Chapter 6: First meetings and The 'Queen'

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AN: Okay so this chapter will be in different short third pov's from Cordelia, Lucie , James, Jesse and Matthew. This chapter is only on The girls' POV. The next one will be of the boys.

If you have any tips on how to write any character from The Last Hours, send me a message. Oh and I know that Jesse and Lucie are related according to the 'found family tree', but I made him in this story not her cousin. Tatiana is not related to Gabriel and Gideon, but has a different shadowhunter last name Crossmark. 

And i'm planning on making a infernal devices fan story about Sophie and the gang taking place in the 21st century.

Lucie: The first 'real' meeting song in this scene is: Bastille - Oblivion

"I can't believe that my nightmare came true." Lucie wrote in her journal.  "After hoping that my heart would not be shattered by the boy who occupied my mind ever since I heard his name. The events of  4 days ago hit me every time I look at the necklace he gave me. The necklace had a golden chain with a golden bird being surrounded by silver thorns. He gave it to me the moment we 'really' met." Lucie wrote it down in her journal the first time she saw him looking at her.

'Jesse was someone I once saw at a party that Grace had thrown in celebration of her brother's return from Budapest, the capital and also the largest city of Hungary. He was not looking at the girl who Grace had introduced him to, who was desperately trying to get his attention. He was looking at me, with his green eyes that reminded me of the forest in broad daylight. I choose to ignore it and went in search for Cordelia who was talking to someone on her phone. I saw her waiting for me at the front porch ready to leave. I looked at Jesse one last time before making my exit.' 

"After wondering for days when I'm going to see him again, my prayers had been answered a few days later. It was a raining Sunday evening after Cordelia and Jem went on a vacation in Italy. Cordelia invited me to come with her, but I got sick. My parents were in America visiting some friends and James was somewhere camping outside of London with Matthew, Christopher and Thomas. I stayed at home, because I was almost ready with my story and was a little sick. Suddenly I heard a few knock on the front door." She wrote down. Lucie looked at the last few written words before thinking about that day.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you , but can I stay here until  the rain is not falling hard from the skies?"  He asked me polite and I nodded. Lucie let him in and saw that his clothes were wet. "You are soaked almost to the bone. Let me grab some clothes from my brother's closet." She said to him quickly while going upstairs to grab some trousers and a sweather. Jesse apparantly followed me and found the bathroom, where he started to undress. I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"I am not sure if your in the shower already, but I'll put the sweather and pants on the floor. Good luck!" Lucie said to Jesse before going downstairs to prepare some coffee. She mostly would have some tea, but she needed to stay awake for a long time if she wants to finish her story. She heard Jesse coming downstairs in her brothers clothes. "I put my clothes in the dryer...hope you don't mind?" He said nervously. "Of course not. Here's some coffee." she said quietly. "Oh? Thank you kindly." he said while pouring himself a cup of coffe in a dark gray mug. "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jesse Blackthorn. I saw you at the party a few days ago." Jesse said, looking deep in her eyes. Lucie almost stuttered, but kept her cool. "Hello Jesse. My name is Lucie Herondale and I saw you to at that party a few days ago." she said to him in the same blank voice as his. He started to smile and let out a little laugh. "So...sorry for disturbing you in your writing process, but I had no other choice." He said before talking a sip from his coffee.

"How did you know I was writing?" she asked. "When I'm writing a essay or a short story for fun, I also drink coffee to wake me up." Jesse spoke to her. They kept looking at one another before they both laughed. "Interesting...You don't look like someone who would write stories or read books at all."  he smiled at her and said: "I love to write and read some books whenever I have free time on my hands, but my step-sister Grace reads fashion and lifestyle magazines rather than actual books. And if she writes, dear god, you would be shocked." He laughed and Lucie did also. The thought of Grace reading a actual book made her laugh. The two of them spoke for like a hour until the rain has stopped. Lucie wanted to know him more, but all things must come to a end. After putting his own clothes in a bag, he promised to give her James' clothes back.

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