Chapter 2 - Invite Yourself Over

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Will saw Jackie talking to Ziggy when Will turned his back.  Ziggy looked at Will and Will turned around fast because Lila was going to recite her poem.  Will heard Ziggy dismiss Jackie and head over towards Will.  Will tried to keep his composure.  "Well if it isn't Willie.  Do you like hanging out here now?"  Ziggy had a greasy smile which looked unnatural on his face.

"Shhh.  Lila is on."  Lila recited her Marshall Islands poem.  Will could see how passionate she was for a place hardly anybody in Bloomington knew existed.  She cares and Will found that very admirable.  Will saw Jackie watching with rapt attention while Ziggy was staring at Will.  When Lila finished Will clapped along with everyone else.

"Byers, my songs are quite personal and are not unlike a poem.  Maybe you would like to hear one of them."  Will blushed which Ziggy picked up on.  "Maybe sometime you can play one for me.  Excuse me."  Will followed Jackie and congratulated Lila on her poem.  He asked about the Marshall Islands and she told him a couple articles to read to educate himself on their plight.  Will turned around after saying goodbye  and Ziggy was right in front of him like a wall.  He looked so imposing carrying his guitar on his back. 

"Well I have some time and I know you don't have practice so maybe I can play something for you."  Will didn't know what to think "I would, but I have some chores to do so I have to go home.  Maybe we can plan on another day."  Ziggy looked at Will like he was annoyed.  "I have time now, so I'll just go home with you and we could hang out.  You can do what you need to get done."  Will felt cornered "fine Ziggy.  I live a ways from here though."  Will hoped Ziggy could take a hint.  "No problem Byers.  I like walking."  Will and Ziggy left and Will walked his bike home while Ziggy followed in a silence which almost seemed comfortable to Will, almost.  After 20 minutes they arrived at the Byers home.

"I didn't realize you lived so far away Will.  This is out toward the colleges you know."  Will snorted "Yeah, I don't live in the North side neighborhoods like you do which are closer."  Will heard Ziggy mention to some others one time where Ziggy mentioned where he lived.

Will grabbed the 4 letters from the basket Bob had set up.  They all wanted to buy a copy of their computer game.  Will went to go to the Computer Complex to fill out the orders, which was actually the small shed they built.  Ziggy followed.  Will unlocked the shed and the two walked inside.

"What is this place Will?  There is almost as many computers in here as the school computer lab."  Will spoke "my step-dad is into computers.  We started a computer game software company called BW Games.  We have a game called Swords and Potions that we are selling."  Ziggy looked around the shed "this would be ideal for a recording studio.  My parents are always bothering me and I need more privacy.  I could make tapes and stuff if I had a place like this."  Will laughed internally at Ziggy geeking out about his music, but Will found him interesting.

"What are you doing Will?"  "I'm packaging up some games people purchased.  We sell mainly through ads in 7 different magazines and newspapers and through word of mouth.  Today we sold 4 games."  Ziggy noticed the label on the floppy disk.  "I've seen that game in school.  The computer geeks are always playing it in Mrs. Craddy's class before class in the morning.  They are terra-involved in the game.  I can't believe you are keeping this secret Byers."  Will learned that secrets are sometimes vital for surviving.  Will acted like he didn't hear his comment.

"You mean Mr. Newby is your step-dad."  Ziggy saw the picture Jonathan took of Will and Bob when they built this small building.  "You know him?"  Will couldn't hide the surprise and shock in his voice.  "Not very well, but I have a radio show on Friday nights on WBLC which is the college radio station.  People listen to my new music and call in to comment.  I love that there is a public station in town that allows people like me to reach an audience.  I seen Mr. Newby once when we had trouble with our transmitter.  He fixed it and I could finish my show that one night a year ago.  I see him sometimes working on something."  Will wasn't surprised the college had Bob fix things.  He was talented on certain things.

Will finished the orders and went to the house where his Mom and Bob were.  They were both late today and Will wasn't too upset.  Now he has to explain about Ziggy.

"Will, who is this guy?  He looks so much like Mike."  Joyce saw Ziggy for the first time.  "Mom, Dad, this is my friend Ziggy Katz.  We share a class together and I invited him over."  Joyce smiled at the boys "nice to meet you Ziggy.  You can call me Joyce."  Bob came up "you play guitar, right.  I think I seen you at the radio station."  "That's me Mr. Newby.  I seen you there fixing stuff."  Bob laughed "well I am Bob Newby Superhero, right Will."  Will laughed nervously and Ziggy cracked a big smile.

