so guilty, that he had a part of his bedroom wall filled with maps and locations of Paris, pins and waxed threats pin pointing any location she went. Mom and dad were worried sick about Jamie's behaviour, but also were sad for leaving Jem and Cordelia to their misfortunate fate. We knew the reason Cordelia had to leave, but we never knew why Jem was sent away. It must have been something between my father and jem.

Now I'm in Paris with Matthew and Cordelia hanging out at a bakery with coffee on one hand and croissants in the other talking rapidly and catching up on lost time. I felt the happiness that I could only have with Jesse rising and making me whole again. While we were being loud and wild, Matthew stopped us and showed us a tweet that came through Twitter.

 While we were being loud and wild, Matthew stopped us and showed us a tweet that came through Twitter

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 We looked around the Streets and noticed nothing strange. After walking and shopping around Paris, we came back to the apartment to see my father and Jem getting cozy in the kitchen. But they looked worried. Jem was probaly trying to cook and dad was distracting him. I noticed that my father seems rather close with Uncle Jem, just as close as with mom when they're alone. "Ah...the Dalmations have returned. Just in time for diner. Fettuccine with Creamy pasta and tuna." Matthew, Cordelia and I smelled the food and they almost drooled if it wasn't for the look on both Jem and Dad's faces. " cook Fettuccine with pasta and tuna? Our favorite food in this lifetime? Okay what's the good news?" Matthew said looking puzzled. Will looked unsure, but said the words that we all have been waiting for.

"The production for the tv show 'Crossed' is moving to London and you are going to stay at the Ke Shanghai mansion. " We all screamed and jumped from happiness and danced around. Ke Shanghai was the mansion that  Jem and I owned while we lived in Londen. We used to have parties, movie marathons and sleepovers thrown there and they were great. "But that's not all." Jem said and we looked curious. "I am now officially the owner of the Kingsroad again. The re-opening will be this Saturday. And The Crowd will be there...including James, Alastair and Grace. They don't know who the owner is thought." I laughed and looked at Cordelia's face who seems to smile a devious smile like Matthew and Jem. "It's time to pack. Let's call Cassidy, Marissa and the band. They'll be thrilled to hear were going to be shooting in Londen." Jem said looking amused. We all looked at one another and then afterwars all to Cordelia, who seems to still have that smirk.

"Time to pack. It's time to take back our crowns. We will destroy him and the rest of them."

Hey! hope this chapter was good. If you want the characters or me (the author) to answers questions about their purpose in the story and what they will go through in this story. Let me know in the comments section below like this:

To: Lucie and Jessie

fill in Quetsion


see you soon


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