"Well guys, we were thinking about ordering pizza.  Do you want to pick Ziggy?"  Joyce and Bob looked at him.  "Really, I know a really good place that has great pizza.  It's a little more expensive but is worth it."  "We don't care if it costs a little more.  We will pay for it if it means finding a new place to order from."  Joyce told Ziggy.  "Thank you Mrs. Newby, oh I mean Joyce.  I'm Jewish so I can't have pork products, is that ok?"  Joyce laughed "actually, I don't tell many people this, but Will and I are Jewish ourselves.  We aren't as observant as we should be but we try to observe the same rule."  Ziggy felt like he belonged and not like a freak as he did when he was at other friends houses.  They would always give him grief over his dietary restrictions.

"Great, I was thinking about one medium BBQ beef pizza and one large hot chicken pizza.  There is a great place uptown called Dominic's that has the best pizza and Italian food and they deliver."  Everyone nodded at Ziggy.  "Good, can I use your phone and have an address so they can deliver."  Will gave a magazine with an address to Ziggy and Ziggy called the number he had memorized.  "Thanks man."  Ziggy hung up the phone.  "It will be here in 45 minutes because they have alot of orders tonight."  "That's fine Ziggy.  Can you tell us about your guitar and your music?"  Bob asked.  Ziggy couldn't believe this, first they let him pick the pizza and now they wanted to know about his music.  Ziggy would love if his parents would act like this with him.  Will is very fortunate to have parents like this.

"I will, I just need to call home to let them know."  Joyce went to the phone with Ziggy "if you dial your number I'll talk to your parents."  This Joyce was a real sweetheart.  "Hello, this is Roger Katz, to whom am I speaking to?"  Joyce felt he was a bit formal "Hello Mr. Katz, this is Joyce Newby.  Your son Ziggy came home with my son Will.  Ziggy is staying over for Supper and he will be here for about 2 more hours.  Will will drive him home when it's time if this is okay with you."  Roger responded "that is fine Joyce.  Thank you for calling.  Is Ziggy behaving?"  Joyce smiled "Ziggy is a pleasure to have here.  He is welcome anytime."  Roger grunted "well that is new.  Have a good night Mrs. Newby."  "Bye."  Joyce said to a hung up phone.

Ziggy was setting up with his guitar when everyone wanted to hear him play.  He sang one of his more popular songs and Will seemed like he enjoyed it.  Joyce requested another song and Ziggy sang Alumni Alone because he didn't have his electric guitar.  Afterwards Will requested a song.  Ziggy wasn't used to having people wanting to hear his music as much, unless he was on the air.  "Okay, I was going to debut this song on the air on Friday, but you can hear it now."

"Pieces of Gold straddling paper.

All into nothing and turning to vapor."

Ziggy sang and Will was captivated.  Bob and Joyce sat near each other smiling while Ziggy noticed hazel eyes looking at him.  Right then did Ziggy know he had a hit on his hands.  Ziggy sang and he felt good entertaining people.  "That was great Ziggy!"  Joyce told him.  "Yeah, that was my favorite of the three songs."  Will added.  Bob looked at Ziggy "do you know any Kenny Rogers songs?"  Bob asked totally serious.  Will looked at Ziggy and both started laughing.  "Uhh, I don't know any country songs, sorry." Bob looked at the two boys and Joyce. "Hey, he is a good singer.  You can borrow my records if you want."  Joyce cut in "Bob, not everyone is into country music."  Will was glad his Mom said something.

Knock, knock.  "Pizza's here."  Bob went to pay for the pizza.  "Wow, this smells really good."  Bob set up the Pizzas while Joyce and Will grabbed plates, napkins, and something to drink.  "We only have grape soda Ziggy.  Do you want that or Milk?"  "Grape soda is fine."  Will prepared a large glass with ice for him.  "We're out of Dr. Pepper honey."  Bob sounded hurt because that was his favorite soda.  "The Dr. isn't making housecalls tonight Bobby." 

After eating everyone was more than satisfied with the food.  Ziggy felt good knowing he shared something he enjoyed and people he doesn't really know enjoyed it also.  Ziggy felt comfortable with the Byers-Newbys.  Now he had to ask the one question he had running in his head since Joyce brought it up.

"Who is this Mike guy that Joyce mentioned earlier?"

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